A UITableView subclass that automatically collapse and/or expand your sections.
You just have to fill your datasource like for a classic UITableView and the magic will happen.
By default all the sections are closed, so no rows will be displayed ! But you have now access to several new table view methods:
- (void)openSection:(NSUInteger)sectionIndex animated:(BOOL)animated;
- (void)closeSection:(NSUInteger)sectionIndex animated:(BOOL)animated;
- (void)toggleSection:(NSUInteger)sectionIndex animated:(BOOL)animated;
- (BOOL)isOpenSection:(NSUInteger)sectionIndex;
As their names suggests, those methods allows to open or close a section and can be animated or not. The last one returns a boolean to know if a section is currently open.
so if you want the first section to be open after your view is loaded, you could write:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
[self.tableView reloadData];
[self.tableView openSection:0 animated:NO];
By default if you open a section, any other that is open will automatically be closed. This can be prevented by setting this property to NO:
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL exclusiveSections;
As you might have seen, your headers automatically toggle theirs section on a tap ! This is automatically done for you in three conditions:
- Your datasource implements the
method - The returned views haven't any UITapGestureRecognizer.
- the STCollapseTableView property
is YES (which is the default value).
@property (nonatomic, weak) id<STCollapseTableViewDelegate> headerViewTapDelegate;
Just as the name, the herderViewTapDelegate is designed to handle hederViews tapping events, you can do things in the delegate method when a specified headerView tapped:
- (void)STCollapseTableView:(STCollapseTableView *)STCollapseTableView didSelectHeaderViewAtSection:(NSInteger)section;
To include this component in your project, I recommend you to use Cocoapods:
- Add
pod "STCollapseTableView"
to your Podfile.
Here is an article about how this component works : Forwarding Mechanism.