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Unit 4: Full-stack and Advanced Topics

Week 12 - Final Project and Interview Work

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Scrum Scrum Scrum Project Work TBD
9:15am Project Work Project Work Project Work Project Work TBD
11am Project Work Mock Interviews Mock Interviews Project Work TBD
1:00pm Project Work Project Work Project Work Presentations / Outcomes (2:00) Final Survey, Certificates, and Recap
Homework Project Work Project Work Project Work Presentations Happy Hour

Week 11: Miscellaneous and Developer-Chosen Topics

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Module 1 Science Fair (Group) React (Zeb) Lightning Talks Intro to Ops (JP) Outcomes
10:30am Module 2 Rangular Apps (JP) Legacy Code Lab (Zeb) Lightning Talks Planning Project 4
1:00pm Module 3 Gulp (JP) Legacy Code Lab (Zeb) Lightning Talks Approvals Project 4
2:30pm Module 4 Prototype Working Session Legacy Code Lab (Zeb) Project 4 Intro Approvals Project 4
Homework Finish Prototypes Lightning Talks Prep Project Ideation Project 4 Project 4

Extra Lab for Auth in Angular: angular-auth-satellizer

Extra Lab for Rails API Mode with Angular: Rangular

Extra Lesson on Redux: Redux

Week 10 - Angular

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Module 1 Intro to Angular (Zeb) $http and promises (Zeb) Routing (Zeb) Firebase (JP) Questions in a Hat (JP)
10:30am Module 2 Angular Lab (JP/Zeb) $http LAB (JP/Zeb) Wine App (JP/Zeb) ngAnimate (Zeb) Outcomes
1:00pm Module 3 Directives Lesson (Zeb) Angular Hangman (JP/Zeb) $resource (Zeb) Almost-MEAN Cards (Zeb/JP) Dev-Led Review (Zeb)
2:30pm Module 4 Directives Lab (JP/Zeb) Angular Hangman (JP/Zeb) Refactor Wine App (JP/Zeb) Almost-MEAN Cards (Zeb/JP) Rapid Prototyping
Homework Submit Labs and CodeWars Level 7 Submit Labs and Project 3 Issues ui-router vs ngRoute readings: #1 + #2 + #3 Finish Full-Stack Cards Rapid Prototyping and Lightning Talk Research

Unit 3: Ruby on Rails and Group Work

Week 9 - Project 3: Group Project

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Module 1 Unit Testing with Rspec-Rails (JP) Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 Retro and Presentations
10:30am Module 2 Outcomes Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 Outcomes
1:00pm Module 3 String Matching (JP) Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 Auth Math (Zeb)
2:30pm Module 4 Moar String Matching (JP) Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 Rails Review
Homework Project 3 Project 3 Algorithm Practice Project 3 Look over the Angular Documentation + Check out this blog + Check out this Lab

Week 8 - Project Vagabond, Group Work

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Module 1 Stacks and Queues (Zeb) Linked Lists (Zeb) Project Vagabond Project Vagabond Project Vagabond
10:30am Module 2 Moar Stacks and Queues Sass and CSS Precompilers (JP) Project Vagabond Project Vagabond Project Vagabond Retro and Presentations
1:00pm Module 3 Trees (JP) Team-Client Meeting Project Vagabond Project Vagabond Project 3 Pitches
2:30pm Module 4 Moar Trees Project Vagabond Project Vagabond Project Vagabond Algorithm Practice
Homework Select CS Exercises Project Vagabond Project Vagabond Prepare Project 3 Pitch Project 3

Week 7 - Ruby on Rails

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Module 1 Ruby Pair Exercises (JP) Intro to Rails (Zeb) Rails Asset Pipeline & Asset Pipeline Poem (JP) Auth (Zeb) Consultant-Led Review (JP)
10:30am Module 2 OOP Wheel of Fortune (JP) Controllers and Routes (Zeb) Rails Bog App (JP) Auth Lab (Zeb) Outcomes (Sara)
1:00pm Module 3 Rspec and TDD (Zeb) Layouts and Partials (Zeb) Validations and Errors (Zeb) Many to Many (JP) Dev-Led Review (Zeb)
2:30pm Module 4 Rspec and TDD Lab (JP) Rock n Rails (JP) Validations and Errors Lab (Zeb) Many to Many Lab (JP) Library App Weekend Lab (JP)
Homework Finish Labs Finish Labs Finish Labs + Video: How not to store passwords Finish Labs Library App Weekend Lab (JP)

Weekly Goals:

  • Practice Ruby Programming
  • Create a Rails App
  • Understand Laytouts and Partials in Rails
  • Understand validating data in an application
  • Build a basic authentication system
  • Build Many-to-Many relationships

Unit 2: The Server

Week 6 - Project 2: Sinatra Single-Resource App

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Module 1 Username Generator (JP) Project 2 Project 2 Project 2 Retrospective / Project 2 Presentations
10:30am Module 2 Go Fish game (Zeb) Project 2 Project 2 Project 2 Outcomes
1:00pm Module 3 Project 2 Project 2 Project 2 Project 2 Project 2 Presentations / Create Issues (Zeb)
2:30pm Module 4 Project 2 Project 2 Project 2 Project 2 Happy Hour
Training Project 2 Project 2 Project 2 Project 2 Fix Issues / Rails for Zombies (Spend ~2 hours)

Extra Resources:

