A collection of tools to interact with the data exported by Zefix, the Swiss Central Business Name Index.
Use sparql-client to query the data from the Zefix SPARQL endpoint and generate a JSON file.
go install github.com/denysvitali/sparql-client/cmd/sparql-client@master
sparql-client --endpoint https://register.ld.admin.ch/query \
--query query.txt \
-a -D \
--limit 500 \
-o zefix.json
docker-compose up -d
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' $(docker-compose ps -q | head -n1)
Once you have the IP, you can add it to ZEFIX_DSN
in .env
source .env
export ZEFIX_DSN
# This will take a while:
go run ./cmd/zefix-import --input ./zefix.json
source .env
export ZEFIX_DSN
go run ./cmd/zefix-find "Rega AG" [23:39:51]
will result in:
Name: Rega AG
URI: https://register.ld.admin.ch/zefix/company/144424