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Q4 2024 Release

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@zachmu zachmu released this 19 Dec 20:34
· 123 commits to main since this release

This is the periodic rollup release of features, bug fixes, and perf improvements for Q4 2024.

Interfaces are not guaranteed stable until 1.0.

Merged PRs


  • 2798: cache session charset
    perf: dolthub/dolt#8691

  • 2796: apply table projections through Distinct nodes
    We weren't pruning table columns when there was a distinct clause over the projections, this resulted the deserialization of every column, even if they weren't going to make it to the result. This is bad for performance, especially if the unread columns are of TEXT, LONGTEXT, 'BLOB, LONGBLOB` type as those are stored out of band, and take longer to deserialize.
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#8689

  • 2795: allow using function as table function

  • 2794: Bump go-icu-regex
    Incorporates the fix from here:

  • 2793: Revert byte copying optimization

  • 2792: Fix the warning checks in enginetest to be more strict
    Previously if an error was expected but none was produced the test would pass.

  • 2791: Properly cast ENUMs to TEXT for CASE and CONVERT statements
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#8598

  • 2788: Fewer wire allocs in SQL() implementations
    Optimizes SQL() implementations that convert interface values into type-specific byte arrays. Combination of skipping runtime.convT checks, that unnecessarily allocated variables to the heap, redundant byte array copying, and other conversion inefficiencies.
    dolt perf here: dolthub/dolt#8651

    goos: darwin
    goarch: arm64
    cpu: Apple M3 Pro
    │  before.txt  │             after.txt              │
    │    sec/op    │   sec/op     vs base               │
    NumI64SQL-12       62.04n ± 2%   51.13n ± 1%  -17.59% (p=0.002 n=6)
    Varchar10SQL-12    66.85n ± 1%   31.38n ± 2%  -53.06% (p=0.002 n=6)
    TimespanSQL-12     62.36n ± 0%   40.31n ± 1%  -35.35% (p=0.002 n=6)
    TimestampSQL-12   1960.0n ± 1%   255.0n ± 2%  -86.99% (p=0.002 n=6)
    DatetimeSQL-12    1968.5n ± 0%   269.5n ± 3%  -86.31% (p=0.002 n=6)
    EnumSQL-12        111.85n ± 1%   37.49n ± 1%  -66.48% (p=0.002 n=6)
    SetSQL-12         175.15n ± 0%   63.55n ± 1%  -63.72% (p=0.002 n=6)
    BitSQL-12          41.84n ± 1%   41.74n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.589 n=6)
    DecimalSQL-12      683.8n ± 3%   281.9n ± 1%  -58.77% (p=0.002 n=6)
    NumF64SQL-12      105.15n ± 1%   91.72n ± 0%  -12.77% (p=0.002 n=6)
    geomean            189.2n        80.50n       -57.45%
    │  before.txt  │              after.txt              │
    │     B/op     │    B/op     vs base                 │
    NumI64SQL-12        24.00 ± 0%   16.00 ± 0%  -33.33% (p=0.002 n=6)
    Varchar10SQL-12    40.000 ± 0%   8.000 ± 0%  -80.00% (p=0.002 n=6)
    TimespanSQL-12      24.00 ± 0%   16.00 ± 0%  -33.33% (p=0.002 n=6)
    TimestampSQL-12   1520.00 ± 0%   56.00 ± 0%  -96.32% (p=0.002 n=6)
    DatetimeSQL-12    1520.00 ± 0%   56.00 ± 0%  -96.32% (p=0.002 n=6)
    EnumSQL-12        112.000 ± 0%   8.000 ± 0%  -92.86% (p=0.002 n=6)
    SetSQL-12          136.00 ± 0%   16.00 ± 0%  -88.24% (p=0.002 n=6)
    BitSQL-12           16.00 ± 0%   16.00 ± 0%        ~ (p=1.000 n=6) ¹
    DecimalSQL-12       439.0 ± 0%   228.0 ± 0%  -48.06% (p=0.002 n=6)
    NumF64SQL-12        38.00 ± 0%   31.00 ± 0%  -18.42% (p=0.002 n=6)
    geomean             108.0        24.94       -76.92%
    ¹ all samples are equal
    │ before.txt  │              after.txt              │
    │  allocs/op  │ allocs/op   vs base                 │
    NumI64SQL-12       2.000 ± 0%   1.000 ± 0%  -50.00% (p=0.002 n=6)
    Varchar10SQL-12    2.000 ± 0%   1.000 ± 0%  -50.00% (p=0.002 n=6)
    TimespanSQL-12     2.000 ± 0%   1.000 ± 0%  -50.00% (p=0.002 n=6)
    TimestampSQL-12   42.000 ± 0%   3.000 ± 0%  -92.86% (p=0.002 n=6)
    DatetimeSQL-12    42.000 ± 0%   3.000 ± 0%  -92.86% (p=0.002 n=6)
    EnumSQL-12         3.000 ± 0%   1.000 ± 0%  -66.67% (p=0.002 n=6)
    SetSQL-12          5.000 ± 0%   2.000 ± 0%  -60.00% (p=0.002 n=6)
    BitSQL-12          2.000 ± 0%   2.000 ± 0%        ~ (p=1.000 n=6) ¹
    DecimalSQL-12      22.00 ± 0%   10.00 ± 0%  -54.55% (p=0.002 n=6)
    NumF64SQL-12       3.000 ± 0%   2.000 ± 0%  -33.33% (p=0.002 n=6)
    geomean            5.554        1.931       -65.24%
    ¹ all samples are equal
  • 2787: Enable support for caching_sha2_password auth
    This change enables users configured with the caching_sha2_password auth plugin to authenticate to a running SQL server. The default authentication plugin is still mysql_native_password, but users can opt-in to caching_sha2_password by creating a user and explicitly specifying the auth plugin.
    Note that the caching_sha2_password auth plugin requires running the SQL server with a certificate so that TLS connections can be established.
    Depends on: dolthub/vitess#390
    Related to: dolthub/dolt#8496

  • 2784: implement EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN PLAN
    Moving our current implementation of EXPLAIN to EXPLAIN PLAN, and replace EXPLAIN with a dummy implementation of MySQL's EXPLAIN
    Looks like this now:

    tmp2/main> explain select * from t;
    | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | filtered | Extra |
    | 1  | SELECT      | NULL  | NULL       | NULL | NULL          | NULL | NULL    | NULL | NULL | NULL     |       |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    tmp2/main> explain plan select * from t;
    | plan             |
    | Table            |
    |  ├─ name: t      |
    |  └─ columns: [i] |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    related: dolthub/dolt#8592

  • 2782: avoid fmt.Sprintf and string alloc for time.Sql
    perf here dolthub/dolt#8640

  • 2781: return ok result for select into statements
    Our SELECT ... INTO ... statements return empty result set, which produces strange output in the dolt sql shell.
    MySQL just returns ok results, so we should too.
    discovered in: #2779

  • 2780: Add support for creating users with the caching_sha2_password auth plugin
    This change enables customers to create users configured to authenticate with the caching_sha2_password auth plugin. The generated authentication string uses the same logic as MySQL's caching_sha2_password auth plugin. Users created with caching_sha2_password can not yet authenticate with a GMS server – the next change in this series will enable that.
    Example usage:

    CREATE USER fred@localhost identified with caching_sha2_password by 'pa$$w0rd';

    Depends on: dolthub/vitess#387
    Related to: dolthub/dolt#8496

  • 2779: fix AS OF clause panic for certain expressions
    We attempt to parse eval AS OF expressions in the builder (because we assume it is going to be a literal), but Subqueries cannot be evaluated until after they have gone through the analyzer.
    partially addresses: dolthub/dolt#8635

  • 2776: bump mysql version
    Certain tools expect a higher version of MySQL.
    Currently, the latest stable version of MySQL is 8.4.4, but 8.0.23 is the minimum needed to satisfy mydumper.
    Additionally, this alters the version() method to select directly from the @@version system variable.
    related: dolthub/dolt#8592

  • 2775: prevent creating and dropping mysql and information_schema databases
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#8621

  • 2774: insert ignore to enum column truncates data

  • 2773: Fixed error in setup found by user

  • 2769: support NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER option in sql_mode
    Older MySQL 5.7 Docs;
    We already do this by default, so this is just parsing the option and does nothing.

