An ECS task to build a data package. Currently the only package build is the organisaion package (organisation.csv).
requirements - Folder to contain python requirements, these will be added to the image - file which piptools can use to generate requirements file
requirements.txt - generated using piptools, acts as a lockfile for the python dependencies
task - Folder containing the source code for the task. This folder is copied into the docker container and is the working directory - the shell script that is ran when the container is started
.... - other files needed to support
tests - Foder containing the tests for the task these will depend ont he task itself but should follow testing guidance.
Dockerfile - file that is used to
Makefile - use file containing make targets for running the task locally - contains detaills on the ecs task, including information on dependencies and how to run locally
- Create a repo from the template
- Alter code, add tests update README (Remove this section and update the others)
- reach out to infrastructure to register task and create definition
- deploy into development to check it works
- deploy to staging and production
this task can be ran either with or without docker the instructions for either are below
set up dependencies:
- create a virtual environment for python and activate it
- run make init to install local
- run make run-task
then because the task needs to be ran from the task directory you need to change into the task directorry
cd task
set the name of the package you want to build to an Environment variables
export DATA_PACKAGE_NAME=organisation
then the task can be ran using the entrypoint scrript
it can also be ran without changing directory by using the make commands
make run-task
With docker we have created a docker compose file which allows you to run it locally . First install the depencies:
- Install docker.
now run the docker compose code using
docker compose up
this will start the container and print the logs into the terminal.
Tests run locally, there are a few depencies to have innstalled to use them:
- create a virtual environment
- run make init to install the test dependencies
- install BATS to test the bash scripts used to trigger/orchestrate cde within the container
tests can then be ran using
make test
there are individual make targets for unit and acceptance tests
makw unit
make acceptance