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dimitropoulos committed Jul 23, 2021
1 parent 8b20457 commit 300862a
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Showing 51 changed files with 2,755 additions and 2,670 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .eslintrc.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module.exports = {
'@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access': 'off',
'@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return': 'off',
'object-curly-newline': 'off',
'react/react-in-jsx-scope': 'off',
'simple-import-sort/exports': 'error',
'simple-import-sort/imports': 'error',
Expand Down
161 changes: 113 additions & 48 deletions

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

376 changes: 23 additions & 353 deletions components.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,360 +1,30 @@
import { Link } from '@material-ui/core';
import { indexBy, prop, sortBy } from 'ramda';
import React, { Fragment } from 'react';

import { ComponentInfo, Option } from './entities';
import {
checkmark as markdownCheckmark,
stringArray as markdownStringArray,
} from './markdown/utils';
import {
checkmark as jsxCheckmark,
stringArray as jsxStringArray,
} from './website/utils';

const checkmark = {
toJsx: jsxCheckmark,
toMarkdown: markdownCheckmark,

const stringArray = {
toJsx: jsxStringArray,
toMarkdown: markdownStringArray,

const indexByOptionId = indexBy<Option>(prop('optionId'));
import { alertComponent } from './components/alert';
import { avatar } from './components/avatar';
import { avatarGroup } from './components/avatarGroup';
import { button } from './components/button';
import { checkbox } from './components/checkbox';
import { datePicker } from './components/datePicker';
import { errorBoundary } from './components/errorBoundary';
import { select } from './components/select';
import { stepper } from './components/stepper';
import { switchComponent } from './components/switch';
import { tabs } from './components/tabs';
import { ComponentInfo } from './entities';

