This part is somewhat looser than the others. In a nutshell, find some motors, wheels, motor controllers, and some connecting materials. Throw them all at a wall and hope that the come together nicely.
I have used's:
- Scout platform
- Slightly stronger motors than the one it ships with. (Something like this.)
- Cytron 10A 5-30V Dual Channel DC Motor Driver.
- YDLIDAR G2 Lidar.
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. (I could not install ROS on a Raspberry Pi 4 at this time, maybe you could!)
ROS (Robot Operation System) is a framework that facilitates the use of a wide variety of "packages" to control a robot. Those packages range all the way from motion control, to path planning, mapping, localization, SLAM, perception, and more. ROS provides a relatively simple interface with those packages, and the ability to of course create custom packages.
Note: The Raspberry Pi 4 is more computationally capable than its predecessors. However, installing ROS on the Pi3 is currently (as of December 2019) easier, and allegedly more reliable.
I dowloaded the Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial with pre-installed ROS from Ubiquity Robotics. They have great instructions on how to install and download the image. The main points are:
- Download the image from the top of the page.
- Flash it to an SD card (at least 8GB). You can use Etcher, it works well.
- Connect to the WiFi network that starts with
. Password isrobotseverywhere
. - Go to Terminal, and connect to your Pi using
ssh [email protected]
. Password isubuntu
. - Run
to make sure that things are working properly. If you get a warning/errors, try stopping ROS and starting it again withkillall -9 roscore
Something we would want to be able to do is to access the ROS communication messages from our laptop. There are a couple of steps to do here.
Spin a Linux machine with ROS Kinetic Kame. Either a virtual machine or a real machine. You can use VMWare-Fusion with Ubuntu 16.04 or something similar. We will refer to that machine as the Observer machine. The robot is the Master.
On the Master, find the
. These two things are the information both machines will need to communicate. Find theROS_IP
by runningifconfig
. -
I would add these lines to
on the Observer machine, or create a script to run them together. This is not required, but would make your life (potentially) easier in the long run (so you won't need to type those lines every time you'd want to connect to the robot :) ). -
On the Master (robot), run
. -
On the observer, you now have access to the messages and topics that are on the Master. More on that soon.
On the robot (the machine running
): -
is its own IP.
is HTTP://:11311.
On the observer computer:
is its own IP.
is the robot's IP
In this example (the IPs would probably be different in your network), on the robot, we set: export ROS_IP= export ROS_MASTER_URI=
On the observer laptop, we set: export ROS_IP= export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://ubiquityrobot.local:11311
. This master URI looks different (but is actually the same under the alias). I believe that setting it to
would work (should be the same as the .local
), but I did not test it.
- To make sure the communication works, I followed this tutorial to publish basic shapes to rviz.
- I had to make the messages compatible with Indigo, following an answer here. (The solution with downloading the common msgs Indigo folder and using the
package foder incatkin_ws/src
.) - In rviz, make sure to set the frame to
(if following tutorial).
A short step, to make sure both machines have internet connectivity. The information is taken from this website.
- On the robot machine,
- Restart the Pi,
sudo reboot
. Now the Raspberry Pi will connect to your WiFi network on startup. To connect to it, connect your computer to the same network, andssh [email protected]
with the passwordubuntu
Woo! Now both machines have internet, and can communicate over SSH.
This step was a bit of a doozy. It took me a while to figure out how to get the lidar to run. But I did! So hopefully you won't have to suffer too.
I am using the YDLIDAR G2 for this build. The first step is to install the necessary drivers. The driver is a ROS package.
cd catkin_workspace/src
.git clone
- Follow the directions from the repository, written below:
roscd ydlidar_ros/startup
sudo chmod 777 ./*
sudo sh
- Go back to your catkin workspace, and run
source devel/setup.bash
. git checkout G2
. Move to the branch of your Lidar model.- Run
Test the lidar with roslaunch ydlidar_ros lidar.launch
. Visualize the scans in Rviz, by adding the topic /scan
It may look something like this! Background may vary :)
As we know, the Raspberry Pi is the "brain" of our robot, perceiving the environment and planning in it. The Arduino, is simply used to control the motors of the robot. It doesn't do much thinking. So our goal here, is to get commands from the Raspberry Pi to the Arduino, so it'll be able to tell the motors how to move, accordingly. In high level, what we do is install rosserial, a ROS module that enables Arduino communication, on both the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino.
- Following the steps from the ROS website, we start with installing the package.
