Jupyter maths and physics projects for school
- Free particle gaussian wave packet plot
- Atomic emmission calculator
- Project 0, basic plotting and Lagrange polynomial interpolation
- Project 1, Integration of a truncated ellipsoid (Monte Carlo)
- Project 2, ODE I: Projectile motion with wind resistance (Euler, Euler-Cromer, Midpoint)
- Project 3, ODE II: Orbital mechanics of Halley's Comet (Euler-Cromer, Runge-Kutta-4, Adaptive RK4)
- Project 4, PDE I: Diffusion (FTCS, DuFort-Frankel)
- Project 5, PDE II: Advection-Diffusion (FTCS, Lax-Wendroff, Upwind, Leap-Frog)
- Project 6, PDE III: 3D Laplace (Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, Successive Over-Relaxation)
- Set relations for fun