Backend already configured using koa, works with cors You would need a local version of mongodb installed on your machine.
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A simple create-react-app with lendlord's logo
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You are asked to describe a model following user roles: Manager Worker Driver
Each user have the following attributes:
- firstName
- lastName
- dateStarted
- salary
Each worker / driver has a specific manager to manage him.
Define the following APIs:
- getAllUsers - returns an array of users
- getUserById
- update
- create
- delete
- getManagerAndEmployees - returns a manager object with an array of his employees
Frontend: Create a table to display all of the information. Add to the table the following actions: Create, Edit, Delete
Table should display all information along with the manager name for each employee
Bonus: Add sort and filter for the table
You can use a local mongo db or the following db:
You can use the following design or any other design you’d like: