Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
9:00am | Scrum | Scrum | Scrum | Project Work | TBD |
9:15am | Project Work | Project Work | Project Work | Project Work | TBD |
11am | Project Work | Mock Interviews | Mock Interviews | Project Work | TBD |
1:00pm | Project Work | Project Work | Project Work | Presentations / Outcomes (2:00) | Final Survey, Certificates, and Recap |
Homework | Project Work | Project Work | Project Work | Presentations | Happy Hour |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
9:00am Module 1 | Science Fair (Group) | React (Zeb) | Lightning Talks | Intro to Ops (JP) | Outcomes |
10:30am Module 2 | Rangular Apps (JP) | Legacy Code Lab (Zeb) | Lightning Talks | Planning | Project 4 |
1:00pm Module 3 | Gulp (JP) | Legacy Code Lab (Zeb) | Lightning Talks | Approvals | Project 4 |
2:30pm Module 4 | Prototype Working Session | Legacy Code Lab (Zeb) | Project 4 Intro | Approvals | Project 4 |
Homework | Finish Prototypes | Lightning Talks Prep | Project Ideation | Project 4 | Project 4 |
Extra Lab for Auth in Angular: angular-auth-satellizer
Extra Lab for Rails API Mode with Angular: Rangular
Extra Lesson on Redux: Redux
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
9:00am Module 1 | Intro to Angular (Zeb) | $http and promises (Zeb) | Routing (Zeb) | Firebase (JP) | Questions in a Hat (JP) |
10:30am Module 2 | Angular Lab (JP/Zeb) | $http LAB (JP/Zeb) | Wine App (JP/Zeb) | ngAnimate (Zeb) | Outcomes |
1:00pm Module 3 | Directives Lesson (Zeb) | Angular Hangman (JP/Zeb) | $resource (Zeb) | Almost-MEAN Cards (Zeb/JP) | Dev-Led Review (Zeb) |
2:30pm Module 4 | Directives Lab (JP/Zeb) | Angular Hangman (JP/Zeb) | Refactor Wine App (JP/Zeb) | Almost-MEAN Cards (Zeb/JP) | Rapid Prototyping |
Homework | Submit Labs and CodeWars Level 7 | Submit Labs and Project 3 Issues | ui-router vs ngRoute readings: #1 + #2 + #3 | Finish Full-Stack Cards | Rapid Prototyping and Lightning Talk Research |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
9:00am Module 1 | Unit Testing with Rspec-Rails (JP) | Project 3 | Project 3 | Project 3 | Project 3 Retro and Presentations |
10:30am Module 2 | Outcomes | Project 3 | Project 3 | Project 3 | Outcomes |
1:00pm Module 3 | String Matching (JP) | Project 3 | Project 3 | Project 3 | Auth Math (Zeb) |
2:30pm Module 4 | Moar String Matching (JP) | Project 3 | Project 3 | Project 3 | Rails Review |
Homework | Project 3 | Project 3 | Algorithm Practice | Project 3 | Look over the Angular Documentation + Check out this blog + Check out this Lab |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
9:00am Module 1 | Stacks and Queues (Zeb) | Linked Lists (Zeb) | Project Vagabond | Project Vagabond | Project Vagabond |
10:30am Module 2 | Moar Stacks and Queues | Sass and CSS Precompilers (JP) | Project Vagabond | Project Vagabond | Project Vagabond Retro and Presentations |
1:00pm Module 3 | Trees (JP) | Team-Client Meeting | Project Vagabond | Project Vagabond | Project 3 Pitches |
2:30pm Module 4 | Moar Trees | Project Vagabond | Project Vagabond | Project Vagabond | Algorithm Practice |
Homework | Select CS Exercises | Project Vagabond | Project Vagabond | Prepare Project 3 Pitch | Project 3 |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
