- xxl-job-admin web
- rocketmq
- prometheusAlert-v4.9.1
- Project: https://github.com/feiyu563/PrometheusAlert
- About: A Alert-Center for Prometheus Grafana and Graylog, alert message deliver to Wechat/Feishu/Lark/email/DingTalk/workWechat/webhook/telegram ...
- kafka-2.8.1
- zookeeper-3.7.0
- canal-server-1.1.6
- Project: https://github.com/alibaba/canal
- About: Subscription MySQL binlog to mysql/kafka/es/hbase/rocketMQ.
- Kadalu-Operator-v1.1.7
- Project: https://github.com/kadalu/kadalu
- About: A lightweight Persistent storage solution for Kubernetes using GlusterFS in background.
- Yearning-v3.1.7
- Project: https://github.com/cookieY/Yearning
- About: A most popular sql audit platform for mysql.
- Apollo-v2.2.0
- Project: https://github.com/apolloconfig/apollo
- About: Apollo is a reliable configuration management system suitable for microservice configuration management scenarios.
Helm Charts repository: https://dellnoantechnp.github.io/helm-chart-xxl-job-admin/
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helm search repo dellnoantechnp