  • 2767: Add support for show slave status
    This syntax is deprecated and will be removed in future MySQL versions (SHOW REPLICA STATUS should be preferred instead). However, some tools (e.g. Dolphie, MyDumper) still rely on this deprecated syntax, so we're adding support for it to keep compatibility with those tools.
    Depends on: dolthub/vitess#381

  • 2766: add case for enum return types in multi-branch case statement
    Hotfix for Enum conversion issue:
    Doesn't address real issue, which revolves around conversion for CASE.

  • 2765: increase column size for information_schema.processlist.state
    The State column in our information_schema.processlist table is different than the MySQL implementation because we include progress information. As a result, it is possible to exceed the 64 character limit that the column is defined as.
    However, thius means deviating from MySQL's definition of the table.

  • 2764: information_schema uppercase rule doesn't apply to processlist table
    Selecting from information schema typically results in all uppercase column names, except for the information_schema.processlist table, which follows the non info schema casing (matches the projection).
    Relevant MySQL Bug:

  • 2763: Better error message for invalid charset string
    This is a followup to the comments on this PR:

  • 2762: Add schema to StatsQualifier for schema databases

  • 2761: add innodb_buffer_pool_size system variable

  • 2759: ignore empty strings in sets with multiple values
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#8584

  • 2758: Fix for latin1 issue
    This potentially fixes:

    • dolthub/dolt#8580
      There's a longer comment in the code itself, but the summary is that this is a character set conversion issue. Perhaps it's repertoires or something else, but hopefully this moves us closer to the logically correct behavior.
  • 2757: Refactor: AuthServer
    This change refactors the AuthServer implementation in GMS to the new AuthServer / AuthMethod structure from dolthub/vitess#379
    This is preliminary work to set us up to add support for caching_sha2_password authentication.
    Related to: dolthub/dolt#8496
    Depends on: dolthub/vitess#379

  • 2756: Update README - fix db name when setting context
    I'm pretty sure this needs to match with memory.NewDatabase(dbName) on line 135

  • 2753: Fixes CTE issue with auth
    This fixes the test introduced in:

  • 2751: Fix drop view if exists for doltgres

  • 2750: Fix alter NULL enum value panic

  • 2749: Support create and drop view with schema name

  • 2748: use equal method for scopecolumn
    This fixes DoltgresType comparison issue

  • 2747: Add schema name to definitions for views, triggers, procedures

  • 2741: fix: store the hashed password to 'authentication_string' (to #2740)
    This PR addresse the issue #2740.

  • 2739: Embed the embedded.Tracer into memTracer, to fulfil the updated interface
    I was trying to use this project go-mysql-server as a dependency alongside But the latter project depends on:

    • v1.31.0
    • v1.31.0
      When I updated my go modules with go mod tidy I started to hit a compilation error:
    /Users/samjewell/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/test/mem_tracer.go:22:2: could not import (open : no such file or directory)
    FAIL [build failed]

    Hence this change 🙏

  • 2738: support multi-inherit
    syntax: dolthub/vitess#375

  • 2736: use Equals method for sql.Types
    The new DoltgresType struct cannot be compared with ==, so should use sql.Type.Equals() function.

  • 2734: always unwrap mysql priv db
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#8530

  • 2733: disabling read-comitted

  • 2732: Get field string concat
    Replace fmt.Sprintf with string concat (+).

    BenchmarkSprintf-12        	18748582	        63.29 ns/op
    BenchmarkAddString-12    	39934550	        27.61 ns/op
  • 2729: move applyEventScheduler logic and eventscheduler to builder

  • 2727: fix dropped error in createView

  • 2726: remove resolveDescribeQuery rule
    This rule just recurses into the analyzer, so we should just do it right at the beginning, so we should do it right away and avoid calling all other rules.
    This would be better/cleaner in the planbuilder, but we would need to tell the analyzer to not analyze this node or skip it somehow.
    It's possible to move this logic into analyzeWithSelector.
    It might be more difficult to move this above Analyze, as we'd have to put this logic in a variety of places.

  • 2723: server/handle.go: doQuery cleanup of some error handling.

  • 2722: internal/sockstate: Restore connection checking on Linux.
    GMS server handler is supposed to cancel running queries if the connection which issued them goes away. It does this by checking the connection state out-of-band anytime the query is running and canceling theh query if the connection goes away. The connection checking code is platform-specific and currently only works on Linux.
    In commit 538696b I introduced a bug where the connection checking code tries to inspect the socket state of an already closed file descriptor. This change fixes the behavior so that the file descriptor is left open until the necessary socket state is extracted.

  • 2721: Additional support for vector indexes.
    This PR adds the vector function VEC_DISTANCE to GMS, as well as support for adding and altering vector indexes, and support for SHOW CREATE on tables with vector indexes.
    Vector indexes are not yet supported in Dolt. The corresponding version bump in Dolt will have checks preventing vector indexes from being added to Dolt tables.

  • 2720: move wrapTriggerRollback logic
    This PR removes the plan.TriggerRollback and plan.NoopTriggerRollback node and applies the triggerRollbackIter directly.
    When there are multiple nested triggers (aka triggers that call other triggers), we used to have multiple nested trigger rollbacks with different savepoints. It turns out that was unnecessary and a single savepoint at the top of the iter tree is enough; when there's an error, it propagates back to the top, rollingback all changes.

  • 2719: move applyUpdateAccumulators
    This PR deletes the plan.RowUpdateAccumulator node, and directly injects an accumulatorIter into the rowexec tree in finalizeIters.
    Doltgres fix: dolthub/doltgresql#909

  • 2718: use sqlCtx in handler
    Tests here: dolthub/dolt#8493

  • 2717: push Distinct nodes below Sort nodes
    This PR optimized queries like:

    select distinct i from t order by i;

    When there are many duplicate values in column i, it is much more efficient to eliminate duplicates first, then sort the results.
    There are somewhat unrelated optimizations left as TODOs.
    Optimize query: dolthub/dolt#8488

  • 2716: Update Parser interface documentation
    Updates documentation for the Parser interface to document the requirement that implementations must return vitess.ErrEmpty for empty queries. Without this, GMS will not handle empty queries correctly.
    Related to: dolthub/doltgresql#884

  • 2715: remove exchange node
    These aren't used anywhere, so it's getting removed.
    Partition still exists if we ever want to reimplement some version of this.

  • 2714: remove plan.QueryProcess and move logic to finalizeIters
    This PR removes the use of plan.QueryProcess and part of the trackProcess rule that adds/removes this node.
    Instead the TrackedRowIter is created directly in finalizeIters.

