- Setting your identity
git config --global user.email "youremail"
git config --global user.name "your name"
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/bscse2001/live_session_demo.git
- Change directory to the repository
cd live_session_demo
- Create a new branch
git branch mynewbranch
- Checkout to the newly created branch
git checkout mynewbranch
- Create a new file with a unique name, preferably your roll number
echo this is my unique file > myfile
- Check your status by following command
git status
The above command shows the list of modification done on the current branch
- Add the newly created file to the staging
git add myfile
- Check your status by following command
git status
The above command shows the newly created file is in staging area
- Commit your change
git commit -m 'Enter your commit message here'
- Merge the current branch to the
branch- checkout to the main branch
git checkout main
- Execute
command, you cannot see the newly created file because that is not in the current branch main - Merging the new branch with main
git merge mynewbranch
Now you can see your newly created file
Push changes to the repository
git push
The above command will not work unless you are the owner or a contributor to the repository.
- Fork this repository from github and create a forked repository for your own.
- Then you can work locally for the modification with above mentioned steps
- Finally, you can send a pull request to the source repository.