9:00am Module 1 | Ruby Pair Exercises (JP) | Intro to Rails (Zeb) | Rails Asset Pipeline & Asset Pipeline Poem (JP) | Auth (Zeb) | Consultant-Led Review (JP) |
10:30am Module 2 | OOP Wheel of Fortune (JP) | Controllers and Routes (Zeb) | Rails Bog App (JP) | Auth Lab (Zeb) | Outcomes (Sara) |
1:00pm Module 3 | Rspec and TDD (Zeb) | Layouts and Partials (Zeb) | Validations and Errors (Zeb) | Many to Many (JP) | Dev-Led Review (Zeb) |
2:30pm Module 4 | Rspec and TDD Lab (JP) | Rock n Rails (JP) | Validations and Errors Lab (Zeb) | Many to Many Lab (JP) | Library App Weekend Lab (JP) |
Homework | Finish Labs | Finish Labs | Finish Labs + Video: How not to store passwords | Finish Labs | Library App Weekend Lab (JP) |
Weekly Goals:
- Practice Ruby Programming
- Create a Rails App
- Understand Laytouts and Partials in Rails
- Understand validating data in an application
- Build a basic authentication system
- Build Many-to-Many relationships
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
9:00am Module 1 | Username Generator (JP) | Project 2 | Project 2 | Project 2 | Retrospective / Project 2 Presentations |
10:30am Module 2 | Go Fish game (Zeb) | Project 2 | Project 2 | Project 2 | Outcomes |
1:00pm Module 3 | Project 2 | Project 2 | Project 2 | Project 2 | Project 2 Presentations / Create Issues (Zeb) |
2:30pm Module 4 | Project 2 | Project 2 | Project 2 | Project 2 | Happy Hour |
Training | Project 2 | Project 2 | Project 2 | Project 2 | Fix Issues / Rails for Zombies (Spend ~2 hours) |
Extra Resources:
- Deploy to Heroku
- Method Organization in Sinatra
- Debugging Ruby Applications
- Seeding a Sinatra App
- Front-end Assets
- tunr on Heroku
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
9:00am Module 1 | Tune.ly | Intro to Ruby (Zeb) | OOP Ruby (JP) | ActiveRecord Models (JP) | Questions in a Hat (JP) |
10:30am Module 2 | Tune.ly | Intro to Ruby Lab (Zeb) | OOP Ruby Lab (JP) | ActiveRecord Models Lab (JP) | Outcomes |
1:00pm Module 3 | Tune.ly | Sinatra Intro Lesson (JP) | Data Modeling (Zeb) | ActiveRecord Command Line (Zeb) | Dev-Led Review (Zeb) |
2:30pm Module 4 | Tune.ly | Sinatra Intro Lesson (JP) | SQL (Zeb) | ActiveRecord Lab (Zeb) | Tunr Relationships (JP) |
Training | Tunely | Message in a Bottle + Sinatra Code Study Exercise (JP) | Carmen Sandiego Lab | Complete Lab | Sinatra Project / Project 2 |
Weekly goals:
- Last hurrah to full stack JavaScript
- Pivot our knowledge of RESTful APIs to apply in the Ruby World
- Create Single Resource RESTful Applications
- Use ActiveRecord
- Understand enough SQL to use ActiveRecord
- Basics of tables and queries
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
9:00am Module 1 | Fourth of July | Intro to Node.js (Zeb) | Intro to Mongo (Zeb) | Views in Express (JP) | Questions in a Hat (JP) |
10:30am Module 2 | Fourth of July | Intro to Express (Zeb) | Intro to Mongoose (Zeb) | Lab: Views in Express (JP) | Outcomes (Sara) |
1:00pm Module 3 | Fourth of July | Building Express routes part 1 (JP) | Express Reteach & Data Organization in Mongo (JP) | Lab: ToDo List App (Zeb) | Developer-led Review (Zeb) |
2:30pm Module 4 | Fourth of July | Building Express Routes part 2 (JP) | Lab: Full Stack JavaScript (JP) | Ajax OOP Refactor Lab (Zeb) | Personal API Lab (Zeb) |
Training | Fourth of July | More Express Routes | Finish Lab | Finish Labs | Finish Lab + CodeSchool Ruby Tutorial |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
