OCPORTAL-691 Admin - User Management - PMC User
OCPORTAL-692 PMC User - Mobile Login
OCPORTAL-693 PMC Report - Mobile version
OCPORTAL-695 PMC mobile workflow - Mobile application form offline data entry:
OCPORTAL-696 PMC mobile workflow - Mobile application form data entry
OCPORTAL-697 PMC mobile workflow - Form Synchronization
OCPORTAL-698 PMC mobile workflow - Form Synchronization at log in
OCPORTAL-699 PMC mobile workflow - Form Approval in the web portal
OCPORTAL-700 PMC mobile - List view
OCPORTAL-701 Create JWT authentication endpoint
OCPORTAL-702 Create PMC list and update endpoints
OCPORTAL-703 Create PMC Metadata list endpoint
OCPORTAL-710 issue on notificaiton of award
OCPORTAL-712 Remove PMC report plus sign data entry from dashboards
OCPORTAL-713 Validation of pmc offline report through API submit should include always acknowledge signature true
OCPORTAL-714 Create endpoint to submit one offline report at a time
OCPORTAL-715 Issue- form from mobile cannot be submitted after rejection
OCPORTAL-718 Department overview does not refresh after adding a PMC report
OCPORTAL-719 Mobile version > adjust position of header and first tender please
OCPORTAL-720 Update PMC application fields
OCPORTAL-730 Tender not showing up in public portal