Result of executing a call via the [[EVM]].
● exceptionError: VmError
Defined in evm/evm.ts:47
Description of the exception, if any occured
● gas: BN
Defined in evm/evm.ts:51
Amount of gas left
● gasRefund: BN
Defined in evm/evm.ts:67
Amount of gas to refund from deleting storage values
● gasUsed: BN
Defined in evm/evm.ts:55
Amount of gas the code used to run
● logs: any
Defined in evm/evm.ts:63
Array of logs that the contract emitted
● returnValue: Buffer
Defined in evm/evm.ts:59
Return value from the contract
● runState: RunState
Defined in evm/evm.ts:43
● selfdestruct: undefined
| object
Defined in evm/evm.ts:71
A map from the accounts that have self-destructed to the addresses to send their funds to