A dockerized Azure Webapp for displaying Electric Vehicle (EV) charging station status, following the OCPP standard data model. It can be deployed in as a Docker container into an Azure Web App instance. Containers are automaticLly built on checkin to the main branch and can be run using the Docker run command. They are located at ghcr.io/barnstee/evchargingdashboard:main.
This is a companion dashboard for the OCPP Central System project.
The EV Charging Dashboard can be run from a Docker-enabled PC via:
docker run -p 80:80 -e <env variables described below> ghcr.io/barnstee/evchargingdashboard:main
Then point your browser to https://youripaddress.
To run the EV Charging Dashboard on Azure, deploy it in a Web App with Docker instance and also deploy a SQL Server instance, an Azure Storage instance, an IoT Hub instance, a SendGrid instance and a SignalR instance. Then configure the environment variables below in the Web App's configuration Application Settings.
The EV Charging Dashboard depends on a deployed S1 Azure IoT Hub, a deployed instance of Azure SignalR, a deployed Azure SQL instance, a deployed Azure Storage instance and a deployed SendGrid instance. Once deployed, create a blob container within the Azure Storage instance called "keys". Also, create a consumer group within the IoT Hub instace called "dashboard". Then deploy the EV charging dashboard as an Azure Web App.
The following environment variables need to be defined:
- "MyDBConnection": Azure SQL Server connection string
- "StorageAccountConnectionString": Azure Storage connection string
- "IotHubEventHubName": Azure IoT Hub name
- "EventHubEndpointIotHubOwnerConnectionString": Azure Event Hub owner connection string
- "APIKey": SendGrid SaaS API key
- "SignalRConnectionString": Azure SignalR connection string
- "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": Set to "Development" for enabling the exception web pages