The Pins are un-numbered. So I adopted a convention:
They run from top left (GND) as 1 to bottom left (VBUS) and then from bottom right (5V) to top right (IO00).
LilyGo | MPU |
VDD3V3 (14) | VCC |
GND (15) | GND |
IO20 (23) | SCL |
IO19 (24) | SDA |
LilyGo | Buttons |
VDD3V3 (13) | VCC |
GND (1) | GND |
IO8 (32) | LEFT |
IO7 (33) | RIGHT |
IO6 (34) | DOWN |
IO5 (35) | UP |
Looking on to the pinheader, solderside down
IO0 | GND | NC | VCC | RX | TX | EN |
DTR | GND | NC | VCC | TX | RX | RTS |
pipenv run bokeh serve visualisation --args --fft