A gulp-based build environment for Fiori, including deployment to a ERP/Gateway server
├── /.vscode/ # visual studio code config files
├── /gulpTaskFiles/ # files relating to the gulp tasks
├── /node_modules/ # 3rd-party libraries and utilities
├── /src/ # The source code of the application
│ ├── /index.html # Base HTML page
│ ├── /js/ # javascript/code related source files
│ │ ├── /controller/ # Controller JavaScript files
│ │ ├── /i18n/ # Internationalisation *.properties files
│ │ ├── /view/ # View XML files
│ │ ├── /Component.js # Component definition file
│ │ └── /manifest.json # Component manifest file
| └── /css/ # StyleSheet files (scss)
├── /build/ # development build files
├── /release/ # production build files
└── /zip/ # deployment zips
- Launches an electron window to fetch login cookies (note that ADFS federated logins will require you to enter user/password, as EPM is not yet supported by Chrome),
- Starts the browsersync web server,
- Watches for changes to all buildable files, and
- Rebuilds files on change.
The browsersync server contains middleware to auto-proxy all requests to your desired endpoint.
This task will read config from the /gulpTaskFiles/sap-config.json
file, which has the following options:
gateway: '<url>', // url for the service endpoint and deployment server : '<scheme>://<host>:<port>'
localDevPort: '<port>', // the port that browsersync will run off (defaults to 3000)
bspApplication: '<name>', // the name of the BSP application to which the auto deployment script will deploy to
jsNamespace: '<ns>', // the namespace for your UI5 code
Watches for changes to all buildable files and rebuilds on change.
Builds the development/production version of the code
- Obtain a lock on the BSP application.
- Run the gulp watch task.
- Head to http://localhost:/deploy ( defaults to 3000)
- Follow the prompts.