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Introduce Univ newtype
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phadej committed Jun 29, 2016
1 parent f561c92 commit 4cb25e2
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Showing 21 changed files with 246 additions and 191 deletions.
29 changes: 20 additions & 9 deletions base/Data/Universe/Class.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
module Data.Universe.Class
( -- | Bottoms are ignored for this entire module: only fully-defined inhabitants are considered inhabitants.
, Finite(..)
) where
( -- | Bottoms are ignored for this entire module: only fully-defined inhabitants are considered inhabitants.
, Finite(..)
, Univ(..)
) where

import Data.Universe.Helpers

Expand All @@ -25,10 +26,17 @@ import Data.Universe.Helpers
-- in 'length' pfx = 'length' (nub pfx)
-- @
class Universe a where
universe :: [a]
-- | Memoised CAF. Use with care as the expanded value will live forever.
-- See <>
universe :: [a]
universe = getUniv universeUniv

-- | 'Univ' containing all values of @a@.
universeUniv :: Univ a
default universe :: (Enum a, Bounded a) => [a]
universe = universeDef
default universeUniv :: (Enum a, Bounded a) => Univ a
universeUniv = universeDef

-- | Creating an instance of this class is a declaration that your 'universe'
Expand All @@ -54,5 +62,8 @@ class Universe a where
-- Just 1
-- @
class Universe a => Finite a where
universeF :: [a]
universeF = universe
universeF :: [a]
universeF = getUniv universeUnivF

universeUnivF :: Univ a
universeUnivF = universeUniv
85 changes: 56 additions & 29 deletions base/Data/Universe/Helpers.hs
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@@ -1,34 +1,58 @@
module Data.Universe.Helpers (
-- | This module is for functions that are useful for writing instances,
-- but not necessarily for using them (and hence are not exported by the
-- main module to avoid cluttering up the namespace).
module Data.Universe.Helpers
) where
-- | This module is for functions that are useful for writing instances,
-- but not necessarily for using them (and hence are not exported by the
-- main module to avoid cluttering up the namespace).
module Data.Universe.Helpers
) where

import Control.Applicative
import Data.List
import Prelude

-- | Type synonym representing container of elements.
-- 'Univ' has one invariant: all elements in @'Univ' a@ are distinct.
newtype Univ a = Univ { getUniv :: [a] }

instance Functor Univ where
fmap f = Univ . fmap f . getUniv

instance Applicative Univ where
pure = Univ . return
Univ f <*> Univ x = Univ (f <*> x)

instance Monad Univ where
return = Univ . return
m >>= f = Univ $ getUniv m >>= getUniv . f

emptyUniv :: Univ a
emptyUniv = Univ []

univCons :: a -> Univ a -> Univ a
univCons x (Univ xs) = Univ (x : xs)

-- | For many types, the 'universe' should be @[minBound .. maxBound]@;
-- 'universeDef' makes it easy to make such types an instance of 'Universe' via
-- the snippet
-- > instance Universe Foo where universe = universeDef
universeDef :: (Bounded a, Enum a) => [a]
universeDef = [minBound .. maxBound]
universeDef :: (Bounded a, Enum a) => Univ a
universeDef = Univ [minBound .. maxBound]

-- | Fair n-way interleaving: given a finite number of (possibly infinite)
-- lists, produce a single list such that whenever @v@ has finite index in one
-- of the input lists, @v@ also has finite index in the output list. No list's
-- elements occur more frequently (on average) than another's.
interleave :: [[a]] -> [a]
interleave = concat . transpose
interleave :: [Univ a] -> Univ a
interleave = Univ .concat . transpose . fmap getUniv

-- | Unfair n-way interleaving: given a possibly infinite number of (possibly
-- infinite) lists, produce a single list such that whenever @v@ has finite
-- index in an input list at finite index, @v@ also has finite index in the
-- output list. Elements from lists at lower index occur more frequently, but
-- not exponentially so.
diagonal :: [[a]] -> [a]
diagonal = concat . diagonals
diagonal :: [Univ a] -> Univ a
diagonal = Univ . concat . diagonals . fmap getUniv

-- | Like 'diagonal', but expose a tiny bit more (non-semantic) information:
-- if you lay out the input list in two dimensions, each list in the result
Expand All @@ -37,45 +61,48 @@ diagonal = concat . diagonals
-- list.
diagonals :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
diagonals = tail . go [] where
-- it is critical for some applications that we start producing answers
-- before inspecting es_
go b es_ = [h | h:_ <- b] : case es_ of
[] -> transpose ts
e:es -> go (e:ts) es
where ts = [t | _:t <- b]
-- it is critical for some applications that we start producing answers
-- before inspecting es_
go b es_ = [h | h:_ <- b] : case es_ of
[] -> transpose ts
e:es -> go (e:ts) es
where ts = [t | _:t <- b]