  • 2713: Support for schema names in foreign key definitions
    Adds schema names in many places required for foreign key operation in databases with schemas (doltgres)

  • 2712: Planbuilder Authorization

    • dolthub/vitess#372
      What's missing:
    • SHOW commands aren't in yet
    • information_schema doesn't restrict it's output yet
    • Need far more robust testing than what currently exists
      I think SHOW and information_schema will probably have the same solution, which may be to continue doing what we were doing before. Besides that, pretty much every works according to our current tests (outside of the aforementioned missing items).
  • 2710: Changing selectExprNeedsAlias to consider string literal quotes
    When fixing a string literal quoting issue in Doltgres (dolthub/doltgresql#868), table functions stopped working, because the selectExprNeedsAlias started returning true to indicate that an alias was needed (even though it wasn't) and the buildTableFunc function would fail.
    This started happening because the quoted string literals no longer matched InputExpression, since InputExpression always trims off quotes when it is assigned. Another solution could be to expose the trimQuotes function from Vitess and use it to trim expr.String() before matching against InputExpression.

  • 2709: fix LOAD DATA 64K buffer limit
    This PR increase the buffer size for bufio.Scanner to LongTextMax, so hopefully nobody attempts to load a single row larger than 4GB.
    Other changes:

    • moves ignore lines logic to within the loadDataIter
    • drops extra scanner.Text() logic
    • use byte comparison instead of string cast and string comparison
      benchmark: dolthub/dolt#8467
      fixes: dolthub/dolt#8469
  • 2708: removing transaction committing node
    doltgres fix: dolthub/doltgresql#872

  • 2704: fix cascade for foreign keys with multiple references
    This PR fixes an issue where foreign keys referencing the same column would fail to update the parent table (only on GMS).
    Turns out we were adding the updater in the chain under the parent table's name instead of the child's name.
    Additionally, has some small refactoring to tidy up the foreign key chain code.
    fixes: #2671

  • 2703: Minor changes for implicit prefix lengths in Doltgres
    Minor changes to support dolthub/doltgresql#829

  • 2702: fix: make SET system type case-insensitive
    Resolves #2701

  • 2700: compare and convert system types properly

    • IsType() methods now account for system variable types,
    • coalesce type comparison accounts for system variable types
    • create table from select ... statements account for system variable types
      Note: MySQL lists @@admin_port as Integer in their docs, but shows up as UInteger in the CLI
      fixes: dolthub/dolt#8448
  • 2699: resolve column defaults for views
    Properly display defaults for views.
    Also fixes defaults for views with filters.
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#8447

  • 2697: expose planbuilder methods for domain support in Doltgres

  • 2696: clear warnings better and separate warning count from actual warnings
    This PR cleans up the logic surrounding warnings and clearing them.
    The important part was separating the number of "new" warnings from the list of warnings themselves.
    Every query should clear out the warnings from the previous query. The exception is show warnings, which only clears the "count" of warnings.
    When a server runs a query that produces a warning, it immediately calls show warnings. Since the show warnings query itself should NOT clear the warnings, the warning count would always be > 0, and incorrectly indicate that show warnings produced a warning. This causes an infinite loop in .NET. Now, we always clear the warning count, and only clear the warnings themselves when the query is not show warnings.
    We've also had this weird problem of having to double clear warnings, which this should address.

  • 2695: add view column information to information_schema.columns
    This PR has information_schema reparse create view statements to fill in missing information for the information_schema.columns table. There maybe small differences in column type for more complex views, but should be fine.
    Implementing using view.TextDefinition would be slightly easier/cleaner, but for some reason its sometimes empty? Seems like something to do with fragments on dolt side.
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#3168

  • 2692: alter underlying enum values to preserve enum strings
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#7472

  • 2691: Bug fix for DESCRIBE with a schema name

  • 2690: only check references for updated columns
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#2690

  • 2689: Support for schema name in SHOW TABLE statements
    This provides support for show tables from public and show table from mydb.public in postgres dialects.

  • 2685: unbump protobuf

  • 2683: use global parser for engine

  • 2681: Add support for setting/dropping column type and nullability
    Allows altering column type and a column's not null constraint without having to respecify the full column definition. Needed for Postgres' more modular ALTER TABLE syntax.
    Dependent on: dolthub/vitess#367

  • 2679: sql/rowexec: merge_join.go: Fix dropped error in incLeft and incRight.
    This fixes a bug where certain joins were not able to be canceled in a timely manner by canceling their Context.

  • 2678: Support information_schema views/tables hooks for doltgres

  • 2676: Optimization: Defer Projections for Server Queries
    This PR speeds up spooling queries from the server to client when there is a top level projection.
    Changes include:

    • remove unnecessary double allocation of NewROw
    • defer projections until RowToSQL to avoid one extra allocation of sql.Row
      Additionally, this PR cleans up and refactors some code surrounding projections.
  • 2674: refactor resultForDefaultIter
    Reorganizes some code, and removes one unnecessary sql.Row allocation.
    Tiny performance improvement.

  • 2673: Small Refactor to pruneTables

  • 2672: More flexible error checking in enginetests

  • 2669: implement validate_password_strength()
    MySQL Docs:

  • 2668: implement compress() , uncompress(), and uncompressed_length()
    MySQL Docs:

  • 2667: Fix str_to_date function
    STR_TO_DATE function cannot parse "%Y%m%d".
    I mentioned it in the issue #2666

  • 2665: Fix FunctionalDependencies for NonUnique, NonNull indexes on Server
    When using the server engine, we return an error for indexes defined over non-unique not null columns.
    This meant that filters over these columns would incorrectly return error when there were duplicate entries.
    Oddly, this only happens on server engine and not using dolt sql-shell directly.
    The bug stems from a missing check when gathering functional dependencies for equalities.
    Related: dolthub/dolt#8365

  • 2664: Updated go-icu-regex

  • 2663: [stats] convert binary to string for stats bound rows
    tests on Dolt side for round-trip serialization: dolthub/dolt#8361

  • 2662: implement charset() function
    MySQL Docs:

  • 2661: Example in-memory Vector index using the existing index APIs.
    This expands the index interfaces to make it possible to have vector indexes, and demonstrates it with a proof-of-concept in-memory index. It's a rough implementation with some shortcomings: for instance, it doesn't currently handle tables that consist of multiple partitions.
    However, this showcases how to use the GMS interfaces to add a vector index.

  • 2657: support get_format()
    MySQL Docs:

  • 2656: handle user variables in load data
    This PR adds support for assigning user variables within a LOAD DATA query, and referencing user variables withing an expression for SET clauses within the same LOAD DATA query.
    Additionally, this PR refactors much of the LOAD DATA code.
    We also moved GetField indexing out of iterator and into analyzer
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#8307

  • 2653: support SET <col> = <expr>, ... clause in LOAD DATA
    partial support for: dolthub/dolt#8307

  • 2652: Add sql.ContextProvider interface
    Doltgres needs a way to get a sql.Context in order to call some functions. This change adds a new sql.ContextProvider interface and has Handler implement it.
    See dolthub/doltgresql#685 for the code that needs to call this new interface.

