Archive/Migration from
MTL is a Model Transformation Language using an objet oriented paradigm. MOF based,it uses a consistent way to access the model elements and the transformation objects.
This works was done in the Triskell team
MTL is the ancestor of Kermeta (, K3 ( and ALE ( metamodeling languages.
- IDE to design MTL transformations
- support for several metamodelling technologies such as
- EMF/Ecore
- MDR (MetaDataRepository from netbeans) (cf.
- ModFact (cf. )
- Poseidon for UML
- Frédéric Fondement
- Jean-Marie Mottu
- David Touzet
- Jean-Marc Jézéquel
- Damien Pollet
- Franck Chauvel
- Xavier Blanc
- Zoé Drey
- Didier Vojtisek