This repository is used to create zarf packages of multiple add-ons for EKS.
The main intention is to be used with our terraform module terraform-aws-eks. These Zarf packages will consume resources staged in AWS automatically or with Zarf you can override the values using a values.yaml file, providing your own values with a VALUES_OVERRIDES Zarf variable for each package.
The example below will template the output with arbitrary overrides akin to a helm template
# make junk dir
DEMO=$(mktemp -d)
# adding extra labels with helm chart values overrides
cat << EOF > $DEMO/cluster-autoscaler-values-overrides-demo.yaml
extraLabel: "whatever"
awsRegion: "us-gov-west-1"
# go to cluster-autoscaler package dir
pushd packages/cluster-autoscaler
# template helm charts with zarf dev and zarf variables
# all output
zarf dev find-images --deploy-set VALUES_OVERRIDES=$DEMO/cluster-autoscaler-values-overrides-demo.yaml --why "kind"
# input var file changes
zarf dev find-images --deploy-set VALUES_OVERRIDES=$DEMO/cluster-autoscaler-values-overrides-demo.yaml --why "kind" | grep -A 10 -B 10 "us-gov-west-1\|whatever"
# cleanup
rm -rf $DEMO
unset DEMO