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-rosserial-arduino
, and then,sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-rosserial
. If you are using a ROS version different from Kinetic, change the wordkinetic
to your version. - In the following commands, substitute
with the name of your catkin workspace.git clone cd catkin_ws catkin_make catkin_make install
- In your Arduino IDE, install the rosserial library. I found it the easiest to just do it from the IDE itself. Search for
in the Library Manager and install it.
And that's it!
For a test run, try the HelloWorld example, from the examples included with the rosserial library. Flash the Arduino with it, and connect to the Raspberry Pi. To run it:
- On the Raspberry Pi
- In a second Raspberry Pi terminal,
rosrun rosserial_python /dev/ttyACM0
. ChangettyACM0
with the port of your Arduino. You can check the port by navigating to~/dev/
, and observing which files disappear and re-appear when the Arduino is disconnected and connected. - In a third terminal,
rostopic echo chatter
to see the messages being sent.
This part is exciting! We will now add the mapping and localization functionality to our robot. We use the Hector-SLAM package, since it enables us to create maps and localize ourselves with a Lidar alone. I found this video by Tiziano Fiorenzani and the official resources on the ROS website helpful for setting Hector-SLAM up.
- Clone the GitHub repository to your catkin workspace. Navigate to the
folder and rungit clone
. - [This may fail!, see sub-bullet for work-arounds] Build ROS by running
and then sourcingsetup.bash
withsource ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
. -
- If your build gets stalled, or seems to be very slow. Do two things.
- Increase swap space to 1GB. Follow this tutorial for instructions.
- Run the build with
catkin_make -j2
- Run the build with
We need to make a couple of modifications to the Hector SLAM tutorial files in order for them to work with our setup. We first take note of the transformations available to us on the \tf
topic, and the reference frames they use.
- Spin the lidar node, with
roslaunch ydlidar_ros lidar.launch
. - Check the communication on the
topic withrostopic echo /tf
- I get only one transformation:
seq: 0
secs: 1578619851
nsecs: 284012533
frame_id: "/base_footprint"
child_frame_id: "/laser_frame"
x: 0.2245
y: 0.0
z: 0.2
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
w: 1.0
So we see that we have only two frames. Namely /base_footprint
and laser_frame
. We will update the file ~/catkin_ws/src/hector_slam/hector_mapping/launch/mapping_default.launch
to accommodate those.
At the somewhat top of the file, change the first line to the second.
<arg name="odom_frame" default="nav"/>
<arg name="odom_frame" default="base_footprint"/>
At almost the very bottom of the file, change from/to:
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="map_nav_broadcaster" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 map nav 100"/>
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="map_nav_broadcaster" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 base_footprint laser_frame 100"/>
Navigate to
, and change from/to -
<param name="/use_sim_time" value="true"/>
<param name="/use_sim_time" value="false"/>
This should do the trick! Try it out!
- In a first terminal run the lidar with
roslauch ydlidar_ros lidar.launch
- In a second terminal run Hector SLAM with
roslaunch hector_slam_launch tutorial.launch
You should be able to see the results in Rviz. Choose the /map
topic to visualize the map that was created.
We now want to create a ROS package that would allow ROS communication to move the robot in the world. Again, Tiziano Fiorenzani has a great video explaining the basics of what we are doing here. In a nutshell, we want to make a subscriber node that would run on the Arduino, and listen to the topic /cmd_vel
. We would want to begin with sending commands from the keyboard to the robot.
To see what this topic is all about, run rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
. In another terminal, run rostopic info /cmd_vel
to see that this topic publishes the structure geometry_msgs/Twist
. Run rosmsg show geometry_msgs/Twist
, to see the attributes of the message. They are a linear and angular commands.
geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear
float64 x
float64 y
float64 z
geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular
float64 x
float64 y
float64 z
Let's create the ROS node on our Arduino. We would want to map values in precentages (that we get from /cmd_vel
) to the range [0,255] that our motor controller understands.
The entirety of the code for this node lives on the Arduino. So we use this sketch, and upload it. This is a very very simple sketch, that only supports forward and stopping motion. Check out the GitHub repo for a full program.
