Automatically creates 28 different expressions from a given image using Automatic1111 Stable Diffusion WebUI API. The application uses Inpainting with After Detailer Extension to inpaint the following expressions on the face:
For the latest changes, goto: Change Log
Emotion | Emotion | Emotion | Emotion |
Admiration | Amusement | Anger | Annoyance |
Approval | Caring | Confusion | Curiosity |
Desire | Disappointment | Disapproval | Disgust |
Embarrassment | Excitement | Fear | Gratitude |
Grief | Joy | Love | Nervousness |
Neutral | Optimism | Pride | Realization |
Relief | Remorse | Sadness | Surprise |
The above is an example anime expressions on the following image without cherry picking results.
The above is an example realistic expressions on the following image without cherry picking results.
Python3 Prefer version 10
Automatic1111 Stable Diffusion WebUI API
- Online Services
- I'm currently working on integrating my CivitAI-Model-Downloader to automatically download LORAs.
Run With Docker (Requires Docker)
Now AutoExpress is also available as a Docker Image
Pull image from DockerHub
docker pull deepratna/autoexpress
docker run -p 5000:5000 deepratna/autoexpress
- Clone repository
git clone
cd AutoExpress
- Run installer
- Linux
chmod +x ./
- Windows (Simply execute the install.bat file)
git clone
cd AutoExpress
- Create and activate virtual enviorenment
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
- Install Requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Linux
chmod +x ./
- Windows (Simply execute the run.bat file)
Connect to the AutoExpress UI at
You can check if the api is active by accessing the docs (if running locally)
It's pretty Straight forward. Keep an eye on the logs in the console. Dropping an image will auto populate all attributes in the UI if the image has Stable Diffusion info text. Only supports A1111 WebUI API for now.
PS: This is a very handy tool to use with Silly Tavern to generate character expressions sprites for any bot.
- Change pose along with expression keeping consistent clothes and background. (Probably via Controlnets and ADetailer)
- Better Expressions for Realistic Images.
- Tests to check each module.
Avery Velfaire for bug fixes, UI design, and prompt engineering.