-- | Fair 2-way interleaving.
(+++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
(+++) :: Univ a -> Univ a -> Univ a
xs +++ ys = interleave [xs,ys]

-- | Slightly unfair 2-way Cartesian product: given two (possibly infinite)
-- lists, produce a single list such that whenever @v@ and @w@ have finite
-- indices in the input lists, @(v,w)@ has finite index in the output list.
-- Lower indices occur as the @fst@ part of the tuple more frequently, but not
-- exponentially so.
(+*+) :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
[] +*+ _ = [] -- special case: don't want to construct an infinite list of empty lists to pass to diagonal
xs +*+ ys = diagonal [[(x, y) | x <- xs] | y <- ys]
(+*+) :: Univ a -> Univ b -> Univ (a,b)
Univ xs +*+ Univ ys = Univ $ unfairProduct xs ys

unfairProduct :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
unfairProduct [] _ = [] -- special case: don't want to construct an infinite list of empty lists to pass to diagonal
unfairProduct xs ys = getUniv $ diagonal [Univ [(x, y) | x <- xs] | y <- ys]

-- | Slightly unfair n-way Cartesian product: given a finite number of
-- (possibly infinite) lists, produce a single list such that whenever @vi@ has
-- finite index in list i for each i, @[v1, ..., vn]@ has finite index in the
-- output list.
choices :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
choices = foldr ((map (uncurry (:)) .) . (+*+)) [[]]
choices = foldr ((map (uncurry (:)) .) . unfairProduct) [[]]

-- | Very unfair 2-way Cartesian product: same guarantee as the slightly unfair
-- one, except that lower indices may occur as the @fst@ part of the tuple
-- exponentially more frequently. This mainly exists as a specification to test
-- against.
unfairCartesianProduct :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
unfairCartesianProduct _ [] = [] -- special case: don't want to walk down xs forever hoping one of them will produce a nonempty thing
unfairCartesianProduct xs ys = go xs ys where
go (x:xs) ys = map ((,) x) ys +++ go xs ys
go [] ys = []
unfairCartesianProduct :: Univ a -> Univ b -> Univ (a,b)
unfairCartesianProduct _ (Univ []) = emptyUniv -- special case: don't want to walk down xs forever hoping one of them will produce a nonempty thing
unfairCartesianProduct (Univ xs') ys = go xs' where
go (x:xs) = fmap ((,) x) ys +++ go xs
go [] = emptyUniv

-- | Very unfair n-way Cartesian product: same guarantee as the slightly unfair
-- one, but not as good in the same sense that the very unfair 2-way product is
-- worse than the slightly unfair 2-way product. Mainly for testing purposes.
unfairChoices :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
unfairChoices = foldr ((map (uncurry (:)) .) . unfairCartesianProduct) [[]]
--unfairChoices :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
--unfairChoices = foldr ((map (uncurry (:)) .) . unfairCartesianProduct) [[]]
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion base/universe-base.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: universe-base
version: 2
synopsis: A class for finite and recursively enumerable types and some helper functions for enumerating them
license: BSD3
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ library
other-extensions: CPP
build-depends: base >=4 && <5
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall
if impl(ghc >= 7.4)
other-extensions: DefaultSignatures
121 changes: 64 additions & 57 deletions instances/base/Data/Universe/Instances/Base.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Data.Universe.Instances.Base (
-- | Instances of 'Universe' and 'Finite' for built-in types.
Universe(..), Finite(..)
) where
-- | Instances of 'Universe' and 'Finite' for built-in types.
Universe(..), Finite(..)
) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Int
Expand All @@ -13,40 +14,46 @@ import Data.Universe.Class
import Data.Universe.Helpers
import Data.Word

instance Universe () where universe = universeDef
instance Universe Bool where universe = universeDef
instance Universe Char where universe = universeDef
instance Universe Ordering where universe = universeDef
instance Universe Integer where universe = [0, -1..] +++ [1..]
instance Universe Int where universe = universeDef
instance Universe Int8 where universe = universeDef
instance Universe Int16 where universe = universeDef
instance Universe Int32 where universe = universeDef
instance Universe Int64 where universe = universeDef
instance Universe Word where universe = universeDef
instance Universe Word8 where universe = universeDef
instance Universe Word16 where universe = universeDef
instance Universe Word32 where universe = universeDef
instance Universe Word64 where universe = universeDef
instance Universe () where universeUniv = universeDef
instance Universe Bool where universeUniv = universeDef
instance Universe Char where universeUniv = universeDef
instance Universe Ordering where universeUniv = universeDef
instance Universe Integer where universeUniv = Univ [0, -1..] +++ Univ [1..]
instance Universe Int where universeUniv = universeDef
instance Universe Int8 where universeUniv = universeDef
instance Universe Int16 where universeUniv = universeDef
instance Universe Int32 where universeUniv = universeDef
instance Universe Int64 where universeUniv = universeDef
instance Universe Word where universeUniv = universeDef
instance Universe Word8 where universeUniv = universeDef
instance Universe Word16 where universeUniv = universeDef
instance Universe Word32 where universeUniv = universeDef
instance Universe Word64 where universeUniv = universeDef

