VHDL support for Visual Studio Code
VHDL by VHDLwhiz is a fork of the puorc.awesome-vhdl plugin with altered snippets that conform to the VHDLwhiz coding style. It includes templates for VHDL modules, testbenches, and ModelSim DO scripts.
I've forked my favorite VHDL plugin to make it better. Save time by using this plugin to generate the initial project files for you!
- Added syntax highlighting for "context" keyword
- Fixed snippet list on the Details page not rendering correctly
- Added "-voptargs=+acc" to modelsimrundo snippet to prevent Questa from removing unused signals
- New "sh" snippet for creating a shared variable
- New "ox" snippet for (others => 'X')
- Changed "pro" snippet with option to delete sensitivity list after first Tab
- Changed range of std_logic_vector in "typarr" snippet to "downto"
- Minor improvements to other snippets
- Syntax highlighting
- Code snippets
- Code completion
- Brace matching
- Line and block commenting
Snippet | Description |
modelsimrundo | Generate a run.do script for a VHDL testbench |
When you type a snippet in a VHDL file and hit Enter, the plugin will generate template code for you. Then, use the Tab key to move the cursor to the next placeholder.
Snippet | Description |
as | assert default severity |
asw | assert warning |
ase | assert error |
asf | assert failure |
arch | architecture |
c | constant |
ca | case |
decr | sig <= sig - 1 |
el | else |
eli | elsif |
ent | entity |
entarch | entity architecture |
fa | falling_edge() |
fo | for loop |
fun | function |
gen | for generate |
i | if else |
incr | sig <= sig + 1 |
int | integer |
intd | integer range x downto y |
intt | integer range x to y |
o0 | others => '0') |
o1 | others => '1') |
ox | others => 'X') |
pack | package |
pro | process |
proar | asynch process with reset |
profsm | FSM process |
pros | synch process |
prosr | synch process with reset |
proc | procedure |
rep | report a message |
ri | rising_edge() |
s | signal |
sh | shared variable |
si | signed |
sid | signed(x downto y) |
sit | signed(x to y) |
sir | signed(sig'range) |
sl | std_logic |
slv | std_logic_vector |
slvd | std_logic_vector(x downto y) |
slvt | std_logic_vector(x to y) |
slvr | std_logic_vector(sig'range) |
toi | to_integer(sig) |
tos | to_signed(-1, sig'length) |
tou | to_unsigned(0, sig'length) |
typarr | array type |
typfsm | FSM type/signal |
typrec | record type |
un | unsigned |
und | unsigned(x downto y) |
unt | unsigned(x to y) |
unr | unsigned(sig'range) |
v | variable |
vhdl | VHDL template |
vhdltb | VHDL testbench template |
w | when STATE => |
wh | while loop |
wf | wait for |
wo | wait on |
wu | wait until |
Install from the Visual Studio Marketplace or by searching for "vhdlwhiz.vhdl-by-vhdlwhiz" in the Extension view (Ctrl+Shift+X) in VSCode.
This extension is licensed under the MIT License. Please see the third-party notices file for details on the third-party binaries that we include with releases of this project.