- In today's node development, most of the time we tend to create an web api server and all the things around it (mostly).
- We have a certain steps of work needs to be done before actually work on your project, like creating the web server, attaching the api endpoints to it, error handling middlewares and all.
- Also, it have to be in proper structure with all the things segregated from one another.
- To do all this things we utilize the first couple of hours in it.
- Bonus steps will be added to create the development with typescript.
- So, to eradicate this problem, I have created this repository.
- This is a web server with typescript.
- Below are the packages used in this project.
- express : Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js
- cookie-parser : To get the cookies from the request in the request.cookies.
- cors : To enable CORS.
- morgan : HTTP request logger middleware.
- dotenv : To load the environment variables from .env files into process.env.
- swagger-jsdoc : Reads the JSDoc-annotated source code and generates an OpenAPI(Swagger) specification.
- swagger-ui-express : To serve auto-generated swagger-ui generated API docs from express.
- helmet : To secure the app by setting various HTTP headers.
- express-bouncer : To mitigate brute-force attacks.
- To run the typescript in development, I used the nodemon + ts-node combo.
- The application provides some scripts for building and running the application in development and production.
"dev": "nodemon src/app.ts",
"pre-build": "rm -rf ./dist/",
"build": "npm run pre-build && tsc -p . && npm run post-build",
"post-build": "cp -r ./src/public ./dist/public",
"start": "node dist/app.js"
Update the .env as per your configuration.
Also, when you use nodemon for debugging/hot-reloading the application, please change the
# .env
to get the swagger API documentation page, where all the dummy api will be shown.
Check the .env for the APP_ENVIRONMENT
value, change the value as in development
or production
- Don't know which will be good practice to export and imports.
- Configure Cookie Parser for the following in typescript
app.use(cookieParser(COOKIE_SECRET, {
secure: true,
httpOnly: true,
domain: DOMAIN,
- Improvise the project by establishing some security aspects of node.
For any suggestions, or bugs, please raise issues.