instance (Universe a, Universe b) => Universe (Either a b) where universe = map Left universe +++ map Right universe
instance Universe a => Universe (Maybe a ) where universe = Nothing : map Just universe
instance (Universe a, Universe b) => Universe (Either a b) where universeUniv = fmap Left universeUniv +++ fmap Right universeUniv
instance Universe a => Universe (Maybe a ) where universeUniv = univCons Nothing $ fmap Just universeUniv

instance (Universe a, Universe b) => Universe (a, b) where universe = universe +*+ universe
instance (Universe a, Universe b, Universe c) => Universe (a, b, c) where universe = [(a,b,c) | ((a,b),c) <- universe +*+ universe +*+ universe]
instance (Universe a, Universe b, Universe c, Universe d) => Universe (a, b, c, d) where universe = [(a,b,c,d) | (((a,b),c),d) <- universe +*+ universe +*+ universe +*+ universe]
instance (Universe a, Universe b, Universe c, Universe d, Universe e) => Universe (a, b, c, d, e) where universe = [(a,b,c,d,e) | ((((a,b),c),d),e) <- universe +*+ universe +*+ universe +*+ universe +*+ universe]
instance (Universe a, Universe b) => Universe (a, b) where universeUniv = universeUniv +*+ universeUniv
instance (Universe a, Universe b, Universe c) => Universe (a, b, c) where
universeUniv = fmap mk $ universeUniv +*+ universeUniv +*+ universeUniv where
mk ((a,b),c) = (a,b,c)
instance (Universe a, Universe b, Universe c, Universe d) => Universe (a, b, c, d) where
universeUniv = fmap mk $ universeUniv +*+ universeUniv +*+ universeUniv +*+ universeUniv where
mk (((a,b),c),d) = (a,b,c,d)
instance (Universe a, Universe b, Universe c, Universe d, Universe e) => Universe (a, b, c, d, e) where
universeUniv = fmap mk $ universeUniv +*+ universeUniv +*+ universeUniv +*+ universeUniv +*+ universeUniv where
mk ((((a,b),c),d),e) = (a,b,c,d,e)

instance Universe a => Universe [a] where
universe = diagonal $ [[]] : [[h:t | t <- universe] | h <- universe]
universeUniv = diagonal $ Univ [] : [Univ [h:t | t <- universe] | h <- universe]

instance Universe All where universe = map All universe
instance Universe Any where universe = map Any universe
instance Universe a => Universe (Sum a) where universe = map Sum universe
instance Universe a => Universe (Product a) where universe = map Product universe
instance Universe a => Universe (Dual a) where universe = map Dual universe
instance Universe a => Universe (First a) where universe = map First universe
instance Universe a => Universe (Last a) where universe = map Last universe
instance Universe All where universeUniv = fmap All universeUniv
instance Universe Any where universeUniv = fmap Any universeUniv
instance Universe a => Universe (Sum a) where universeUniv = fmap Sum universeUniv
instance Universe a => Universe (Product a) where universeUniv = fmap Product universeUniv
instance Universe a => Universe (Dual a) where universeUniv = fmap Dual universeUniv
instance Universe a => Universe (First a) where universeUniv = fmap First universeUniv
instance Universe a => Universe (Last a) where universeUniv = fmap Last universeUniv

-- see
Expand All @@ -70,20 +77,20 @@ instance Universe a => Universe (Last a) where universe = map Last univers
-- Surprisingly, replacing % with :% in positiveRationals seems to make
-- no appreciable difference.
positiveRationals :: [Ratio Integer]
positiveRationals = 1 : map lChild positiveRationals +++ map rChild positiveRationals where
lChild frac = numerator frac % (numerator frac + denominator frac)
rChild frac = (numerator frac + denominator frac) % denominator frac
positiveRationals :: Univ (Ratio Integer)
positiveRationals = univCons 1 $ fmap lChild positiveRationals +++ fmap rChild positiveRationals where
lChild frac = numerator frac % (numerator frac + denominator frac)
rChild frac = (numerator frac + denominator frac) % denominator frac

instance a ~ Integer => Universe (Ratio a) where universe = 0 : map negate positiveRationals +++ positiveRationals
instance a ~ Integer => Universe (Ratio a) where universeUniv = univCons 0 $ fmap negate positiveRationals +++ positiveRationals

