Firefly Zero version of the Flappy Gopher game.
Reinterpreted from the implementation here:
The main program has 2 important functions.
The update()
function is used to manage the state of the game. It controls the game rules and behavior. This function will be called many times per second. This is where the program checks to see if the player has pressed any buttons, and controls the logic about if the player has been hit by a wall, the score of the game, etc.
The render()
function is called to display the game graphics. It controls how things look on the screen, such as drawing the graphics for the gopher and the walls. The function is called only when the screen needs to be refreshed, which is less often than the update()
function that controls the game play.
The game has three different modes:
- before a new game has startedplay
- while the game is being playedgameover
- after the game has ended
As such, there is an updateStart()
function and a renderStart()
function for the start
Likewise, there is a updatePlay()
function and a renderPlay()
function for the play
And of course an updateGameover()
function and a renderGameover()
function for the gameover
The game has 2 different things that are involved with the game play. One is the gopher
that the player is controlling. There is a gopher
type that represents the player.
The other are the walls
that the player is trying to have the gopher
avoid crashing into. There is a walls
type for managing all of the walls, and then a separate wall
type for each individual wall.
This diagram shows the relationship between the different game functions, game modes, and the game models.
flowchart TD
subgraph main
A --> U{update}
A --> R{render}
subgraph start
U -->|update| US[updateStart]
R -->|render| RS[renderStart]
subgraph play
U -->|update| UP[updatePlay]
R -->|render| RP[renderPlay]
subgraph gameover
U -->|update| UG[updateGameover]
R -->|render| RO[renderGameover]
subgraph models
US --> G(gopher)
US --> WS(walls)
subgraph walls
WS --> W1(wall 1)
WS --> W2(wall 2)
WS --> W3(wall 3)
WS --> WN(wall n...)
UP --> G
UP --> WS
UG --> G
UG --> WS
RS --> G
RS --> WS
RP --> G
RP --> WS
RO --> G
RO --> WS