This project is bootstrapped with Hardhat, a development environment for Ethereum smart contracts.
Install dependencies
Compile contracts
yarn compile
Test contracts
yarn test
Contracts can be deployed on any EVM network. To deploy contracts, you need to set up a
file with the following variablesHARDHAT_PRIVATE_KEY=0x...
Deploy contracts
Currently arguments for deployment are hardcoded in the scripts. You can change them in the scripts before deploying.
Script | Description | Arguments |
deploy-all |
Deploy all contracts | |
deploy-crecy |
Deploy CRECY ERC20 contract | totalSupply, initialSupply |
deploy-fcw |
Deploy FCW ERC721 contract | |
deploy-timelock |
Deploy timelock contract | crecy address |
Network | Description |
localhost |
Hardhat localnet |
celo |
CELO mainnet |
alfajores |
CELO testnet |
yarn hardhat run scripts/<script>.ts --network <network>
Verify smart contract codes on explorer
yarn hardhat verify --network <network> <address>
Contract Name | Network | Address |
cRECY | Celo | 0x34C11A932853Ae24E845Ad4B633E3cEf91afE583 |
DeTrashCertificate | Polygon | 0xbc68c4ec4182e1d2c73b5e58bd92be9871db2230 |
TimeLock | Celo | 0x2B7D8711E26E78218791B85EdB1ff4EFf1A8BF54 |
RecyCertificate | Celo | 0xd574e0605c20Fc683feDBDD01ce745fF2C1a6f40 |
Contract Name | Address |
CRecy | 0x004c368A3fb45b0CD601e2203Fd2948D9d695a3b |
FCWStatus | 0xbf10E8d903bB4fcc705740d37d5668e2d5A6CBbC |
RecyCertificate | 0x56A396a452f4F44412f089Efc3c4bF27aE6B5423 |
TimeLock (deprecated) |
This document describes how to interact with the Lock Contract in the cRecy ecosystem. This implementation considers the existence of the following contracts:
- TimeLock: the contract responsible for keeping tokens during lock period and for emitting NFT certificates.
- CRecy: the ERC-20 CRecy token
- RecyCertificate: the NFT for each certificate
- FCWStatus: the Friends of the Clean World contract
The CRecy and RecyCertificate addresses are passed as parameters during the TimeLock initialization. It supports the following roles:
The current version of the contract is published on Celo Network in the following address: 0x2B7D8711E26E78218791B85EdB1ff4EFf1A8BF54.
Every certificate submitted to the Lock Contract needs to be signed according to the EIP-712. Each certificate should be an object with the following data and types:
CertificateAuthorization: [
{ name: "institution", type: "bytes32" },
{ name: "tons", type: "uint8" },
{ name: "baseYear", type: "uint16" },
{ name: "baseMonth", type: "uint8" },
{ name: "timespan", type: "uint8" },
{ name: "signer", type: "address" },
{ name: "authorization", type: "bytes32" },
{ name: "deadline", type: "uint256" },
The first 5 fields are related to the certificate itself, while the last 3 are used to validate the signature on-chain, as follows:
: address of the account that will sign the certificate. Should haveADMIN_ROLE
in the Lock Contractauthorization
: a unique control number in hex format for each authorizationdeadline
: the date until that certificate can be presented to the Lock Contract
Each signature should also contain the message, the CertificateAuthorization
types object, and the following domain:
chainId: 31337,
name: "GenericTypedMessage",
version: "1",
verifyingContract: "0x2B7D8711E26E78218791B85EdB1ff4EFf1A8BF54"
The signature process requires an account with ADMIN_ROLE
to generate the signed message. It can be accomplished via a script or via a DApp, where signers can connect their EOA using solutions such as Metamask, Wallet Connect or any other equivalent solution.
Here, we provide an example using Ethers.js with a randomly created account:
import moment from "moment";
import { HDNodeWallet } from "@ethersproject/wallet"
import { fromRpcSig } from 'ethereumjs-util';
import { doLock } from "./lockUtils.js"
certTypedMessage = {
domain: {
chainId: 31337,
name: "GenericTypedMessage",
version: "1",
verifyingContract: "0x2B7D8711E26E78218791B85EdB1ff4EFf1A8BF54"
message: {
institution: ethers.encodeBytes32String("Acme Inc."),
tons: '3',
baseYear: '2024',
baseMonth: '1',
timespan: '12',
signer: admin.address,
authorization: `0x1`,
deadline: moment().add(1, 'day').format('X')
types: {
CertificateAuthorization: [
{ name: "institution", type: "bytes32" },
{ name: "tons", type: "uint8" },
{ name: "baseYear", type: "uint16" },
{ name: "baseMonth", type: "uint8" },
{ name: "timespan", type: "uint8" },
{ name: "signer", type: "address" },
{ name: "authorization", type: "bytes32" },
{ name: "deadline", type: "uint256" },
const wallet = HDNodeWallet.createRandom();
const amount = 100; // A value to be defined
).then( async (signedCertificate) => {
const rsvSignedCertificate = fromRpcSig(signedCertificate);
await doLock(amount, certTypedMessage.message, rsvSignedCertificate);
To lock a certificate in the Lock Contract, it is necessary to meet the following conditions:
- Having a signed, not used, not expired, certificate
{ r, s, v}
components - Approval from certificate receiving account for the Lock Contract to move at least the amount of CRecy tokens to be locked on their behalf
Any account can call a lock procedure in the Lock Contract passing the lock amount, the certificate data and the signature. Ahead, we provide the lockUtils.js
script that exports a function to lock an amount in CRecy and a certificate in the contract.
import { Contract } from "@ethersproject/contract";
import lockContractAbi from "./lockContractAbi.json";
export const doLock (amount, certificate, signature) => {
const contract = new Contract("0x2B7D8711E26E78218791B85EdB1ff4EFf1A8BF54", lockContractAbi);
contract.lock(amount, certificate, signature);