Releases: dhis2/app-platform
12.0.0 (2024-12-13)
Bug Fixes
- deps: upgrade app-runtime and ui (#895) (8ed0ec3)
- deps: upgrade react to 18 in example apps (#900) (7fd16d7)
- deps: use npm v6 before publishing (01ad502)
- init: update bootstrap script branch (#896) (33c261a)
- plugin: clean up resize observer and handle sonarqube warnings (#898) (f113dd5)
- alerts from plugins [LIBS-695] (#881) (21be0d2)
- allow serving files from cwd node_modules (0233949)
- base url env & refactor [LIBS-635] (#872) (7f19259)
- bump ui library (#882) (1ae9569)
- clear only required build dirs (#894) (179305f)
- env refactor for Vite wrap-up [LIBS-690] (#889) (84da4e6)
- injectPrecacheManifest warning logging (a0d266e)
- normalize to .js extensions when compiling libraries (#893) (58b33a8)
- service-worker: handle undefined config vars in injectPrecacheManifest (a90a4e0)
- correct app shell paths (#883) (a1af71c)
- handle jsx in js support [LIBS-633] (#871) (595a35d)
- increase precache max file size to 3 MB (b20ed22)
- remove custom eslint from TS template (71cef4b)
- update deps (1e7ce93)
- update workbox deps to avoid deprecation warnings (9a81c4a)
- use strings for 'boolean' env vars (eaf5e66)
- create initial TS template (#868) (2795f79)
- enable HMR for .js files (5f4683c)
- handle plugins with Vite [LIBS-610] (#863) (ca5be0d)
- jsx migration script (#869) (7764f49)
- migrate snap files too (#878) (521f483)
- replace CRA with Vite [LIBS-598] (#847) (3dd0e59)
- upgrade react to v18 (#876) (77ecf10)
- init: set direction: 'auto' and import locales for new apps [LIBS-645] (#867) (4eda4a9)
require react version 18
fix: pin react version to 18
test: update test and test libraries for react 18
Supported Node versions are 18.x or 20+
ci: upgrade Node version
fix: always add PWA_ENABLED to app env for better static analysis
chore: pause precache manifest injection
fix: building SW without CRA
chore: comment update
fix: group moment locales in their own dir
refactor: clean up precache injection
fix: locale utils and handling moment in jest
fix: compile correctly after merging changes
chore: comment in compile.js
chore: some clean-up
chore: comments
fix: use port 3000 for the dev server
fix: improve moment locale chunk naming
chore: remove CRA
fix: use mjs build of Vite
fix: bump cli-style for CRA fix
feat: use interactive dev server output from Vite
fix: make dev server port configurable
chore: remove old index.html
fix: env tweaks