  • 2651: fix collations with recursive hash for HashInTuple expressions
    When hashing tuples, we don't take into account the collation of the individual elements, which results in incorrect comparisons for case insensitive collations.
    The fix here was to recursively hash each individual element in a tuple, and hash the slice of hashes.
    fixes dolthub/dolt#8316

  • 2650: conflict in EqualityRangeBuilder
    Fix bug in equality range builder where duplicate equality filters to one value would stomp each other.
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#8317
    dolt-side: dolthub/dolt#8322

  • 2648: use sqlparser.Expr rather than querypb.BindVariabl

  • 2645: Fix revision databases not showing up for schema databases

  • 2644: Fix Integration Workflow
    This makes a few changes to how the integration workflow is handled:

    • main is now merged into this PR before testing. Previously, we would just use the PR as-is, which created a situation where the main branch included changes that the PR had not yet merged in. This created an issue as Dolt and DoltgreSQL would expect some changes to be present that were not yet merged into the PR, causing compilation errors. By merging main, we bypass this. In addition, the workflow will automatically pass if a merge conflict is detected. I think this is fine, since conflicts must be resolved before the PR can be merged anyway. This does mean that some errors may not be caught for as long as merge conflicts against main exist.
    • We only pulled comments, and the PR description does not count as a comment. This made it seem a bit inconsistent with how PR detection was handled. This has now been added, and we're now doing a basic string search instead of using a JSON parser, as concatenating the comments and description does not result in a valid JSON object.
    • Workflow should automatically run when a comment is added, modified, or deleted. This was already supposed to happen, but the event structure differed between a comment and push in a subtle way, causing the workflow to immediately error and for the UI to continue displaying the previous run. This made it seem as though the workflow did not respond to comment updates.
    • Additional logging messages have been added, so it's easier to debug if something goes wrong in the future.
  • 2641: Correctly handle indexes on virtual columns
    Fixes dolthub/dolt#8276
    Lots of small behaviors around virtual columns were not working correctly:

    • Adding an index on a virtual column triggered a table rebuild even when this wasn't necessary
    • Rebuilding a table that contained virtual columns could lead to incorrect results
    • Inserting into a table with a virtual column could update indexes incorrectly
    • Adding a generated column to the start of a table could lead to incorrect results
      This PR adds tests for these cases and fixes them by tweaking the logic for projections on tables with generated columns.
  • 2638: Change ranges to an interface

  • 2637: Adding a test combining duplicate indexes through create table and alter table
    Additional test case for #2634

  • 2636: Add additional engine tests for indexes on generated columns.
    These tests verify the correctness of dolthub/dolt#8273.
    Some of the checks in these tests are skipped because they run afoul of dolthub/dolt#8275 and dolthub/dolt#8276

  • 2635: Fix multi-statements in nested triggers

    • have different savepoint names
    • this fixes nested triggers overwriting save points and clearing the same savepoint
    • handle aliases independently for each statement in trigger blocks
    • sync up prepend and scope nesting for triggers
    • wrap applyTrigger rule wraps triggerExecutors over individual statements in BeginEndBlocks
    • this prevents wrapping triggerExecutors over the wrong statements (not matching event or table)
      related: dolthub/dolt#8213
  • 2634: Adding tests for supporting duplicate secondary indexes
    New tests asserting that multiple indexes over the same set of columns can be created on tables.
    dolthub/dolt#8274 fixes Dolt for these tests to pass.

  • 2633: handle view resolution when the schema is not defined in SELECT stmt

  • 2631: include parent scopes in update and delete triggers
    partially fixes dolthub/dolt#8213

  • 2629: normalize column defaults
    This PR adds a new analyzer rule to normalize literal column default values.
    This rule ensures that the default value is consistent for the column type (float defaults over int columns are rounded properly).
    It does this by evaluating the column default, and placing that into a NewLiteral of the proper type.
    Additionally, this ensures that dolt serialization receives consistent values (normalized floats and proper types).
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#8190

  • 2628: Aggregation/range scan perf edits

    • Resolving aggregation functions checks the integrator function provider first. The interface required us to create an expensive error object to resolve any standard functions. Now we only create the error object if a function name is not found in integrator and standard list.
    • Skip duplicate unused functional dependency tracking in coster.
    • Aggregations with no group by and single scopes can only return one row, so use the sql.QFlagMax1Row shortcut.
      benchmarks here: dolthub/dolt#8241
  • 2627: Fix error when comparing incompatible types in IndexLookups
    When building lookups for IndexedTableAccess, we always convert the key type to the columns type.
    This is problematic when the key can't be converted to the column type without error.
    The expressions used in Filters properly handle this conversion, so we should default to that.

    tmp/main*> create table t (i int primary key);
    tmp/main*> select * from t where i = json_array();
    error: '[]interface {}' is not a valid value type for 'int'

    This doesn't errror in MySQL. Also without a primary key or secondary index, the query succeeds in dolt.

  • 2625: Bug fix: the timestamp function should convert to a datetime type
    MySQL's timestamp function, despite its name, actually returns a datetime type and not a timestamp type.
    MySQL example:

    mysql -uroot --protocol TCP -e "select timestamp('1000-01-01 00:00:00');" --column-type-info
    Field   1:  `timestamp('1000-01-01 00:00:00')`
    Catalog:    `def`
    Database:   ``
    Table:      ``
    Org_table:  ``
    Type:       DATETIME
    Collation:  binary (63)
    Length:     19
    Max_length: 19
    Decimals:   0
    Flags:      BINARY
    | timestamp('1000-01-01 00:00:00') |
    | 1000-01-01 00:00:00              |

    Note: We still need to add support for the second, optional parameter to timestamp().
    Customer issue: dolthub/dolt#8236

  • 2624: Use ctx.Done() as a faster check for ctx.Err()
    The err call is noticeable for queries that read a lot of rows.

  • 2623: Fix anti-join correctess bug
    We had some strange logic for accepting a join anti-match, ripped it out and everything seems to be working correctly now.

  • 2621: implement icu_version function
    MySQL Docs:

  • 2620: implement name_const function
    MySQL docs:

  • 2619: Assume text index comparisons are exact
    We currently do not eliminate filters of the form column(VARCHAR) = text literal (longtext) when pushing filters into index lookups. The safety check is necessary at least for datetimes, spatial/fulltext and partial TEXT indexes. It's not clear whether it is necessary for full varchar indexes.
    dolt side seems OK: dolthub/dolt#8218

  • 2618: More aggressively elide IN filters used for indexed lookups
    re: dolthub/dolt#8215

  • 2617: More QueryProps, missed max1rowiter usage

  • 2616: fix insert id
    The logic setting the InsertID in OkResult, did not match results returned from last_insert_id().
    This was made apparent due to changes from #2614.
    For a single insert statement, MySQL sets InsertID exactly once when the AutoIncrement on the column is first triggered.
    While the linked PR fixes that issue and properly sets the session variable, our insertRowHandler (which is responsible for returning OkResult structs) was setting InsertID incorrectly.
    The fix is to just read the LastInsertID from the session, since it is already set to the right value.

  • 2615: faster status updates
    System variables can be session, global, or both. sql.IncrementStatusVariable is a helper method that primarily helps the "both" category increment the global and session counters for certain variables. Threads_running is a global only variable that is incremented/decremented every begin/end query, and gets a lot of traffic. The old code used sql.IncrementStatusVariable to increment Threads_running, which was a particularly expensive way to increment a global var because (1) we'd make a new error for every call to the session updater, and (2) the extra map lookup is unnecessary. We don't do the extra map lookup now, and we weren't using the error return so I removed the return variable.
    Note: this also refactors status variables to be explicitly initializated in the engine
    bump/perf here: dolthub/dolt#8189

  • 2614: update LAST_INSERT_ID when auto incrementing from empty, NULL, and DEFAULT
    Our logic for determining whether or not we needed to update last insert id only looked at the insertSource schema.
    This does not take into consideration empty, NULL or DEFAULT values.
    Additionally, the value that last insert id is set to depends on what the auto increment value will be.
    This PR addresses those issues.
    Also, has some refactoring for readability.
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#7565

  • 2613: Query properties rule filtering
    Edit most of the analyzer interfaces to pass a new context object that accumulates query specific properties. Currently the object is called QueryFlags, and accumulates information about the query to inform better rule filtering and more efficient spooling strategies.
    The change that has the biggest effect on oltp_point_select perf is the sql.QFlagMax1Row setting, which lets us skip the default results iter boilerplate when we're only returning one row. Added a couple other skips for rules that are easy to whitelist correctly and show prominently on CPU profiles, like aggregations and subqueries.

