Typescript general studies with mini-apps about tuples, generics, decorators, typed annotations, and typed arrays.
Focused studies about tuples, generics, decorators, typed annotations, and typed arrays.
The lesson was focused about the advantages of using the superset. Creating a specific scenario with axios to fetch json data, and how library can be better used with custom types for your requests.
- /lesson1/fetchjson
The lesson was focused some specifics subjects from the documentation:
- Primitives and Objects typing;
- Variables assertions and inferences;
- Contextual Typing;
- Function Anotations;
- Function Inferences;
- Classes assertions and inferences;
- Interface typing;
- Tuples typing
type Drink = [string, boolean, number];
const pepsi: Drink = ["brown", true, 40];
- Typed Arrays
let carMakers: string[];
const dates = [new Date(), new Date()];
const carsByMake = [["f15"], ["corolla"]];
// Flexible types
const importantDates = [new Date(), "2030-10-10"];
const importantValues: (Date | string)[] = [];
Focusing in praticing typescript typing with some OOP design patterns with the superset.
A location API using Google Maps API and Faker BR for data generation. Not focusing on style
The purpose of the application was using OOP with typescript and some design patterns.
- Facade
- Utility Types
- Inference and annotations
- Interfaces
- Type Guards