An Electron App as Bridge between Ember+ and OSC
dedicated to LAWO MC² consoles
but works also with Riedel MediornetTDM devices
(Matrix switching and functions not implemented yet).
Heavily based on
yarn start
- Preferences are automatically stored in a 'config.json'
- Connections are stored in a separated JSON formatted '*.session' file. -->examples
- A 'Tree Viewer' inspired by EmberPlus Viewer helps you to specify ember+ paths (treejs custom implementation).
- Clicking '!Submit' button adds selected parameter the table of connections.
- Once you've clicked it, you can modify OSC addresses, ember+ paths, types, OSC mins, OSC maxs directly in table cells.
- If you want to connect other parameters or devices, you can edit ember+ path directly in the table of connections.
- Finally you've got to click "go" buttons to establish connections.