  • 2610: use datetime precision in information_schema.columns.datetime_precision
    When determining if a schema change occurred, one of the tables Prisma looks at is the information_schema.columns.
    Here, we incorrectly mark all datetime and timestamp columns as with a precision of 6.
    If a table has type DATETIME(3), Prisma would think there was a schema change, and perform a migration when one isn't needed.
    This PR addresses this issue by having the information_schema.columns table accurately reflect the datetime preicision of the columns,
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#8173

  • 2609: fix output type for DateAdd() and DateSub() functions
    The output of DateAdd(), AddDate(), DateSub(), and SubDate(), changes if the input is a properly formatted string vs a date/datetime/time/timestamp.
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#7304

  • 2606: [memo] assume self-join stats cardinality continuity
    Self-join stats estimation is particularly expensive because all of the buckets exactly overlap. If the index is unique, the cardinality distribution will not change. If the index is non-unique, the cardinality will expand proportional to rowCount/distinctCount.

    BenchmarkOltpJoinScan-12    	    1766	    694524 ns/op	  462834 B/op	    8240 allocs/op
    BenchmarkOltpJoinScan-12    	    2460	    481166 ns/op	  193569 B/op	    7129 allocs/op

    sysbench perf here: dolthub/dolt#8159

  • 2605: add lock to prevent warnings from being cleared
    This PR adds two functions to BaseSession that toggle a boolean, so integrators can prevent warnings from being cleared.
    This is mostly useful for dolt sql shell.
    addresses dolthub/dolt#8016

  • 2604: Index searchable edits
    We previously added support for integrators choosing their own indexes with an sql.IndexSearchable interface. This was for a customer use case. This PR expands the interface to let Dolt cache information about strict key lookups.
    The motivation is that (1) strict key lookups will always be the best-case scenario result of index costing, (2) caching this information in-between ALTER statements is usually a long enough lifecycle for the overhead to be worth it.
    I added a streamlined range builder as part of this optimization that only accepts literal values in the order expected by the target lookup. The user of this range builder takes responsibility for feeding the values in the correct order. As a result, we sidestep expensive string formatting, map creating, and map lookups during range building.
    Follow-on fixes to functional dependencies permuted plans a bit more. Inner joins are chosen more frequently in some of our test plans now that we're reflecting strict key max-1-row cardinalities.

  • 2603: [memo] reorder should add new plans to intermediate expr join child
    There was a bug where we'd add reordered join plans to project or distinct nodes, rather than their join children. Code comment explains more clearly how this works.

  • 2602: disallow forward slash in database name
    fixes dolthub/dolt#8126

  • 2601: Fixed error in converting panics to errors

  • 2600: Support information_schema.columns hook for doltgres

  • 2598: Adding the binlog_expire_logs_seconds system variable
    MySQL @@binlog_expire_logs_seconds reference docs

  • 2596: Fix information_schema.columns for databases with schemas
    Missed this table in my original PR

  • 2595: Adding user name and host length validation to CREATE USER
    This change matches MySQL's behavior of limiting user names to 32 chars and host names to 255 chars. Attempting to create a user with a name or host longer than that limit now returns a validation error.
    Customer issue: dolthub/dolt#8120

  • 2594: Fixed REGEXP
    This fixes the case-sensitivity issue found in: dolthub/dolt#8117
    Although we had moved REGEXP_LIKE to the ICU engine, we forgot to also move REGEXP, which is a synonym for REGEXP_LIKE according to the docs. This makes that change, and also completely removes all remnants of the old regex code.

  • 2593: custom row exec
    Additions for custom row operators on Dolt side: dolthub/dolt#8072

  • 2591: Bug fix: Fix @@binlog_row_metadata, add @@binlog_row_image
    Fixes an error in the definition for the @@binlog_row_metadata system variable that prevented it from being queried. Adds the @@binlog_row_image system variable that was missing.

  • 2590: Fix databases iter for information_schema tables
    Doltgres information_schema tables include the schemas for the current database, not all databases

  • 2588: Only register version function if it doesn't already exist

  • 2587: Fix information_schema catalog and schema names
    We had already made this change for doltgres here, this just applies it to more information_schema tables

  • 2583: [stats] Disable histogram bucket merging for now because it mutated shared memory
    Merging buckets in the current format is unsafe:

    • we collect statistics for an index where two buckets have overlapping values
    • we execute a join using the index with overlapping values, and use a merge algorithm to combine those buckets. The merged bucket is synthetic, but the statistics used for the join is also synthetic, so this all works as expected.
    • a future indexscan selects the compressed range from before, accessing one of the synthetic buckets created by the join
    • we error invalid bucket type: *stats.Bucket at the end of the indexscan when adding the filtered histogram with a synthetic back to the implementor-type statistic
      Edited mergeOverlappingBuckets to not share memory, but also I'm not sure if merging buckets is a common performance win in most cases, so disabling for now
  • 2581: [stats] populate types for nil zeroing

  • 2580: Remove a duplicate column from information_schema
    Just what it says on the tin. This duplicate column causes problems for DuckDB when attempting to connect to doltdb databases.

  • 2578: Catch panics in listener
    We had several goroutines in which panics would crash the server process. These were being triggered by panics due to errors in doltgres. Added a recover block to each goroutine.

  • 2577: calling JSON_EXTRACT and JSON_VALUE with a path that has an out-of-bounds array access should return SQL NULL, not an error.
    The jsonpath module returns an error when performing a lookup with an out-of-bounds array index. We need to capture that error and return nil for the lookup operation instead.

  • 2576: fix type and precision for unix_timestamp
    builds off of: #2573

  • 2572: fix for table_catalog for information_schema.tables

  • 2571: Reverting performance_schema database
    After working more with the customer, we identified that the tool (Flyway) was actually gracefully handling the performance_schema query errors, and the real cause of the incompatibility was a different issue. This reverts commit 9df14f8, which stubbed out an empty performance_schema database.

  • 2570: Added infoschema to privilege check
    This fixes: dolthub/dolt#8052
    In the analyzer, we make a check to determine if we're querying the information schema. The queries provided in the issue that do not work are regarded as subqueries, and these are explicitly ignored. This causes the privilege checker to look for the information schema tables by name, which is not the intended behavior.
    This PR just adds an additional information schema check at a lower layer, which should remove the inconsistencies found from the queries provided in the issue.

  • 2569: add SchemaName to DatabaseSchema interface
    This method returns schema name. Schema name for Doltgres and database name for Dolt.

  • 2568: Feature: performance_schema
    Stubbing out the start of the performance_schema database.
    Customer Issue: dolthub/dolt#8051
    Dolt PR: dolthub/dolt#8061
    Dolgres PR: dolthub/doltgresql#424

  • 2567: Add support for SHOW BINARY LOGS
    When the SHOW BINARY LOGS statement is executed, GMS will invoke the registered BinlogPrimaryController to ask it for the list of binary logs and send them back to the client.

