This repository constains all sources used in the paper "Speeding Up Pseudo-Boolean Propagation". They are built on top of the latest paper version of RoundingSat Version v2 May 31, 2020 that we can find in the literature which presented rigorous experimental evaluations of different pseudo-Boolean propagation mechanisms.
This improved version of roundingSat uses a novel methodology to precisely assess the performance of counter and watch-based propagation mechanisms presented in the paper. We also carefully evaluated its improved implementation variants with better memory management leveraging SAT-solver implementers’ knowledge. Finally, we conclude that both propagation routines are very comparable and it's strongly suggested to use a hybrid method.
The experiments have been done in a cluster with 10 nodes of type Dell PowerEdge R240 with Intel Xeon E-2124. Every solver on a node is set to have 4 cores and 15GB of memory available. The time limit is 3600 seconds.