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full forest treebanking

FFTB is a tool for treebanking with DELPH-IN grammars that allows the selection of an arbitrary tree from the “full forest” without enumerating/unpacking all analyses in the parsing stage.

This is a clone of the official Woodley’s SVN repository:

More information at

How was it created?

git svn clone --stdlayout --prefix=svn/ --authors-file=authors.txt
cd treebank
git for-each-ref --format="%(refname:lstrip=-1) %(objectname)" refs/remotes/svn/tags

The last command returned a list of tags in the SVN. Only one tag was created

git tag packard-2015 b6eed89c6b0d2fbc251cbcc44a279b31b1a1b7d9

How to update it with the SVN changes?

git svn fetch
git svn rebase
git push --all -u origin

How to contribute?

The trunk branch is a mirror of the current state of the SVN repo, it should never be changed here. The master branch will be used to consolidate the changes from the SVN and, for now, holds this README file and the authors.txt used in the repository creation.

We can use the issues to track bugs and feature requests. Branches with contributions can be created based on the trunk branch. they will not be incorporated in the trunk directly, but they can be eventually accepted by Woodley and incorporated in the SVN repository.