9:00am Module 1 | [Agile development, wireframes, and user stories (Zeb)] 3-1A | Binary Search(Zeb) | Bubble Sort (JP) | Merge Sort (Zeb) | Feedback |
10:30am Module 2 | [Project 1 (JP)] 3-1B | Outcomes | Project 1 | Project 1 | Presentations |
1:00pm Module 3 | [Agile Development Lab (JP)] 3-1C | Project 1 | Project 1 | Project 1 | Presentations |
2:30pm Module 4 | Review on jQuery DOM and AJAX, then Objects and Prototypes (Zeb) | Project 1 | Project 1 | Project 1 | Learn you Node and Fix an Issue (Zeb) |
Training | Project 1 | Project 1 | Project 1 | Project 1 | Complete LYN and Fixing Issues |
Weekly Goals:
- Create a browser based game for your porfollio
- Learn about common ways software companies organize projects
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
9:00am Module 1 | GitHub Branching/Pages and Developer Resources (JP) | jQuery & Browser Storage (Zeb) | AJAX & API's with jQuery (JP) | OOP in JS (Zeb) | Questions in a Hat (JP) |
10:30am Module 2 | Lab: Git and GitHub (JP) | Responsive CSS & Flexbox (JP) | Handlebars Templating (JP) | OOP in JS (Zeb) | Outcomes |
1:00pm Module 3 | Callbacks & Iterators (Zeb) | Intro to Bootstrap (Zeb) | Geoquakes Lab (Zeb) | OOP concepts (JP) | Review (Zeb) |
2:30pm Module 4 | Lab: Callbacks & Iterators (Zeb) | HTML Forms (JP) | Geoquakes Lab Cont'd (Zeb) | OOP Refactor Lab (JP) | Create an Issue (Zeb) |
Training | Building Iterators (Zeb) | More jQuery Practice (Zeb) | OOP Prep (Zeb) | OOP Refactor cont'd (JP) | Weekend Lab: Fix an issue (Zeb) |
Weekly Goals:
- Build a single page app that can communicate with an external server
- Understand how to send and retrieve data from a server using HJTML forms
- Understand how to send and retrieve data from a server using AJAX
- DRY code using external libraries including style libraries and templates
- Describe the basics of object oriented programming.
- Communicate with other developers to improve code using Github
- Create a fork of a repository
- Use Pull Requests to improve a repository's quality
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
9:00am Module 1 | Orientation (Zeb/John) | Chrome dev tools (John) | JS Data types, variables, and arrays (Zeb) | Mastering control flow (John) | Developer-Led Review (Zeb) |
10:30am Module 2 | Intro to WDI and Team (Zeb/John) | CSS selector basics (Zeb) | Key-Value Store in JavaScript (John) | Debugging in JavaScript (Zeb) | Git and GitHub (JP) |
1:00pm Module 3 | How the internet works (Zeb) | Box model and positioning (John) | Functions and scope (Zeb) | DOM manipulation and events (John) | Consultant-Led Review (Zeb) |
2:30pm Module 4 | Navigating the file system + some meta skills (John) | Lab: CSS website replication (Zeb) | Lab: JavaScript functions (John) | Lab: DOM manipulation LoTR (Zeb) | Lab: Tic-Tac-Toe (JP) |
Training | Kyrel Intro / Lab: Command line (Tom/Zeb) | Kyrel 2 / Lab: Build a website (Tom/John) | Kyrel 3 / Finish Lab(Tom/John) | Kyrel 4 / Finish Lab (Tom/Zeb) | Kyrel 5 / Finish Lab |
Time | Monday - Thursday | Friday |
9:00 | Module 1 | Review |
10:30 | Module 2 | Outcomes |
12:00 | Lunch | Lunch |
1:00 | Module 3 | Review |
2:30 | Module 4 | Begin Weekend Lab |
4:00 | One-on-ones | Rest |
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