  • 2566: Renamed index functions and enums to be public
    This renames the indexScanOp enum so that it's accessible from outside the package, and also replaces the type switch in newLeaf with a replaceable function that can be overridden from outside the package to support types that are not native to GMS.

  • 2565: When a subroutine (like CREATE PROCEDURE contains a subqeury, correctly index into it.
    Fixes dolthub/dolt#8028
    We didn't have tests for constructs containing nested subroutines (like CREATE PROCEDURE foo() CREATE PROCEDURE bar() SELECT 1;
    This PR adds tests for those, but tests where we don't currently match MySQL are disabled. There's enough enabled tests to show that statements like this no longer cause a panic.
    Making sure that we match MySQL for these statements should be done in a follow-up.

  • 2564: validate all string types for unicode
    MySQL throws errors on invalid utf8 encoded strings. A previous PR detected those, but only for []byte string conversions. Prepared statements receive the string parameters as a string type, so this PR moves the check for all conversions.
    Additionally, it adds bindings to AssertErr and AssertErrWithCtx methods.
    related pr: #2562
    dolt pr: dolthub/dolt#8060
    fixes dolthub/dolt#8040

  • 2563: small changes to stats bucket counting
    Joins don't track output MCVs anymore, they aren't in a format where they'd be useful anyways. Also assume MCVs are sorted for faster matching.

  • 2562: throw error on invalid utf8 encoding for strings
    fixes dolthub/dolt#8040

  • 2561: Fixes unexpected timezone converting when passing TIMESTAMP to unix_timestamp()
    see #2111

  • 2560: fix GetField indexes for UpdateJoin with Update Trigger
    This PR addresses an issue where we were incorrectly assigning GetField indexes to an update join query.
    The fix involved:

    • adding a case for triggerIters to rowUpdateAccumulator
    • not picking ResolvedTable references under SubqueryAliases when there are multiple
    • correctly setting the scope node for update joins
      fixes dolthub/dolt#7943
  • 2559: Implement support for DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER
    Fixes dolthub/dolt#7971
    Previously, we would always terminate a block when encountering an error, even if there's a matching handler. Additionally, there was no mechanism to resume an error that happened inside a LOOP construct.
    This correctly implements DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER by making the following changes:

    • Checks for handlers while executing the Block node instead of the BeginEnd node.
    • For DECLARE EXIT HANDLER, the Block returns a special error value that propagates to the containing BeginEnd node in order to terminate just that node.
  • 2556: Compute GetField indexes in procedure if-conditions.
    Fixes dolthub/dolt#7994
    It seems like we aren't running the assignExecIndexes analysis pass on if-conditions when invoking stored procedures, which can cause execution failures if the condition has a sub-expression that has a GetField node.
    Fixing this revealed a related issue: when constructing the scope of the if-condition to determine the correct indexes, we were incorrectly including any columns from the condition's body in the scope. This was also causing incorrect index calculations for GetFields in the if-condition, and is also fixed here.
    (This only affected conditionals in stored procedures, not conditionals in triggers, because the analysis has a separate execution path for each; analyzeProcedureBodies is not called for triggers.)

  • 2555: [stats] simplify stats comparison and mcv logic
    Lazier comparison logic. Skip promoting/converting types when the index types match.
    Remove an expensive and seemingly unnecessary bucket compression step that was re-evaluating mcvs.

  • 2552: support VALUES statement
    fixes dolthub/dolt#8012
    syntax: dolthub/vitess#354

  • 2551: unwrap parenthesized table references
    fixes dolthub/dolt#8009

  • 2546: Add support for tracking the Aborted_connects status variable
    Adds support for MySQL's Aborted_connects status variable.
    Depends on: dolthub/vitess#351

  • 2542: When casting json to a string, always call StringifyJSON.
    This ensures we match MySQL.
    We previously weren't calling StringifyJSON in ConvertToString because that same method was being used when printing JSON to the screen or a MySQL client, which favored speed over matching MySQL exactly. But for casts we must be precise.
    By adding an extra case to StringType.SQL we can distinguish between these cases and handle them properly.

  • 2541: resolve default values for views
    This was somewhat of a regression caused by #2465.
    However, before that PR views always had NULL as their default values, which did not match MySQL.
    Now, we just resolve the default values in the schema, similar to ResolvedTables.
    fixes dolthub/dolt#7997

  • 2540: [planbuilder] More update join table name validation

  • 2539: fix UPDATE IGNORE ... JOIN
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#7986

  • 2537: Update generated index names to match MySQL
    A customer pointed out that when we add indexes with generated names, we don't generate the same names as MySQL. Specifically:

    • When a FK is added with an explicit constraint name, that name should be used to name the automatically created index, if one is created.
    • Secondary indexes are named after the first column in the index in MySQL, not by joining all the columns together.

    Customer issue: Dolt PR with test fixes:
  • 2536: Rename generated FK names when their table is renamed
    Updates our rename table logic to match MySQL's behavior of updating auto-generated foreign key names to match the new table name.
    Customer issue: dolthub/dolt#7959
    Dolt companion PR: dolthub/dolt#7968

  • 2535: Fix UPDATE JOIN matchedRows
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#7957
    Main question is how thorough we want to make the child iter check. Should all iterators implement a ChildIter interface?

  • 2534: Implement row alias expressions (INSERT ... VALUES (...) AS new_tbl ON DUPLICATE x = new_tbl.x)
    When inserting values, the user can specify names for both the source table and columns which are used in ON DUPLICATE expressions. It looks like either of the below options:

    INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (1, 2) AS tbl_new ON DUPLICATE KEY b = tbl_new.b;
    INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (1, 2) AS tbl_new(a_new, b_new) ON DUPLICATE KEY b = b_new;

    This replaces the previous (now-deprecated) syntax:


    Supporting both syntaxes together was non-trivial because it means there's now two different ways to refer to the same column. While he had an existing way to "redirect" one column name to another, this only worked for unqualified names (no table name), and it overrode the normal name resolution rules, which meant we would fail to detect cases that should be seen as ambiguous.
    Previously, we would implement references to the inserted values by using a special table named "__new_ins". I implemented this by keeping that as the default, but using the row alias instead of one was provided. We then create a map from the destination table names to column aliases, and use that map to rewrite expressions that appear inside the VALUES() function.

  • 2533: Table name validation folds strings
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#7958

  • 2532: Move json_function_tests.go and json tests that depend on it to their own package.
    This ensures that non-test code in sql/expression/function/json doesn't depend on testify, which is a library that we only want to depend on for tests.

  • 2531: Bug Fix: Finalize subqueries in IfConditionals when applying stored procedures
    When applying a stored procedure to a CALL statement, we weren't calling finalizeSubqueries() on any subqueries in IfConditional expressions, which caused the subquery to not have a NodeExecBuilder populated.
    Customer issue: dolthub/dolt#7944

  • 2530: Bug Fix: Index name case-insensitivity
    MySQL index names are case-insensitive, but GMS' memory implementation wasn't handling them that way. This makes index names case-insensitive.
    Related to dolthub/dolt#7945

  • 2529: Fix global decimal.MarshalJSONWithoutQuotes overwrite
    The decimal.MarshalJSONWithoutQuotes is a global variable.
    By setting this value then this can cause problems with any other code that does not expect this value to be changed.
    Instead using a custom encoder to ensure that the marshalling behaviour is as expected without changing the global value ensure that this will not cause compatibility issues with other projects.
    This code is covered both by existing tests, and an additional one in this PR.
    (if the custom encode switch case is not added, but the global variables are, then the tests fail).

