High-Throughput Library for Fitting Thin Plate Splines
python2.7, scipy0.14, numpy1.8.1, gfortran, cuda6.0, PyCuda2013.1.1, scikits.cuda0.5.0, cmake, boost-python
You can install PyCuda, numpy and scipy with pip install to get the latest versions.
Install Cuda6.0 http://www.r-tutor.com/gpu-computing/cuda-installation/cuda6.0-ubuntu http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-getting-started-guide-for-linux/index.html
Install latest scikits.cuda from source (version available through pip doesn't have integration for the batched cublas calls yet).
$ git clone https://github.com/lebedov/scikits.cuda.git
$ cd scikits.cuda
$ python setup.py install
The last line may need to run as root.
Check out the tps-opt repo and build the additional cuda functionality
$ git clone https://github.com/dhadfieldmenell/tps-opt.git
$ cd tps-opt/tpsopt
$ cmake .
$ make
It has been tested with the RLL overhand-knot tying demonstration dataset. Obtain a copy from https://www.dropbox.com/s/wnt3j42jp5solr8/actions.h5.
To check the build, cd to tps-opt/tpsopt and run the appropriate version of the following
dhm@primus:~$ cd src/tps-opt/tpsopt/
dhm@primus:~/src/tps-opt/tpsopt$ python precompute.py path/to/actions.h5 --replace --verbose
precomputed tps solver for segment failuretwo_5-seg02
dhm@primus:~/src/tps-opt/tpsopt$ python batchtps.py --input_file path/to/actions.h5 --test_full
running basic unit tests
unit tests passed, doing full check on batch tps rpm
testing source cloud 147
tests succeeded!
dhm@primus:~/src/tps-opt/tpsopt$ python batchtps.py --input_file path/to/actions.h5
batchtps initialized
Running Timing test 99/100
Timing Tests Complete
Batch Size: 148
Mean Compute Time per Batch: 0.0724914503098
BiDirectional TPS fits/second: 2041.62007199
You should see results analogous to those above. That example was run with an NVIDIA GTX770. You can set the default behavior for the batchtps main in batchtps.parse_arguments. The default parameters for the TPS fits is found in defaults.py.
In the scripts directory is Robert Kern's kernprof.py. It is a line-by-line profilier for python. The required packages can be installed from https://pythonhosted.org/line_profiler/. Running batchtps through that with --sync will let you see a (slower due to profiler overhead, and synchronous execution) breakdown of the timings for the gpu kernel calls. To run this, you will need to comment in the @profile decorators on the functions you wish to time. Example output for timing batch_tps_rpm and the various functions calls is included below. If the library is running slowly, check your results against that as a first step to gauge where the problem is.
Example output of kernprof.py with profiling enabled for core functionality.
dhm@primus:~/src/tps-opt/tpsopt$ python ../scripts/kernprof.py -lv batchtps.py --sync
batchtps initialized
Running Timing test 99/100
Timing Tests Complete
Batch Size: 148
Mean Compute Time per Batch: 0.169496803284
BiDirectional TPS fits/second: 873.172809945
Wrote profile results to batchtps.py.lprof
Timer unit: 1e-06 s
File: batchtps.py
Function: transform_points at line 260
Total time: 5.82494 s
Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents
260 @profile
261 def transform_points(self):
262 """
263 computes the warp of self.pts under the current tps params
264 """
265 2200 23531 10.7 0.4 fill_mat(self.pt_w_ptrs, self.trans_d_ptrs, self.dims_gpu, self.N)
266 2200 1984 0.9 0.0 dot_batch_nocheck(self.pts, self.lin_dd, self.pts_w,
267 2200 2590108 1177.3 44.5 self.pt_ptrs, self.lin_dd_ptrs, self.pt_w_ptrs)
268 2200 1994 0.9 0.0 dot_batch_nocheck(self.kernels, self.w_nd, self.pts_w,
269 2200 2490537 1132.1 42.8 self.kernel_ptrs, self.w_nd_ptrs, self.pt_w_ptrs)