export const componentInfo: ComponentInfo[] = sortBy(prop('componentId'), [
cannonicalName: 'Alert',
componentId: 'alert',
description: 'Alerts are used to show an important message to users.',
indefiniteArticle: 'an',
optionsById: indexByOptionId([
criteria: 'The alert has ready-made variations.',
name: 'Types',
optionId: 'types',
criteria: 'The alert has an "out of the box" way to dismiss, usually with an `onClose` prop.',
name: 'Closable',
optionId: 'closable',
cannonicalName: 'Avatar',
componentId: 'avatar',
description: 'Avatars can be used to represent people or objects.',
indefiniteArticle: 'an',
optionsById: indexByOptionId([
criteria: 'A custom badge or status is available or easily configurable.',
name: 'Badge',
optionId: 'badge',
criteria: 'Avatars can be easily formed into different styles using a prop or similar mechanism (not custom CSS).',
name: 'Shapes',
optionId: 'shapes',
criteria: 'Avatars can be easily sized between different (and consistent) major sizes.',
name: 'Sizes',
optionId: 'sizes',
criteria: 'Avatars can be presented to users as icons (i.e. generic fallback illustrations), custom images, or can contain text.',
name: 'Types',
optionId: 'types',
cannonicalName: 'AvatarGroup',
componentId: 'avatarGroup',
description: 'AvatarGroups stack a set of Avatars into a customized list, often with customized animations and options.',
indefiniteArticle: 'an',
optionsById: indexByOptionId([
criteria: 'Avatar groups support expandable lists where a user can click to see more members in the list.',
name: 'Expandable Group',
optionId: 'expandableGroup',
criteria: 'A custom number can be set representing the number of avatars shown.',
name: 'Max Count',
optionId: 'maxCount',
cannonicalName: 'Button',
componentId: 'button',
description: 'Users trigger actions by clicking on buttons.',
indefiniteArticle: 'a',
optionsById: indexByOptionId([
criteria: 'The button can be easily sized between different (and consistent) major sizes.',
name: 'Sizes',
optionId: 'sizes',
criteria: 'The button has a pre-made loading state for asynchronous events.',
name: 'Loading',
optionId: 'loading',
criteria: 'An icon can be included either at the left or right of the text, or button can be used with just an icon and no text (notated as `only`).',
name: 'Icon',
optionId: 'icon',
criteria: 'A ButtonGroup component exists in the library, or other such pre-made methods for making button groups.',
name: 'Groupable',
optionId: 'groupable',
criteria: 'A `disabled` prop exists for use in situations where the user cannot interact with the button.',
name: 'Disabled',
optionId: 'disabled',
cannonicalName: 'Checkbox',
componentId: 'checkbox',
description: 'Users toggle between checked, unchecked (or indeterminate) values with checkboxes.',
indefiniteArticle: 'a',
optionsById: indexByOptionId([
criteria: 'A custom icon can be provided in place of the checkbox itself via a prop or a child.',
name: 'Custom Icon',
optionId: 'customIcon',
criteria: 'The checkbox has a `disabled` state, indicating the user cannot interact with it',
name: 'Disabled',
optionId: 'disabled',
criteria: 'The checkbox has an indeterminate state.',
name: 'Indeterminate',
optionId: 'indeterminate',
criteria: 'The checkbox has an `invalid` or `error` state.',
name: 'Invalid',
optionId: 'invalid',
criteria: 'The text can be positioned at different places around the checkbox.',
name: 'Label Placement',
optionId: 'labelPlacement',
cannonicalName: 'DatePicker',
componentId: 'datePicker',
description: 'Users select a date or date range using a date picker.',
indefiniteArticle: 'a',
optionsById: indexByOptionId([
criteria: 'Has a prop that allows the user to easily clear the date selection.',
name: 'Clearable',
optionId: 'clearable',
criteria: 'A developer can specify a custom locale with a prop.',
name: 'Custom Locale',
optionId: 'customLocale',
criteria: 'Allows a devloper to easily set a minimum and maximum date.',
name: 'Min/Max',
optionId: 'minMax',
criteria: 'Allows users to quickly select from different magnituteds of lengths of time.',
name: 'Modes',
optionId: 'modes',
criteria: 'A super simple way exists to provide the user with preset dates (e.g. "Today", "Last Week", , "Past 3 years").',
name: 'Presets',
optionId: 'presets',
criteria: 'An out-of-the-box solution exists for allowing the user to select date ranges.',
name: 'Range',
optionId: 'range',
criteria: 'Users are able to input times.',
name: 'Time',
optionId: 'time',
cannonicalName: 'ErrorBoundary',
componentId: 'errorBoundary',
description: {
jsx: <Fragment><Link href="">ErrorBoundaries</Link> are a React 16+ specific feature that uses the <Link href="">componentDidCatch</Link> API for handling uncaught errors without unmounting the whole React component tree.</Fragment>,
markdown: `${link({ href: '', text: 'ErrorBoundaries' })} are a React 16+ specific feature that uses the ${link({ href: '', text: 'componentDidCatch' })} API for handling uncaught errors without unmounting the whole React component tree.`,
indefiniteArticle: 'an',
optionsById: indexByOptionId([
criteria: 'Has a prop or props that can be used to provide a custom title and/or description (as a string, not a ReactNode).',
name: 'Custom Text',
optionId: 'customText',
criteria: 'Has a prop that can be used to provide a custom ReactNode fallback that does not receive the date of `componentDidCatch`.',
name: 'Drop-In JSX Fallback',
optionId: 'dropInFallback',
criteria: 'Has a prop that can be used to provide a custom ReactNode for fallback which receives the data of `componentDidCatch`.',
name: 'Wrapper JSX Fallback',
optionId: 'wrapperFallback',
cannonicalName: 'Stepper',
componentId: 'stepper',
description: 'Navigation that guides users through the steps of a task.',
indefiniteArticle: 'a',
optionsById: indexByOptionId([
criteria: 'The steps can be stacked vertically.',
name: 'Can Be Vertical',
optionId: 'canBeVertical',
criteria: 'A user can click on the step itself to navigate.',
name: 'Clickable',
optionId: 'clickable',
criteria: 'A step can have a subtext with a description.',
name: 'Step Description',
optionId: 'stepDescription',
criteria: 'A step with an error can be easily identified to the user.',
name: 'Step Error',
optionId: 'stepError',
criteria: 'The steps have a prop whereby they can be given custom icons.',
name: 'Step Icon',
optionId: 'stepIcon',
cannonicalName: 'Switch',
componentId: 'switch',
description: 'Used to toggle between two states: on and off.',
indefiniteArticle: 'a',
optionsById: indexByOptionId([
criteria: 'The switch has a `disabled` state, indicating that the user cannot interact with it.',
name: 'Disabled',
optionId: 'disabled',
criteria: 'The switch has an ability to display an indeterminate state.',
name: 'Indeterminate',
optionId: 'indeterminate',
criteria: 'The switch has a prop (or child) to include custom icons within the space of the switch (e.g. a `checkmark` and an `x` icon).',
name: 'Internal Icons',
optionId: 'internalIcons',
criteria: 'The switch has a prop (or child) to include custom text within the space of the switch (e.g. the text `on` and `off`).',
name: 'Internal Text',
optionId: 'internalText',
criteria: 'Where a label can be attached to the switch.',
name: 'Lable Placement',
optionId: 'labelPlacement',
criteria: 'The switch has a `loading` state that indicates a pending state of a switch action.',
name: 'Loading',
optionId: 'loading',
criteria: 'The lable has native, pre-configured size options.',
name: 'Sizes',
optionId: 'sizes',
cannonicalName: 'Tabs',
componentId: 'tabs',
description: 'Users switch between different views with tabs.',
indefiniteArticle: 'a',
optionsById: indexByOptionId([
criteria: 'The tabs can be stacked vertically.',
name: 'Can Be Vertical',
optionId: 'canBeVertical',

export const componentInfoById = indexBy(prop('componentId'), componentInfo);

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