  • 2528: Bug fix for unwrapping a privileged db

  • 2524: Adding @@max_binlog_size system variable

  • 2523: Added additional analyzer hooks for integrators

  • 2522: More INSERT short-circuits
    Only run an "on update" code block when expressions are non-nil. Directly compare sql mode default string, rather than lowercasing every time.

  • 2520: Default sql mode for common path
    Bit strange & verbose, but has a noticeable effect for small queries.
    perf here: dolthub/dolt#7915

  • 2519: IndexedTableAccess gets indexing fast path

  • 2518: Short circuit for update/delete
    Simple updates and deletes skip most of analysis.
    perf here: dolthub/dolt#7907

  • 2517: Improve correctness and error messages for JSON functions.
    MySQL doesn't do this and neither should we.

    mysql> select JSON_INSERT("null", "$.a", 1);
    | JSON_INSERT("null", "$.a", 1) |
    | null                          |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select JSON_INSERT("null", "$.a", 1) is null;
    | JSON_INSERT("null", "$.a", 1) is null |
    |                                     0 |

    The only time we should be coercing a JSON-null document into SQL-null is for JSON_EXTRACT (for paths other than "$") and JSON_VALUE (for all paths). But these are already handled separately.

  • 2515: Zachmu/schemas2 merge

  • 2513: Added workflows for checking integrators
    This adds a new workflow that runs a subset of tests in Dolt and DoltgreSQL to check for any major integration errors. The workflows do not fail if errors are encountered. Instead, they'll create a comment stating which projects had failures. If no failures were found, then no comment is made.

  • 2512: Spooling shortcut for one/zero return schemas
    Nodes that return zero or one row don't need a beefy channel/wait group setup to execute. They just need to grab the first row and close the iterator. There are several nodes that incorrectly reported their schemas previously, which I've updated to be more accurate. There are some nodes that optionally return rows, which I've simplified to return an empty schema that can be differentiated from the nil schema. We could make the distinction more explicit, also.
    bump with perf here: dolthub/dolt#7894

  • 2511: Adding mapping to error code 1049 for ErrDatabaseNotFound errors
    When a database doesn't exist, MySQL returns error code 1049. This change adds a mapping to error code 1049 for ErrDatabaseNotFound errors, and updates our handler so that ComInitDB messages will map errors to MySQL error codes.
    This is needed because tooling (e.g. Pomelo EntityFramework MySQL library) can rely on this error code in application logic.
    Related to dolthub/dolt#7890

  • 2510: Fix race errors with memory tables
    We use this library for running our tests. These are run with the -race flag - and we are seeing some errors related to concurrency and updating of the tables map.
    I've added a sync.Mutex to all the places where this map is updated - our tests are now passing :)

  • 2504: Added InjectedStatement as an AST node
    This is the same as InjectedExpr, except for statements instead of expressions.

  • 2502: Use Uint32 for SEQ_IN_INDEX in 'SHOW INDEXES' queries.
    This is seemingly the correct type for this field.
    MySQL Connector/NET expects this for servers >8.0.1:
    Fixes #2501

  • 2499: fix LIKE NULL edge case
    This PR fixes an edge case where SELECT <str> LIKE NULL should return NULL instead of false.

  • 2498: New interfaces for resolving table names for databases with schemas
    This is a proof of concept to get schema resolution working quickly, and I'm not super happy with the separation of concerns. A better solution would implement table name resolution in the Catalog directly, rather than in the integrator. That effort is significantly hindered by the Catalog being a concrete analyzer implementation with many analyzer-specific details that can't be easily substituted for another implementation. The longer term plan is to perform the extensive refactoring necessary to make the relevant parts of the Catalog swappable, rather than (effectively) having to swap only DatabaseProvider and friends.

  • 2497: trim whitespace when converting strings to numbers
    fixes dolthub/dolt#7854

  • 2495: fix panic in VALUES constructor
    When the number of rows in a ... VALUES ROW(...), ROW(...) statement were not equal, we would throw a panic.
    This PR also unskips some tests that are now fixed.
    Companion PR: dolthub/dolt#6849
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#6849

  • 2494: Replace count star also matches single column pk

  • 2493: Implement status variables for Slow_queries, Max_used_connections, Com_select, and Connections
    Adds support for four new status variables:

    • Slow_queries
    • Max_used_connections
    • Com_select
    • Connections
      Note that Connections currently only reports the successful connection attempts, but MySQL includes all connection attempts in that status variable. To capture the failed attempts, we'll need to expose that information from the Vitess layer.
      Also removes a mutex that was covering the whole scope over all status variables. Now that each individual status variable has a value that uses an atomic instance, we don't need to synchronize at a larger scope.
      Related to dolthub/dolt#7646
  • 2492: skip source values analyze when it only contains simple types

  • 2491: ValidateInsertColumns avoids allocating hash map

  • 2490: Avoid escaping HTML when Marshalling JSON
    Due to a misconfiguration, HTML characters were being escaped when marshaling JSON. This is unnecessary, and since we now potentially display marshalled JSON to the user, we shouldn't be doing this.

  • 2488: System Variables: Add log_bin and change the default of performance_schema
    The log_bin system variable controls whether a MySQL server logs to the binary log or not.
    The performance_schema system variable was previously defaulted to 1, to match MySQL's default, but this can cause tools (e.g. Datadog) to believe that the performance_schema system tables are available, and then error out when trying to query them. Since we don't provide a performance_schema database, the new default for the performance_schema system variable is 0.

  • 2487: Expand literals in comparisons when safe

  • 2486: add parser interface in engine
    This PR creates sql.Parser interface. This interface is defined in the engine and it should be used rather than using mysql parser directly.
    Added GlobalParser variable to expose Doltgres parser for parsing view definition for now. It can also be used in places that needs doltgres-specific syntax parsing.

  • 2485: Have LazyJSONDocument implement fmt.Stringer and driver.Valuer, in order to interoperate with other go SQL libraries.

  • 2482: don't check schema compatibility for select into

    fixes: dolthub/dolt#7781

  • 2481: aliasExpr inputExpression case-insensitive check
    This PR adds case-insensitive check for aliasExpr.InputExpression and expr.String() to determine the expr is referencable.

  • 2473: remove re-parsing select stmt in create view stmt
    Depends on dolthub/vitess#339

  • 2470: Add LazyJSONDocument, which wraps a JSON string and only deserializes it if needed.
    This is the GMS side of dolthub/dolt#7749
    This is a new JSONWrapper implementation. It isn't used by the GMS in-memory storage, but it will be used in Dolt to speed up SELECT queries that don't care about the structure of the JSON.
    A big difference between this and JSONDocument is that even after it de-serializes the JSON into a go value, it continues to keep the string in memory. This is good in cases where we would want to re-serialize the JSON later without changing it. (So statements like SELECT json FROM table WHERE json->>"$.key" = "foo"; will still be faster.) But with the downside of using more memory than JSONDocument)

  • 2469: refactor index validation and prevent indexes over json columns
    This PR consolidates the logic to validate if an index.
    Additionally, it fixes a bug where create table t (i int, index (i, i)); was allowed.
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#6064

  • 2468: Remove session mutex, status variables atomic inc
    Avoid concurrent ctx use in doQuery. I standardized the session status variables to uint64 to make it easier to have them be atomics. The return types for these variables in MySQL seem to be strings, so switching them from int640->uint64 seems OK. We could always change the presentation layer later. Removing the session mutex appears to be safe after these changes.

