A golang based file server with default logrus based logging.
static-server - A http static file server
static-server run [command options] [arguments...]
--folder value, -f value Location of folder from where files will be served[required] [$FILE_FOLDER]
--port value, -p value http port, default is 9595 (default: 9595)
--log-format value log format, json or text (default: "json") [$LOG_FORMAT]
--log-file value, -l value Name of the log file, default goes to stderr [$LOG_FILE]
--sub-url value Alternate url path that does not match the filesystem [$SUB_URL]
--static-folder value, --sf value The static files will only be served from this static folder
and expected to be under the base folder. The url path should
also match the filesystem. Any other path will
be redirected to the index.html (default: "/static") [$STATIC_FOLDER]
--cache-duration value, -d value how long the static assets will be cached given in months (default: 11)