#Overview The issue tracker is a simple application for tracking issues found while developing web bases software in a controlled environment. The application is built to tbe client facing, allowing clients to submit bug reports and grabbing any browser/user information it can parse. Knowing the browser with version, as well as window size is often half the battle when trying to recreate bugs.
Some of the major features of the issue tracker:
- Simple yet comprehensive issue reporting form
- User management and authentication system including password reset
- Simple project management system
- Fully fledged subscription based notification system
- Sortable table views
- Design is entirely responsive
The issue tracker has a fully featured notification subscription system, which automatically subscribes users to projects and issues based on their actions, but allows the user to manage their own subscriptions if they want to watch a particular issue they might not have interacted with, or if they want to remove notifications from and issue they are no longer interested in.
![Image of Single Issue] (https://i.imgur.com/VJ7Syzl.png)
Clone the codebase
Create a new MySQL database
Rename the .env.php.editme file to .env.php
Update .env.php file with proper mysql credentials
Create the neccessary database tables by running the command
php artisan migrate
in the project root -
Run the command
composer install
to install of the neccessary depdendencies -
Once composer has installed all of the dependencies, you can populate the database with fake data by running the command
php artisan db:seed
Navigate to the [issue tracker]
Login using the username admin with the password admin
Click Create User
Enter your email, username, and password
Choose a project
Choose Admin as the user level
Click Create Project in the top navigation
Enter the project name
Enter a the URL slug. This is what will appear in the URL when viewing the project issue page. This should basically be a lowercase version of the project name without spaces. Use hyphens instead of spaces. Ex: "Test Project" becomes “test-project”
Click Create User
Enter the users details
Choose the project for the user from the list
Choose Client as the user level
Navigate to the User List in the navigation
Click on the username of the user you want to edit
Click the edit button
Update the user’s information and click submit
Navigate to the project list in the navigation
Click on the project name of the project you want to edit
Click the edit button
Update the project’s information and click submit