I'm Dhyey Dave
, an Aspiring Software developer
currently pursuing my master's in Computer Science.
- 🔭 Checkout my latest React Project
Algorithm Visualizer
- https://algoviz-cs608.netlify.app/ - 📱 Checkout my latest Mobile app project
- https://github.com/PAJK87/CS639-Final - 🌱 I’m currently learning AWS, Firebase, React.js, Three.js.
- 💬 Ask about me on new tech-stacks and music.
- 📫 How to reach me -> Email : [email protected].
- ⚡ Fun fact: I am good at making punny jokes.lol.
- Take a look at my
portfolio website
- https://dhyey-dave.netlify.app/
React.js | Angular | Node.js | Express.js | three.js | Ember.js
Cassandra | SQL | MongoDB |PostgresSQL
Java | Kotlin | Android Studio | XML | Jetpack Compose
- Built a social media application using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js).
- Designed and implemented a responsive, user-friendly interface using React and Material-UI.
- Utilized MongoDB to store and manage user data, including posts, comments, and friend connections.
- Conducted thorough testing and debugging to ensure a seamless user experience.
- Collaborated an algorithm visualizer web application using React, showcasing proficiency in front-end web development and popular libraries such as Spring-React and Bootstrap
- Leveraged React's state management and component architecture to create a responsive and intuitive user interface that provides real-time visualization of complex algorithms such as A*, Dijkstra path finding, Merge Sort and Bubble Sort sorting algorithms
- Led a team of three members to diagnose and resolve technical issues, evaluate 50 lines of code daily, and effectively deliver tasks ahead of schedule. Cultivated a positive team culture through effective guidance and support, leading to a 98% on-time project completion rate