Week 5 - Ruby and Sinatra

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Module 1 Intro to Ruby (Zeb) OOP Ruby (JP) ActiveRecord Models (JP) Questions in a Hat (JP)
10:30am Module 2 Intro to Ruby Lab (Zeb) OOP Ruby Lab (JP) ActiveRecord Models Lab (JP) Outcomes
1:00pm Module 3 Sinatra Intro Lesson (JP) Data Modeling (Zeb) ActiveRecord Command Line (Zeb) Dev-Led Review (Zeb)
2:30pm Module 4 Sinatra Intro Lesson (JP) SQL (Zeb) ActiveRecord Lab (Zeb) Tunr Relationships (JP)
Training Tunely Message in a Bottle + Sinatra Code Study Exercise (JP) Carmen Sandiego Lab Complete Lab Sinatra Project / Project 2

Weekly goals:

  • Last hurrah to full stack JavaScript
  • Pivot our knowledge of RESTful APIs to apply in the Ruby World
    • Create Single Resource RESTful Applications
    • Use ActiveRecord
  • Understand enough SQL to use ActiveRecord
    • Basics of tables and queries

Week 4 - Node and Express

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Module 1 Fourth of July Intro to Node.js (Zeb) Intro to Mongo (Zeb) Views in Express (JP) Questions in a Hat (JP)
10:30am Module 2 Fourth of July Intro to Express (Zeb) Intro to Mongoose (Zeb) Lab: Views in Express (JP) Outcomes (Sara)
1:00pm Module 3 Fourth of July Building Express routes part 1 (JP) Express Reteach & Data Organization in Mongo (JP) Lab: ToDo List App (Zeb) Developer-led Review (Zeb)
2:30pm Module 4 Fourth of July Building Express Routes part 2 (JP) Lab: Full Stack JavaScript (JP) Ajax OOP Refactor Lab (Zeb) Personal API Lab (Zeb)
Training Fourth of July More Express Routes Finish Lab Finish Labs Finish Lab + CodeSchool Ruby Tutorial

Unit 1: The Client

Week 3 - Project 1: Browser Games

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Module 1 [Agile development, wireframes, and user stories (Zeb)] 3-1A Binary Search(Zeb) Bubble Sort (JP) Merge Sort (Zeb) Feedback
10:30am Module 2 [Project 1 (JP)] 3-1B Outcomes Project 1 Project 1 Presentations
1:00pm Module 3 [Agile Development Lab (JP)] 3-1C Project 1 Project 1 Project 1 Presentations
2:30pm Module 4 Review on jQuery DOM and AJAX, then Objects and Prototypes (Zeb) Project 1 Project 1 Project 1 Learn you Node and Fix an Issue (Zeb)
Training Project 1 Project 1 Project 1 Project 1 Complete LYN and Fixing Issues

Weekly Goals:

  • Create a browser based game for your porfollio
  • Learn about common ways software companies organize projects

Week 2 - JavaScript & Front-end Libraries

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Module 1 GitHub Branching/Pages and Developer Resources (JP) jQuery & Browser Storage (Zeb) AJAX & API's with jQuery (JP) OOP in JS (Zeb) Questions in a Hat (JP)
10:30am Module 2 Lab: Git and GitHub (JP) Responsive CSS & Flexbox (JP) Handlebars Templating (JP) OOP in JS (Zeb) Outcomes
1:00pm Module 3 Callbacks & Iterators (Zeb) Intro to Bootstrap (Zeb) Geoquakes Lab (Zeb) OOP concepts (JP) Review (Zeb)
2:30pm Module 4 Lab: Callbacks & Iterators (Zeb) HTML Forms (JP) Geoquakes Lab Cont'd (Zeb) OOP Refactor Lab (JP) Create an Issue (Zeb)
Training Building Iterators (Zeb) More jQuery Practice (Zeb) OOP Prep (Zeb) OOP Refactor cont'd (JP) Weekend Lab: Fix an issue (Zeb)

Weekly Goals:

  • Build a single page app that can communicate with an external server
    • Understand how to send and retrieve data from a server using HJTML forms
    • Understand how to send and retrieve data from a server using AJAX
    • DRY code using external libraries including style libraries and templates
    • Describe the basics of object oriented programming.
  • Communicate with other developers to improve code using Github
    • Create a fork of a repository
    • Use Pull Requests to improve a repository's quality

Week 1 - Fundamentals and Tools

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Module 1 Orientation (Zeb/John) Chrome dev tools (John) JS Data types, variables, and arrays (Zeb) Mastering control flow (John) Developer-Led Review (Zeb)
10:30am Module 2 Intro to WDI and Team (Zeb/John) CSS selector basics (Zeb) Key-Value Store in JavaScript (John) Debugging in JavaScript (Zeb) Git and GitHub (JP)
1:00pm Module 3 How the internet works (Zeb) Box model and positioning (John) Functions and scope (Zeb) DOM manipulation and events (John) Consultant-Led Review (Zeb)
2:30pm Module 4 Navigating the file system + some meta skills (John) Lab: CSS website replication (Zeb) Lab: JavaScript functions (John) Lab: DOM manipulation LoTR (Zeb) Lab: Tic-Tac-Toe (JP)
Training Kyrel Intro / Lab: Command line (Tom/Zeb) Kyrel 2 / Lab: Build a website (Tom/John) Kyrel 3 / Finish Lab(Tom/John) Kyrel 4 / Finish Lab (Tom/Zeb) Kyrel 5 / Finish Lab

Daily Schedule Overview

Time Monday - Thursday Friday
9:00 Module 1 Review
10:30 Module 2 Outcomes
12:00 Lunch Lunch
1:00 Module 3 Review
2:30 Module 4 Begin Weekend Lab
4:00 One-on-ones Rest


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