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# $Id: README,v 1.6 2000/06/09 20:39:14 nugget Exp $
# stats-html tree
# The intention is for all of us to work with local copies of the
# tree in our home directories.  I have configured apache to use
# virtual hosts which point to ~/stats-html/ in each of our 
# respective home directories.
# For example, will use bovine's
# copy of stats in ~bovine/stats-html/.
# You'll note that there is no ./rc5-72/index.html file.  This is
# normal, as it is one of the pages that is regenerated every 
# evening.  Since there's no index.html, apache is configured to fall
# back onto index.php.
# When you're happy with the changes you've committed, you can do a 
# "sudo webrootsync" to update /usr/local/htdocs/stats-html/ with
# the current tree.
# Decibel has been keeping an informal "to-do.txt" list of the stuff
# that needs to get done.  I committed that file and it makes sense 
# to me that we'd use it as a general scratchpad of items to do and 
# items we're each planning on tackling.  The format of the file 
# could stand to get standardized a bit.
# I like cows!