#if (ARDUINO >= 100)
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <WProgram.h>
#include <ros.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>
// Pin variables for motors.
const int right_pwm_pin = 5;
const int right_dir_pin = A0;
const int left_pwm_pin = 6;
const int left_dir_pin = A1;
const bool left_fwd = true;
const bool right_fwd = false;
// Default_speed.
const int default_vel = 201;
ros::NodeHandle nh;
void MoveFwd(const size_t speed) {
digitalWrite(right_dir_pin, right_fwd);
digitalWrite(left_dir_pin, left_fwd);
analogWrite(right_pwm_pin, speed);
analogWrite(left_pwm_pin, speed);
void MoveStop() {
digitalWrite(right_dir_pin, right_fwd);
digitalWrite(left_dir_pin, left_fwd);
analogWrite(right_pwm_pin, 0);
analogWrite(left_pwm_pin, 0);
void cmd_vel_cb(const geometry_msgs::Twist & msg) {
// Read the message. Act accordingly.
// We only care about the linear x, and the rotational z.
const float x = msg.linear.x;
const float z_rotation = msg.angular.z;
// Decide on the morot state we need, according to command.
if (x > 0 && z_rotation == 0) {
else {
ros::Subscriber<geometry_msgs::Twist> sub("cmd_vel", cmd_vel_cb);
void setup() {
pinMode(right_pwm_pin, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin 13 as output
pinMode(right_dir_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(left_pwm_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(left_dir_pin, OUTPUT);
// Set initial values for directions. Set both to forward.
digitalWrite(right_dir_pin, right_fwd);
digitalWrite(left_dir_pin, left_fwd);
void loop() {
We can control the robot from our laptop now! In separate terminal instances, run the following:
- Allow Arduino communication with
rosrun rosserial_python /dev/ttyACM0
- Enable keyboard control with
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
To make our lives easier for the next time we run the teleop node, we can create a launch file!
Creating a launch file is pretty simple, and can be done following the documentation on In our case, we end up with the following launch file to launch all the necessary nodes for keyboard teleoperation.
<node pkg="rosserial_arduino" type="" name="serial_arduino">
<param name="port" value="/dev/ttyACM0" />
<node pkg="teleop_twist_keyboard" type="" name="teleop_twist_keybord"> </node>
I have placed this launch file in the directory ~/catkin_ws/src/lidarbot/launch
. Don't forget to catkin_make
and source devel/setup.bash
We can now run the robot in a teleoperated mode with
roslaunch lidarbot lidarbot_teleop.launch
When I was designing the Lidar mount that I ended up 3D printing, I failed to look through the datasheet and design in in a way such that the "forward" direction of the Lidar would actually point forward. Let's correct that.
Because of a lack of time, let's do a somewhat hack-y patch.
Navigate to /catkin_ws/src/ydlidar/sdk/src/CYdLidar.cpp
, and change the function void CYdLidar::checkCalibrationAngle(const std::string &serialNumber) {
to the following. We are simply overriding the angle offset value provided by the Lidar model.
void CYdLidar::checkCalibrationAngle(const std::string &serialNumber) {
m_AngleOffset = 0.0;
result_t ans;
offset_angle angle;
int retry = 0;
m_isAngleOffsetCorrected = false;
float override_offset_angle = 140.0;
while (retry < 2) {
ans = lidarPtr->getZeroOffsetAngle(angle);
if (IS_OK(ans)) {
if (angle.angle > 720 || angle.angle < -720) {
ans = lidarPtr->getZeroOffsetAngle(angle);
if (!IS_OK(ans)) {
m_isAngleOffsetCorrected = (angle.angle != 720);
m_AngleOffset = angle.angle / 4.0;
printf("[YDLIDAR INFO] Successfully obtained the %s offset angle[%f] from the lidar[%s]\n"
, m_isAngleOffsetCorrected ? "corrected" : "uncorrrected", m_AngleOffset,
std::cout << "Overriding offset angle to " << override_offset_angle << "\n";
m_AngleOffset = override_offset_angle;
Great, our Lidar's arrow points forward now.
In separate terminals, run:
roslaunch lidarbot lidarbot_teleop.launch
roslaunch ydlidar_ros lidar.launch
roslaunch hector_slam_launch tutorial.launch
And open Rviz from another linux machine, if possible.
Now, as you'll be driving around the space (slowly! We want the map to be built accurately, so no need to give it a hard time doing so.) you'll see a map starting to be build in real time, in Rviz. The lighter colors are empty space, and the dark ones are obstacles.
When you think your map is sufficiently good, run the following:
rostopic pub syscommand std_msgs/String "savegeotiff"
This will save a .tif and a .tfw files in ~/catkin_ws/src/hector_slam/hector_geotiff/maps
The map will look something like this:
We are done setting up our robot! It is SMORT and can drive on its own, and sense its environment. I will be updating this Github repository with code for some fun applications. The first thing on there is a wall following ROS package!
Happy building!