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5.3 Crack tip field
Linear elastic fracture mechanics is based on stress intensity factors, specifically the
The formulation implemented in CrackPy (from crackpy.fracture_analysis.crack_tip import williams_displ_field, williams_stress_field
) is as follows [Melching23, Code, arXiv]:
The parameters
and the functions for the displacement part are defined as
While from crackpy.fracture_analysis.crack_tip import unit_of_williams_coefficients
The stress intensity factors and the T-stress are then:
You can use the following code to plot the Williams field:
This script plots the Williams field for different number of terms.
- Williams expansion coefficients A and B
- Plots of the Williams field
import os
from crackpy.fracture_analysis.crack_tip import williams_displ_field, williams_stress_field
from crackpy.structure_elements.material import Material
from crackpy.fracture_analysis.optimization import Optimization
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
# Set matplotlib settings
"font.size": 20,
"text.usetex": True,
"font.family": "Computer Modern",
"figure.figsize": [10, 10],
"figure.dpi": 300
# Parameters
K_I = 23.7082070388 * np.sqrt(1000) # MPa.mm^0.5
T = -7.2178311164 # MPa
a_1 = K_I / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)
a_2 = T / 4
a_3 = -2.8672068762
a_4 = 0.0290671612
# Define the Williams expansion coefficients
coefficients_a = [a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4]
coefficients_b = [0, 0, 0, 0]
coefficients_n = [1, 2, 3, 4]
# Output path
OUTPUT_PATH = os.path.join('Williams_field')
# check if output path exists
if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_PATH):
# Define the material
material = Material(E=72000, nu_xy=0.33, sig_yield=350.0)
# Loop over the number of terms and add one term at a time to the Williams expansion
for index in range(1, len(coefficients_a) + 1):
print(f'Plotting Williams field for {index} {"term" if index == 1 else "terms"}.')
for i in range(index):
print(f'a_{coefficients_n[i]}= {coefficients_a[i]:.2f} N * mm^({-1 - coefficients_n[i] / 2})'
f', b_{coefficients_n[i]}= {coefficients_b[i]:.2f} N * mm^({-1 - coefficients_n[i] / 2})')
min_radius = 0.01
max_radius = 100.0
tick_size = 0.01
r_grid, phi_grid = np.mgrid[min_radius:max_radius:tick_size, -np.pi:np.pi:tick_size]
disp_x, disp_y = williams_displ_field(coefficients_a[:index],
phi_grid, r_grid, material)
sigma_xx, sigma_yy, sigma_xy = williams_stress_field(coefficients_a[:index],
phi_grid, r_grid)
sigma_vm = np.sqrt(sigma_xx ** 2 + sigma_yy ** 2 - sigma_xx * sigma_yy + 3 * sigma_xy ** 2)
x_grid, y_grid = Optimization.make_cartesian(r_grid, phi_grid)
# Matplotlib plot
number_colors = 120
number_labes = 5
legend_limit_max = 100
Legend_limit_min = 0.0
cm = 'coolwarm'
# Define contour and label vectors
contour_vector = np.linspace(Legend_limit_min, legend_limit_max, number_colors, endpoint=True)
label_vector = np.linspace(Legend_limit_min, legend_limit_max, number_labes, endpoint=True)
label_vector = np.round(label_vector, 2)
# Plot the displacement field
fig = plt.figure(1)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# Plot the crack tip field
plot = ax.contourf(x_grid, y_grid, sigma_vm, contour_vector, extend='max', cmap=cm)
# Highlight the crack path
ax.plot([0, np.min(x_grid)], [0, 0], 'k', linewidth=2)
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.2)
plt.colorbar(plot, ticks=label_vector,
label='Von Mises eqv. stress [$\\mathrm{MPa}$]')
ax.set_xlabel('$x$ [$\\mathrm{mm}$]')
ax.set_ylabel('$y$ [$\\mathrm{mm}$]')
ax.set_xlim(-50, 50)
ax.set_ylim(-50, 50)
title_str_a = ''
title_str_b = ''
for i in range(index):
title_str_a += f'$a_{{{coefficients_n[i]}}} = {coefficients_a[i]:.2f} \\, \\mathrm{{N \\cdot mm^{{{-1 - coefficients_n[i] / 2}}}}}$'
title_str_b += f'$b_{{{coefficients_n[i]}}} = {coefficients_b[i]:.2f} \\, \\mathrm{{N \\cdot mm^{{{-1 - coefficients_n[i] / 2}}}}}$'
if i < index - 1:
title_str_a += ', '
title_str_b += ', '
fig.suptitle(f'Williams field with {index} {"term" if index == 1 else "terms"}', y=0.95)
ax.set_title(title_str_a + '\n' + title_str_b, fontsize=14)
output_file = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, f'Williams_{index}.png')
plt.savefig(output_file, bbox_inches='tight')
The following plot shows the influence of the Williams series coefficients on the crack tip field:
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