After this lesson, students will be able to:
- Describe event bubbling, delegation and how to bind events with jQuery
- Apply jQuery to manipulate, add, and remove DOM elements
- Add event listeners for standard events - click, mouse, keydown - and custom events and respond with an action
- Capture data from specific events and iterate on or manipulate the data
- Work with timer events within the context of the browser
Before this lesson, students should already be able to:
- Call JavaScript/jQuery in your HTML file
- Describe jQuery and it's use in manipulating the DOM
- Write simple jQuery to manipulate the DOM
Welcome back to jQuery! Since we've had a proper introduction, let's start building our own index.html
page and app.js
file. In Terminal:
- Navigate to your working directory where you keep your code
- Create a directory called
- Navigate inside that directory
your HTML file- Make a
directory touch
your JS file, and make sure it is inside yourjs
directory- Open the current directory with Sublime
- Create your HTML boilerplate.
- Include the jQuery library from a CDN and your
after it. - Hint: You can Google "jQuery CDN" to find a good link.
- We'll also include the CDN of something called Bootstrap, a CSS framework that we will learn more about later, but for now, think of it as a whole bunch of CSS prewritten for us that we can use by calling it. It's helpful now because it will make our simple demo easier on the eyes:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
We are going to display a list of homes for sale in Longmont. Here's some HTML to get us started - replace the existing <body>
tags with the following:
<body class="container">
<h1 class="jumbotron">Longmont Homes For Sale</h1>
<table id="homes" class="table">
<th>Sq. Ft.</th>
<td>27374 Matterhorn Drive</td>
<td><button class="btn btn-xs btn-danger">Remove</button></td>
<td>243 El Dorado</td>
<td><button class="btn btn-xs btn-danger">Remove</button></td>
<button id="addHome" class="btn btn-danger">Add Home</button>
Since our script is in the <head>
, it will be parsed before the DOM. If our code references any DOM elements, and since this is a jQuery lesson it most certainly will, we need to delay our code's execution until the DOM is built by the browser:
$(document).ready(function() {
alert("Everything is ready, let's do this");
/* Javascript
here */
// or, the shortcut version
alert("Everything is ready, let's do this");
/* Javascript
here */
We're all set to get started. In Sublime, right-click anywhere on index.html
in the editor and select Open in Browser
Your page should load and the alert should appear.
It looks like our designer styled our Add Home button with Bootstrap's btn-danger
class making it red. We know that the button should probably be a color other than red - let's make it green instead.
Change the button from red to green by removing the btn-danger
class and adding the btn-success
class with jQuery:
$(function() {
That's better!
Your turn! After you change the class to btn-success
, add a class named "text-center" to the <h1>
jQuery makes creating new elements easy. Let's add an anchor tag (link) to our page that takes our users to Zillow's site.
The jQuery function isn't just for selecting elements - it can create them! Just give it a string holding the HTML:
var $newLink = $( '<br><br><a id="zillowLink" href="">Visit</a>' );
The newLink
variable now holds our newly created element, however, we still need to add it to the page. One of the ways is to use the appendTo()
will insert the new elements at the end, but still inside of the specified element.
Other methods available include:
We'll practice adding elements in a bit.
Refresh your page and there's the link!
The problem however is that the link takes us away from our page. Wouldn't it be better instead to open Zillow in another tab? We'll do that in the next section.
jQuery makes it easy (that phrase never gets old) to modify the attributes of an element with the attr()
Lets use it to add a target
attribute to our link:
$('#zillowLink').attr( "target", "_blank" );
We also can use the removeAttr()
method to remove an attribute.
How do you think we would retrieve the value of an attribute? Pair up, get on the web and find out, and then, console.log
the value of the link's href
When our shiny green Add Home button is clicked, we want to add one of the homes from an array that we will preload with a few homes.
jQuery has several ways to add event listeners. We will look at a couple of them in this lesson.
Here is a straight-forward way to add an event listener to our Add Home button:
Refresh the page and open the console to see what the evt
argument (jQuery's event object) passed in by jQuery looks like and what this
is set to.
jQuery's event object can come in handy, especially when listening to mouse events. It is this object for example that would make writing a drawing or paint application possible.
Here is an alternative syntax. This syntax is preferred because the syntax above actually calls this next version internally.
$('#addHome').on('click', function() {
In all cases, note that if you don't need to use the event argument, you don't have to include it.
These docs have a complete list of event methods.
In order to stay on the topic of event listeners, we'll write the code to insert a home a bit later.
Event delegation allows us to attach a single event listener to an element that will fire for all descendants matching a selector, whether those descendants exist now or are added in the future.
This is possible courtesy of something known as event bubbling, implemented in all major browsers. With event bubbling, un-handled events "bubble up" the DOM until a listener for that type of event is found. If there is no listener, so be it.
Doesn't this sound like a perfect approach for our Remove buttons on each home? One event listener, regardless of how many homes in our table?! One event listener for all of the current rows in our table now, and for ones that we add later?! Yes, thanks to event delegation!
We need to decide which ancestor element to use.
Note: Identify the ancestor elements of our
tags with the button.
Any ancestor element would work, but as they say, closer is usually better.
Let's put the handler on our <tbody>
tag. Also, to see how it's done, we will use a named function instead of an anonymous one:
$('#homes tbody').on('click', 'tr', removeHome);
function removeHome() {
If our users click on the Remove button, we obviously want to remove that home's row from the table:
function removeHome() {
No, it can't be that easy!
Currently, the sudden disappearance of the home's row is a little harsh. jQuery has some nice built-in effects to help us out:
Much better!
jQuery has several methods to traverse the DOM. However, to complete the next exercise, we need to know about the children()
We can use the children()
method to select direct children (vs. all descendants) of an element.
For example, if we wanted to set the color of the text of our Address and Price cells in the table header row blue and green respectively, we could do this:
var cells = $('#homes thead tr').children();
cells.eq(0).css('color', 'blue');
cells.eq(4).css('color', 'green');
Note that the children()
method can be passed in an additional selector string for further filtering.
Now for what would appear to be our biggest challenge. However, you've already seen everything you need to make this happen! jQuery's there for you.
First, create an array of new home data in your script:
Create a blank array called
Push a house object into it with
propery of "123 Sesame Street",sf
property of "1,234",bedrooms
property of 3,baths
property of 2,price
property of "$280,000"
Push another house object into it with
propery of "345 Plaza Sesamo",sf
property of "4,321",bedrooms
property of 5,baths
property of 3.5,price
property of "$680,000"
Use the home data to "fill" in the cells of newly created rows.
It always helps to pseudocode (write the major coding steps in English).
You can take a home from the beginning or end of the array - your call.
- If you have time, include a check for there being no more homes in the array to add and disable the Add Home button.
- Add a button that, when clicked, restores all previously removed homes and appends them to the bottom of the table.
- Hint: Take a look at the "Removing Elements" section in these docs.
- Describe how the event delegation syntax differs from the standard event handler syntax.
- Explain how to ensure your jQuery doesn't run until after the DOM loads in the browser.