The Central System is a server responsible for communicating with charging stations and provides user authentication, billing and charge point reservation services. There is a companion dashboard project for this located here.
docker run
The MQTT broker receiving telemetry messages from this container is configured via environment variables:
- CreateMQTTSASToken - set to "1" to create a SAS token for authentication
- UseTLS - set to "1" to use secure MQTT (MQTTS, leveraging TLS)
- MQTTBrokerName - for Azure IoT Hub, this is the Azure IoT Hub Hostname
- MQTTClientName - for Azure IoT Hub, this is the Device ID
- MQTTUsername - for Azure IoT Hub, this is [BrokerName]/[ClientName]/?api-version=2018-06-30
- MQTTPassword - for Azure IoT Hub, this is the Device's Primary Key
- MQTTMessageTopic - for Azure IoT Hub, this is devices/[ClientName]/messages/events/
- Publishing_Interval - the interval in which OCPP telemetry messages should be sent to the MQTT broker
Additionally, the environment variable "RUN_TESTS" can be set to "1" to run a simulation of 2 charging stations sending messages to the Central Station in an alternating fashion which is useful for testing purposes.