-- could change the Ord constraint to an Eq one, but come on, how many finite
-- types can't be ordered?
instance (Finite a, Ord a, Universe b) => Universe (a -> b) where
universe = map tableToFunction tables where
tables = choices [universe | _ <- monoUniverse]
tableToFunction = (!) . fromList . zip monoUniverse
monoUniverse = universeF
universeUniv = Univ $ fmap tableToFunction tables where
tables = choices [universe | _ <- monoUniverse]
tableToFunction = (!) . fromList . zip monoUniverse
Univ monoUniverse = universeUnivF

instance Finite ()
instance Finite Bool
Expand All @@ -101,25 +108,25 @@ instance Finite Word32
instance Finite Word64

instance Finite a => Finite (Maybe a )
instance (Finite a, Finite b) => Finite (Either a b) where universeF = map Left universe ++ map Right universe
instance (Finite a, Finite b) => Finite (Either a b)

instance (Finite a, Finite b) => Finite (a, b) where universeF = liftM2 (,) universeF universeF
instance (Finite a, Finite b, Finite c) => Finite (a, b, c) where universeF = liftM3 (,,) universeF universeF universeF
instance (Finite a, Finite b, Finite c, Finite d) => Finite (a, b, c, d) where universeF = liftM4 (,,,) universeF universeF universeF universeF
instance (Finite a, Finite b, Finite c, Finite d, Finite e) => Finite (a, b, c, d, e) where universeF = liftM5 (,,,,) universeF universeF universeF universeF universeF
instance (Finite a, Finite b) => Finite (a, b) where universeUnivF = liftM2 (,) universeUnivF universeUnivF
instance (Finite a, Finite b, Finite c) => Finite (a, b, c) where universeUnivF = liftM3 (,,) universeUnivF universeUnivF universeUnivF
instance (Finite a, Finite b, Finite c, Finite d) => Finite (a, b, c, d) where universeUnivF = liftM4 (,,,) universeUnivF universeUnivF universeUnivF universeUnivF
instance (Finite a, Finite b, Finite c, Finite d, Finite e) => Finite (a, b, c, d, e) where universeUnivF = liftM5 (,,,,) universeUnivF universeUnivF universeUnivF universeUnivF universeUnivF

instance Finite All where universeF = map All universeF
instance Finite Any where universeF = map Any universeF
instance Finite a => Finite (Sum a) where universeF = map Sum universeF
instance Finite a => Finite (Product a) where universeF = map Product universeF
instance Finite a => Finite (Dual a) where universeF = map Dual universeF
instance Finite a => Finite (First a) where universeF = map First universeF
instance Finite a => Finite (Last a) where universeF = map Last universeF
instance Finite All where universeUnivF = fmap All universeUnivF
instance Finite Any where universeUnivF = fmap Any universeUnivF
instance Finite a => Finite (Sum a) where universeUnivF = fmap Sum universeUnivF
instance Finite a => Finite (Product a) where universeUnivF = fmap Product universeUnivF
instance Finite a => Finite (Dual a) where universeUnivF = fmap Dual universeUnivF
instance Finite a => Finite (First a) where universeUnivF = fmap First universeUnivF
instance Finite a => Finite (Last a) where universeUnivF = fmap Last universeUnivF

instance (Ord a, Finite a, Finite b) => Finite (a -> b) where
universeF = map tableToFunction tables where
tables = sequence [universeF | _ <- monoUniverse]
tableToFunction = (!) . fromList . zip monoUniverse
monoUniverse = universeF
universeUnivF = Univ $ fmap tableToFunction tables where
tables = sequence [universeF | _ <- monoUniverse]
tableToFunction = (!) . fromList . zip monoUniverse
Univ monoUniverse = universeUnivF

-- to add when somebody asks for it: instance (Eq a, Finite a) => Finite (Endo a) (+Universe)
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions instances/base/universe-instances-base.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: universe-instances-base
version: 1.0
version: 2
synopsis: Universe instances for types from the base package
license: BSD3
Expand All @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ library
other-extensions: TypeFamilies
build-depends: base >=4 && <5,
containers >=0.4 && <0.6,
universe-base >=1.0 && <1.1
universe-base >=2 && <3
default-language: Haskell2010

test-suite tests
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion instances/containers/Data/Universe/Instances/Containers.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,12 +8,13 @@ module Data.Universe.Instances.Containers (
) where

import Data.Universe.Class
import Data.Universe.Helpers

import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- import qualified Data.Map as Map

instance (Ord a, Universe a, Show a) => Universe (Set.Set a) where
universe = Set.empty : go universe
universeUniv = univCons Set.empty $ Univ $ go universe
go [] = []
go (x:xs) = Set.singleton x : inter (go xs)
Expand Down

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