phpsvnclient is a class that can perform read operations from a SVN server (over WebDAV).
It can be used to retrieve files from an SVN repository in pure PHP, thus without using separate programs or the need to have SVN support within PHP.
It accesses a given remote SVN repository using the WebDAV protocol and performs several types of operations:
- List all files in a given SVN repository directory
- Retrieve a given revision of a file
- Retrieve the log of changes made in a repository or in a given file between two revisions
- Get the repository's latest revision
New BSD License
saddor ethansmith1 deadpan110 khartnjava
phpsvnclient is hosted at Google Code.
Fetch file contents in SVN repository:
require_once 'phpsvnclient.php';
$phpsvnclient = new phpsvnclient('');
$file_content = $phpsvnclient->getFile('trunk/phpsvnclient.php');
echo $file_content;
Dump raw SVN description information about a folder:
require_once 'phpsvnclient.php';
$phpsvnclient = new phpsvnclient('');
$raw_dump = $phpsvnclient->rawDirectoryDump('/trunk/');