270 2200 716784 325.8 12.3 sync()
File: batchtps.py
Function: get_target_points at line 272
Total time: 3.30969 s
Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents
272 @profile
273 def get_target_points(self, other, outlierprior=1e-1, outlierfrac=1e-2, outliercutoff=1e-2,
274 T = 5e-3, norm_iters = DEFAULT_NORM_ITERS):
275 """
276 computes the target points for self and other
277 using the current warped points for both
278 """
279 1000 628 0.6 0.0 init_prob_nm(self.pt_ptrs, other.pt_ptrs,
280 1000 502 0.5 0.0 self.pt_w_ptrs, other.pt_w_ptrs,
281 1000 466 0.5 0.0 self.dims_gpu, other.dims_gpu,
282 1000 452 0.5 0.0 self.N, outlierprior, outlierfrac, T,
283 1000 14230 14.2 0.4 self.corr_cm_ptrs, self.corr_rm_ptrs)
284 1000 1305172 1305.2 39.4 sync()
285 1000 681 0.7 0.0 norm_prob_nm(self.corr_cm_ptrs, self.corr_rm_ptrs,
286 1000 555 0.6 0.0 self.dims_gpu, other.dims_gpu, self.N, outlierfrac, norm_iters,
287 1000 11178 11.2 0.3 self.r_coeff_ptrs, self.c_coeff_rn_ptrs, self.c_coeff_cn_ptrs)
288 1000 1629934 1629.9 49.2 sync()
289 1000 736 0.7 0.0 get_targ_pts(self.pt_ptrs, other.pt_ptrs,
290 1000 514 0.5 0.0 self.pt_w_ptrs, other.pt_w_ptrs,
291 1000 493 0.5 0.0 self.corr_cm_ptrs, self.corr_rm_ptrs,
292 1000 505 0.5 0.0 self.r_coeff_ptrs, self.c_coeff_rn_ptrs, self.c_coeff_cn_ptrs,
293 1000 485 0.5 0.0 self.dims_gpu, other.dims_gpu,
294 1000 425 0.4 0.0 outliercutoff, self.N,
295 1000 18223 18.2 0.6 self.pt_t_ptrs, other.pt_t_ptrs)
296 1000 324514 324.5 9.8 sync()
File: batchtps.py
Function: update_transform at line 298
Total time: 4.44789 s
Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents
298 @profile
299 def update_transform(self, b):
300 """
301 computes the TPS associated with the current target pts
302 """
303 2000 1395651 697.8 31.4 self.set_tps_params(self.offset_mats[b])
304 2000 3255 1.6 0.1 dot_batch_nocheck(self.proj_mats[b], self.pts_t, self.tps_params,
305 2000 2394785 1197.4 53.8 self.proj_mat_ptrs[b], self.pt_t_ptrs, self.tps_param_ptrs)
306 2000 654196 327.1 14.7 sync()
File: batchtps.py
Function: mapping_cost at line 307
Total time: 0.532049 s
Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents
307 @profile
308 def mapping_cost(self, other, bend_coeff=DEFAULT_LAMBDA[1], outlierprior=1e-1, outlierfrac=1e-2,
309 outliercutoff=1e-2, T = 5e-3, norm_iters = DEFAULT_NORM_ITERS):
310 """
311 computes the error in the current mapping
312 assumes that the target points have already been filled
313 """
314 100 263300 2633.0 49.5 self.transform_points()
315 100 254329 2543.3 47.8 other.transform_points()
316 100 69 0.7 0.0 sums = []
317 100 1119 11.2 0.2 sq_diffs(self.pt_w_ptrs, self.pt_t_ptrs, self.warp_err, self.N, True)
318 100 616 6.2 0.1 sq_diffs(other.pt_w_ptrs, other.pt_t_ptrs, self.warp_err, self.N, False)
319 100 7950 79.5 1.5 warp_err = self.warp_err.get()
320 100 4666 46.7 0.9 return np.sum(warp_err, axis=1)
File: batchtps.py
Function: bending_cost at line 321
Total time: 0.59744 s
Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents
321 @profile
322 def bending_cost(self, b=DEFAULT_LAMBDA[1]):
323 ## b * w_nd' * K * w_nd
324 ## use pts_w as temporary storage
325 200 209 1.0 0.0 dot_batch_nocheck(self.kernels, self.w_nd, self.pts_w,
326 200 122 0.6 0.0 self.kernel_ptrs, self.w_nd_ptrs, self.pt_w_ptrs,
327 200 222393 1112.0 37.2 b = 0)
329 200 204 1.0 0.0 dot_batch_nocheck(self.pts_w, self.w_nd, self.bend_res,
330 200 139 0.7 0.0 self.pt_w_ptrs, self.w_nd_ptrs, self.bend_res_ptrs,
331 200 236069 1180.3 39.5 transa='T', b = 0)
332 200 9957 49.8 1.7 bend_res = self.bend_res_mat.get()
333 29800 128347 4.3 21.5 return b * np.array([np.trace(bend_res[i*DATA_DIM:(i+1)*DATA_DIM]) for i in range(self.N)])
File: batchtps.py
Function: bidir_tps_cost at line 334
Total time: 1.15506 s
Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents
334 @profile
335 def bidir_tps_cost(self, other, bend_coeff=1, outlierprior=1e-1, outlierfrac=1e-2,
336 outliercutoff=1e-2, T = 5e-3, norm_iters = DEFAULT_NORM_ITERS):
337 100 4773 47.7 0.4 self.reset_warp_err()
338 100 533159 5331.6 46.2 mapping_err = self.mapping_cost(other, outlierprior, outlierfrac, outliercutoff, T, norm_iters)
339 100 311243 3112.4 26.9 bending_cost = self.bending_cost(bend_coeff)
340 100 305676 3056.8 26.5 bending_cost += other.bending_cost(bend_coeff)
341 100 208 2.1 0.0 return mapping_err + bending_cost
File: batchtps.py
Function: set_cld at line 559
Total time: 2.43952 s
Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents
559 @profile
560 def set_cld(self, cld):
561 """
562 sets the cloud for this appropriately
563 won't allocate any new memory
564 """
565 101 1862412 18439.7 76.3 proj_mats, offset_mats, K = self.get_sol_params(cld)
566 101 10860 107.5 0.4 K_gpu = gpu_pad(K, (MAX_CLD_SIZE, MAX_CLD_SIZE))
567 101 6134 60.7 0.3 cld_gpu = gpu_pad(cld, (MAX_CLD_SIZE, DATA_DIM))
568 15049 10474 0.7 0.4 self.pts = [cld_gpu for _ in range(self.N)]
569 15049 9894 0.7 0.4 self.kernels = [K_gpu for _ in range(self.N)]
570 101 75 0.7 0.0 proj_mats_gpu = dict([(b, gpu_pad(p.get(), (MAX_CLD_SIZE + DATA_DIM + 1, MAX_CLD_SIZE)))
571 1111 114060 102.7 4.7 for b, p in proj_mats.iteritems()])
572 101 73 0.7 0.0 self.proj_mats = dict([(b, [p for _ in range(self.N)])
573 150591 94907 0.6 3.9 for b, p in proj_mats_gpu.iteritems()])
574 101 103 1.0 0.0 offset_mats_gpu = dict([(b, gpu_pad(p.get(), (MAX_CLD_SIZE + DATA_DIM + 1, DATA_DIM)))
575 1111 86652 78.0 3.6 for b, p in offset_mats.iteritems()])
576 101 67 0.7 0.0 self.offset_mats = dict([(b, [p for _ in range(self.N)])
577 150591 94903 0.6 3.9 for b, p in offset_mats_gpu.iteritems()])
578 101 158 1.6 0.0 self.dims = [cld.shape[0]]
580 101 60076 594.8 2.5 self.pt_ptrs.fill(int(self.pts[0].gpudata))
581 101 1971 19.5 0.1 self.kernel_ptrs.fill(int(self.kernels[0].gpudata))
582 101 55545 550.0 2.3 self.dims_gpu.fill(self.dims[0])
583 1111 1122 1.0 0.0 for b in self.bend_coeffs:
584 1010 15086 14.9 0.6 self.proj_mat_ptrs[b].fill(int(self.proj_mats[b][0].gpudata))
585 1010 14945 14.8 0.6 self.offset_mat_ptrs[b].fill(int(self.offset_mats[b][0].gpudata))
File: batchtps.py
Function: batch_tps_rpm_bij at line 668
Total time: 14.4213 s
Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents
668 @profile
669 def batch_tps_rpm_bij(src_ctx, tgt_ctx, T_init = 1e-1, T_final = 5e-3,
670 outlierfrac = 1e-2, outlierprior = 1e-1, outliercutoff = 1e-2, em_iter = EM_ITER_CHEAP):
671 """
672 computes tps rpm for the clouds in src and tgt in batch
673 TODO: Fill out comment cleanly
674 """
675 ##TODO: add check to ensure that src_ctx and tgt_ctx are formatted properly
676 100 143 1.4 0.0 n_iter = len(src_ctx.bend_coeffs)
677 100 3633 36.3 0.0 T_vals = loglinspace(T_init, T_final, n_iter)
679 100 78329 783.3 0.5 src_ctx.reset_tps_params()
680 100 71218 712.2 0.5 tgt_ctx.reset_tps_params()
681 1100 1550 1.4 0.0 for i, b in enumerate(src_ctx.bend_coeffs):
682 1000 996 1.0 0.0 T = T_vals[i]
683 2000 1855 0.9 0.0 for _ in range(em_iter):
684 1000 2732661 2732.7 18.9 src_ctx.transform_points()
685 1000 2591062 2591.1 18.0 tgt_ctx.transform_points()
686 1000 3324074 3324.1 23.0 src_ctx.get_target_points(tgt_ctx, outlierprior, outlierfrac, outliercutoff, T)
687 1000 2346748 2346.7 16.3 src_ctx.update_transform(b)
688 # check_update(src_ctx, b)
689 1000 2113210 2113.2 14.7 tgt_ctx.update_transform(b)
690 100 1155837 11558.4 8.0 return src_ctx.bidir_tps_cost(tgt_ctx)