An ESBuild server for Dark Forest plugin development.
You can install the command globally using:
npm i -g @projectsophon/df-plugin-dev-server
Once installed, you should have access to the command:
You can see the supported flags by running:
Start a Dark Forest plugin development server.
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--dir The directory where plugins exist [string] [default: "plugins"]
--ext Extensions to process [array] [default: [".js",".ts"]]
And then run the server:
ESBuild for /Users/user/sophon-plugins/plugins on port 2221
Development server started on
I noticed that Brave Browser's built-in Adblock stops any requests to
, so you'll need to disable that if you are building plugins against directly.
You'll also need to "Allow Insecure Content" since this development server doesn't provide an HTTPS certificate.
The easiest way to load plugins while developing would be to use something like this in the Dark Forest UI:
// This maps to ./plugins/PluginTemplate.js or ./plugins/PluginTemplate.ts by default
import Plugin from ""
export default Plugin;
However, Dark Forest plugins are cached, so you'd need to do some sort of cache busting each time you make a change. Luckily, we've taken care of that for you! To get free cache busting, you can add ?dev
to the end of your plugin URL.
// Notice the ?dev
import Plugin from ""
export default Plugin;
Doing the above will proxy your plugin through a cache busting plugin!
From main directory you can execute commands to build and start docker image:
To build & run without getting prompted for docker output simply run (with -d):
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d --build --remove-orphans
To run an existing image without building, remove --build --remove-orphans
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
To stop you should use stop
. To stop and delete use down
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml stop
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down
To only build the docker image:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build
If your image is already built, you can use the docker
command directly:
docker start plugin_server
docker stop plugin_server
Docker is working on another layer meaning your internet connection from docker containers is bridged through your network interface by default. Starting this container with default configuration using commands from above opens port to this docker container to any incoming IP subnet existing (bind Default system firewall configuration will not prevent access from outside world if your router does not block ports by default. KEEP THIS IN MIND. Storing vulnerable data inside container is not recommended with this configuration. You should edit docker network of plugin_server
to make it harden. The easiest way is to set flag --internal
for specific docker network, to prevent access from other computers.