Fibonacci using Dynamic Programming
Development Environment Operating System: Windows/Linux Compiler: GCC (version 7.5 or higher)
Compiling and Running the Source Code
Windows Open the Command Prompt or PowerShell in the directory where the q1.c file is located. Compile the code by running the command gcc -o q1 q1.c. This will create an executable file named q1. Run the executable by running the command q1.
Linux Open the Terminal in the directory where the q1.c file is located. Compile the code by running the command gcc -o q1 q1.c. This will create an executable file named q1. Run the executable by running the command ./q1. You can also use an IDE like Code::Blocks or Visual Studio Code to build and run the code.
Note Make sure that the GCC compiler is installed on your system before running the above commands. If you are using an IDE, you may need to set up the development environment before building and running the code.