Repository for Capstone Project named deteCT. This application is used to detect a COVID-19 severity using a CT scan image
Our team consists of:
- Zaenal Afif Azhary
- I Gusti Nyoman Geri A W
- Dinda Farahdilla Dharma
- Viky Lorent Sea Putra
- Dewa Anggun Wicaksono
- Rizky Fadillah
Fore Replication:
- Clone the code from the repo
- Get the database (.sql file) from [email protected]
- Run npm install in root directory to install all packages
- Copy the .env.example and rename it to .env. Then, get the value from [email protected]
- Run the code using npm start
- You can perform API test using Postman.
- Or if you want to check the deployed server, use this URL: