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Merge pull request eclipse-tractusx#571 from awellnitz-materna/featur…
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fix(tutorials): update consume data flow
  • Loading branch information
stephanbcbauer authored Feb 13, 2024
2 parents 194771f + 67e6abb commit 22609ef
Showing 1 changed file with 137 additions and 39 deletions.
176 changes: 137 additions & 39 deletions docs/tutorials/e2e/boost/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ curl --location 'http://localhost/alice/management/v2/catalog/request' \
"offset": 0,
"limit": 100
}' | jq

The response shows all available data offerings in Bob's catalog. Bob has already told Alice that he gave the Asset the ID 3, and added a simple description to make it easier for Alice to identify.
Expand All @@ -42,51 +42,76 @@ curl --location 'http://localhost/alice/management/v2/contractnegotiations' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password' \
--data-raw '{
"@context": {
"odrl": ""
"odrl": ""
"@type": "NegotiationInitiateRequestDto",
"connectorAddress": "http://alice-controlplane:8084/api/v1/dsp",
"connectorAddress": "http://bob-controlplane:8084/api/v1/dsp",
"protocol": "dataspace-protocol-http",
"connectorId": "BPNL000000000001",
"providerId": "BPNL000000000001",
"providerId": "BPNL000000000002",
"offer": {
"offerId": "MQ==:MQ==:ZDM4Nzk3NmUtZjA0Ny00ZmNjLWFhNWItYjQwYmVkMDBhZGYy",
"assetId": "3",
"policy": {
"@type": "odrl:Set",
"odrl:permission": {
"odrl:target": "3",
"odrl:action": {
"odrl:type": "USE"
"odrl:constraint": {
"odrl:or": {
"odrl:leftOperand": "BusinessPartnerNumber",
"odrl:operator": {
"@id": "odrl:eq"
"odrl:rightOperand": "BPNL000000000002"
"offerId": "Mw==:Mw==:ODRkYjJhZjQtZjMxOC00ZjgyLThjMjktODQwZThjYjBjNjVl",
"assetId": "3",
"policy": {
"@type": "odrl:Set",
"odrl:permission": [],
"odrl:prohibition": [],
"odrl:obligation": [],
"odrl:target": "3"
"odrl:prohibition": [],
"odrl:obligation": [],
"odrl:target": "3"
}' | jq

In the response, Alice gets a UUID. This is the ID of the created contract negotiation. Alice can now use this ID to see the current status of the negotiation and - if the negotiation was successful - the ID of the created contract agreement.

Make sure to replace `<ID>` in the URL with the UUID you just received.

curl --location 'http://localhost/alice/management/v2/contractnegotiations/<ID>' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password' | jq

- If the negotiation was **successful**, Alice will see an ouput as shown below.
- If the negotiation was **unsuccessful**, the negotiation state (`edc:state`) will be `TERMINATED` and no contract agreement ID will be present.

"@type": "edc:ContractNegotiation",
"@id": "4e74a632-94bc-4bfb-acf5-230f7d18b080",
"edc:type": "CONSUMER",
"edc:protocol": "dataspace-protocol-http",
"edc:state": "FINALIZED",
"edc:counterPartyId": "BPNL000000000002",
"edc:counterPartyAddress": "http://bob-controlplane:8084/api/v1/dsp",
"edc:callbackAddresses": [],
"edc:createdAt": 1702989093837,
"edc:contractAgreementId": "Mw==:Mw==:NmY5MDA4OGEtOWY1ZC00YmYyLWFiZjMtMjRiNzY0YzEyOTk4",
"@context": {
"dct": "",
"tx": "",
"edc": "",
"dcat": "",
"odrl": "",
"dspace": ""

Alice now has a contract with Bob and can begin transferring the asset's data.

## Transfer the data
## Starting the data transfer

Alice wants to send the data to her backend application ("<http://backend:8080>"). So she uses the following command to direct the data from Asset 3 to her desired data sink.


For testing purposes, you can replace `backend:8080` with your own test API or use [webhook. site]( as your backend system. If you are using, please make sure that you use "Your unique URL" and that you do not transfer any sensitive information to webhook.
For testing purposes, you should replace `backend:8080` with your own test API or use []( as your backend system.
If you do not change this, you will not be able to view the received token, which is required for requesting the data!
If you are using, please make sure that you use "Your unique URL" and that you do not transfer any sensitive information to webhook.

Replace `<contractAgreementId>` with the contract agreement ID you received in the previous step.

Expand All @@ -98,9 +123,9 @@ curl --location 'http://localhost/alice/management/v2/transferprocesses' \
"odrl": ""
"assetId": "3",
"connectorAddress": "http://alice-controlplane:8084/api/v1/dsp",
"connectorId": "BPNL000000000001",
"contractId": "3",
"connectorAddress": "http://bob-controlplane:8084/api/v1/dsp",
"connectorId": "BPNL000000000002",
"contractId": "<contractAgreementId>",
"dataDestination": {
"type": "HttpProxy"
Expand All @@ -112,18 +137,90 @@ curl --location 'http://localhost/alice/management/v2/transferprocesses' \
"contentType": "application/octet-stream",
"isFinite": true
}' | jq

Just to make sure everything worked, Alice uses another `curl` command to check if the transfer was successful.

In the response, Alice gets a UUID. This is the ID of the created transfer. Alice can now use this ID to see the current status of the transfer.

Make sure to replace `<ID>` in the URL with the UUID you just received.

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost/alice/management/v2/transferprocesses/request' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password' \
--data ''
curl --location 'http://localhost/alice/management/v2/transferprocesses/<ID>' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password' | jq

The response shows her that she has a "FINALIZED" transfer with the type "CONSUMER" of the asset with the ID "3". This means that Alice has now successfully transferred Bob's data to her desired location via the EDC!
- If the transfer was **successful**, Alice will see an ouput as shown below.
- If the transfer was **unsuccessful**, the transfer state (`edc:state`) will be `TERMINATED`.

"@id": "6d6bca4e-4da5-4ed3-9fe5-2b98623d9a59",
"@type": "edc:TransferProcess",
"edc:correlationId": "6d6bca4e-4da5-4ed3-9fe5-2b98623d9a59",
"edc:state": "STARTED",
"edc:stateTimestamp": 1702990026966,
"edc:type": "CONSUMER",
"edc:assetId": "3",
"edc:contractId": "Mw==:Mw==:NmY5MDA4OGEtOWY1ZC00YmYyLWFiZjMtMjRiNzY0YzEyOTk4",
"edc:callbackAddresses": [],
"edc:dataDestination": {
"@type": "edc:DataAddress",
"edc:type": "HttpProxy"
"edc:connectorId": "BPNL000000000002",
"@context": {
"dct": "",
"tx": "",
"edc": "",
"dcat": "",
"odrl": "",
"dspace": ""

The response shows her that she has a `STARTED` transfer with the type `CONSUMER` of the asset with the ID `3`.
Note, that a consumer pull transfer will **not** advance to the `COMPLETED` state, but instead will stay in state `STARTED`.
This means, that Alice can now request the data using the information received by her backend.

curl --location 'http://localhost/alice/management/edrs?assetId=3' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password' | jq

## Consume the data

In her backend, Alice can now see the following output:

"id": "841e3cd7-add0-47fd-adef-ea8074ec50af",
"endpoint": "http://bob-tractusx-connector-dataplane:8081/api/public",
"authKey": "Authorization",
"properties": {}

Alice can now request the data using the provided information as follows:

curl -X GET -H '<authKey>: <authCode>' <endpoint>

In this example, we can not use the endpoint URL as is, because we are working with a local Kubernetes cluster and can not use the cluster internal URL. Therefore, we have to use the ingress URL instead.

In this example, this results in the following request:

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.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.RvbdPWKIrBmMqIN7kvPnwoAOJMug-VKfREKrHWPOmfp0VGSsVuma7SAJaMb9cPT7X4lNZilw36GYWDh92FHSVA' http://localhost/bob/api/public

## Notice

Expand All @@ -133,4 +230,5 @@ This work is licensed under the [CC-BY-4.0](
- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 sovity GmbH
- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 SAP SE
- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 msg systems AG
- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Materna Information & Communications SE
- Source URL: [](

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