- Python
- Python Virtualenv
- Python-PIP
- Python mbed-cli
- Brew on MacOS
- GCC-none compilers for ARM CortexM
- Imagemagick
- flash.py (optional to make flashing and resetting easier)
mbed target board FRDM-K64F with a .96 OLED Grove Display and mbed cloud client
mbed add mbed-os
virtualenv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r mbed-os/requirements.txt
// Add the library for the OLED display
mbed add https://developer.mbed.org/users/danielashercohen/code/SeeedGrayOLED/
// Optionally get the firmware flashing tool
// Add the library for the motion sensor part on the FRDM-K64F board
mbed add http://developer.mbed.org/teams/Freescale/code/FXOS8700Q
All the graphics below can be fetched with the create_h_bitmaps.sh script including header file generation
// Grab a logo from NXP that says mbed enabled - note it's not really 100x100 rather 530x630
wget http://www.nxp.com/files-static/graphic/logo_external/MBED_ENABLED_LOGO_100X100.jpg
// Grab the ARM logo from a public source
wget http://img.technews.co/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/ARM-logo.jpg
// Grab the IoT ARM image
// We need to generate a black bitmap with Imagemagick
convert -size 96x96 xc:#000000 blank.bmp
// Make the black bitmap monochrome with Imagemagick
convert blank.bmp -monochrome -colors 2 blank_96X96.bmp
// We need to strip the bitmap header off the file and get pure binary image data
cat blank_96X96.bmp | dd skip=146 bs=1 of=blank_96X96.img
// Dump a C header file with an array of hexadecimal image payload
xxd -i blank_96X96.img blank.h
// We need to convert the original image we downloaded with wget to a 96x96 to fit on the display notice it's also filling the edges and flipping it so we fill the display it the orientation is correct
convert MBED_ENABLED_LOGO_100X100.jpg -resize 96x96 -background white -gravity center -extent 96x96 -flip MBED_ENABLED_LOGO_96X96.bmp
// Make the mbed enabled image monochrome with Imagemagick
convert MBED_ENABLED_LOGO_96X96.bmp -monochrome -colors 2 MBED_ENABLED_LOGO_96X96_LOGO.bmp
// We need to strip the bitmap header off the file and get pure binary image data
cat MBED_ENABLED_LOGO_96X96_LOGO.bmp | dd skip=146 bs=1 of=MBED_ENABLED_LOGO_96X96_LOGO.img
// Dump a C header file with an array of hexadecimal image payload
xxd -i MBED_ENABLED_LOGO_96X96_LOGO.img logo.h
convert ARM-logo.jpg -resize 96x96 -background white -gravity center -extent 96x96 -flip ARM-logo_96X96.bmp
convert ARM-logo_96X96.bmp -monochrome -colors 2 ARM-logo_96X96-mono.bmp
cat ARM-logo_96X96-mono.bmp | dd skip=146 bs=1 of=ARM-logo_96X96-mono.img
xxd -i ARM-logo_96X96-mono.img armlogo.h
// Generate the header files from images
// Build the firmware with the GCC compilers
mbed compile -m K64F -t GCC_ARM
// Optional flash tool which copies the firmware binary to the board and sends a serial break command to reset and start executing the new code. Otherwise just drag over the compiled binary to the DAPLINK connected USB storage device and reset the board
mbed add https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os
mbed add https://developer.mbed.org/users/sam_grove/code/BufferedSerial
mbed add https://developer.mbed.org/teams/Freescale/code/FXOS8700Q
mbed add https://developer.mbed.org/users/danielashercohen/code/SeeedGrayOLED
mbed add https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-cloud-client
mbed update
cp SOMEPATH/identity_dev_security.c .
mbed compile -m k64f -t gcc_arm -DYOTTA_CFG_MBED_TRACE -c