OCPORTAL-272 Create the Uploader Procurement Plan feature
OCPORTAL-397 Upload button has design issue
OCPORTAL-412 Make tender items in tender form mandatory before submission
OCPORTAL-416 Include OCDS extension descriptions in OCDS packages
OCPORTAL-419 Duplicate Tender Titles
OCPORTAL-420 Admin setting on/off toggle button moves and change location on click
OCPORTAL-423 edit contract from contarct list lead to exception
OCPORTAL-424 award acceptance list: filter by suppliers not works
OCPORTAL-425 Award acceptance list: sort by suppliers cause exception
OCPORTAL-426 Download letters are missing in many places
OCPORTAL-428 Make bids in the tender quotation and evaluation form compulsory
OCPORTAL-430 Reopen to draft forms affected by new form submit restrictions
OCPORTAL-431 exception on tender process save adn submit after purch reg removal
OCPORTAL-432 Test if production end dates fall within fiscal year
OCPORTAL-441 tender closign date missing in PP