  • 2467: improve DESCRIBE columns and auto_increment bugs
    This PR makes it so our DESCRIBE statement is more correct when there are unique keys.
    There's an edge case we miss:

    create table t (i int not null, j int not null, unique key (j), unique key (i));
    describe t;

    In MySQL, UNIQUE KEY j is created before UNIQUE KEY i, so describe makes j as PRI.
    In Dolt, we store indexes in a map and return them in order of index name, so we mark i as PRI.
    There are skipped tests for this
    Additionally, this adds the NOT NULL constraint to columns that are marked AUTO_INCREMENT.
    partially addresses: dolthub/dolt#2289

  • 2466: Schema-qualified table names
    This PR also fixes a couple unrelated issues:

    • IMDB query plans are brought up to date (this is most of the change lines)
    • Fixed bugs in certain show statements (information_schema tests)
  • 2465: projection schema finds default values
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#6016

  • 2464: skipping auto_increment on error tests
    I was wrong, this is very broken in dolt.
    Could not find a quick fix, so skipping tests to unblock auto-bumps.
    reopens: dolthub/dolt#3157

  • 2463: Update GMS to detect INSERT statements with row alias and return error.
    We parse these statements but don't yet support them. So for now we return a helpful error.

  • 2461: tests for auto_inc with error
    Hard to tell which PR or combination or PRs fixed this, but this issue no longer reproduces in GMS or Dolt.
    This PR just adds an explicit test case for it.
    fixes dolthub/dolt#3157

  • 2460: implement last_days()
    mysql docs:

  • 2458: add table comments to information_schema.tables
    fixes dolthub/dolt#2389

  • 2456: support to_days() and from_days()
    This PR implements the TO_DAYS and FROM_DAYS MySQL functions.
    Initially, I attempted to use the existing logic from Add/Sub Date along with the 0 year, but there were overflow issues.
    So, there's a skipped test for Intervals.
    to_days docs:
    from_days docs:

  • 2455: Feature: gtid_subtract() function
    Adds support for MySQL's gtid_subtract() built-in function:

  • 2452: Adding support for the SHOW BINARY LOG STATUS statement
    Adds support for handling MySQL's SHOW BINARY LOG STATUS statement.
    As with the other replication commands, we test the privilege checks in GMS and test the actual integration for data flowing through this statement in Dolt.

  • 2451: Bump from 1.28.1 to 1.33.0
    Bumps from 1.28.1 to 1.33.0.
    Dependabot compatibility score
    You can trigger a rebase of this PR by commenting @dependabot rebase.
    [//]: # (dependabot-automerge-start)
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    Dependabot commands and options
    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR: - `@dependabot rebase` will rebase this PR - `@dependabot recreate` will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it - `@dependabot merge` will merge this PR after your CI passes on it - `@dependabot squash and merge` will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it - `@dependabot cancel merge` will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging - `@dependabot reopen` will reopen this PR if it is closed - `@dependabot close` will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually - `@dependabot show ignore conditions` will show all of the ignore conditions of the specified dependency - `@dependabot ignore this major version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) - `@dependabot ignore this minor version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) - `@dependabot ignore this dependency` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the [Security Alerts page](
    > **Note** > Automatic rebases have been disabled on this pull request as it has been open for over 30 days.
  • 2449: Bug fix: SHOW VARIABLES LIKE should be case-insensitive
    Bug fix to make SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '...' match MySQL's behavior by matching patterns case-insensitively.
    Also includes changes to add the missing binlog_format system variable that some replication clients need to query, and initializes the server_uuid system variable.

  • 2448: use SubStatementStr field in DDL for getting sub statement in CREATE VIEW
    This PR allows using defined string for sub statement instead of slicing the original query. If this field is empty, then slice the original query to get the sub statement.

  • 2446: support DECLARE in BEGIN...END BLOCK in TRIGGER
    This PR allows us to use DECLARE statements in TRIGGERS.
    The analyzer rule applyTriggers was altered to initialize ProcedureReference for TriggerBeginEndBlock.
    The important part was ensuring that all relevant nodes (TriggerBeingEndBlock, BeginEndBlock, ProcedureParam) all had the same ProcedureReference and to search in all the nodes.
    Additionally, nil guards are added to all receiver methods for ProcedureReference to prevent panics.
    It seems like events might have this issue, but there's a banaid fix for it. Not sure if I want to touch that code.
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#7720

  • 2445: updating declare in trigger error to be more descriptive

  • 2443: docs: very minor grammar fixes in
    Hi, I just wanted to fix a couple of minor grammatical errors in the file.

  • 2442: prevent panic on triggers with declare statements
    We're reusing a code from stored procedures to handle begin end blocks, but we're missing a lot of set up that prevents certain variables from being nil. Consequently, we panic in a couple places.
    This PR fixes some of those panics, but reveals other problems we have in resolving/executing triggers of this format.
    Partially addresses: dolthub/dolt#7720

  • 2440: support ALTER TABLE ... RENAME CONSTRAINT ... for foreign key constraints
    This PR adds support for ALTER TABLE ... RENAME CONSTRAINT ... for foreign key constraints.
    This is a feature that is NOT supported in MySQL, but we're adding it to make it easier to resolve merge conflicts resulting from foreign key name collisions.
    related: #2438

  • 2439: For AutoIncrement lock modes other than "interleaved", hold the lock for the duration of the insert iter.
    This is the GMS side of dolthub/dolt#7634
    This PR changes the engine to make it acquire a lock (provided by the storage layer) when innodb_autoinc_lock_mode is set to the "consecutive" or "traditional" values. More specifically, it calls a new function in the AutoIncrementSetter interface which optionally acquires a lock and returns a callback for releasing the lock.
    The in-memory DB doesn't have multithreading support, so when just using GMS, this is a no-op. A followup PR in Dolt will update its implementation of AutoIncrementSetter to handle the locking.

  • 2438: have generated index and foreign key names match mysql

    • auto-generated secondary index names don't match (after a conflict)
    • we started at 0, while mysql starts at 2
    • auto-generate foreign key names in a way that matches mysql
    • in-memory used to just have empty string as the constraint name
      we used to error when generating foreign keys over the same sets of columns, but not anymore
      related: dolthub/dolt#7650
  • 2429: server trace time includes parsing


  • 390: Minor bug fixes for caching_sha2_password auth logic
    For accounts without passwords, we need to account for the client sending the null byte when the server re-requests the client auth data, and then skip the AuthMoreDataPacket, and CachingSha2FastAuth packets. Otherwise the mysql client errors with "Malformed packet".
    handleConnectionError is used to report stats about failed connection attempts, but wasn't being called in the correct spot. The previous spot was over counting failed connection attempts, since it was called as part of the auth renegotiation flow. It has been moved to be called whenever we return an error or exit the function without a successful connection.
  • 389: syntax support for custom explain plan
    For debugging purposes, we replaced MySQL's EXPLAIN output with our very own.
    Unfortunately, it is not causing problems, so we must move our syntax into its own thing.
  • 387: Add support for serializing/deserializing caching_sha2_password auth strings
  • 386: parse io_threads and sql_state as no-ops
    related: dolthub/dolt#8592
  • 384: add mariadb table opts and tests
    This PR adds support for parsing the mariadb table options listed here:
    They are all no-ops (much like many of the MySQL table options)
    related: dolthub/dolt#8592
  • 383: parse start transaction with consistent as no-op
    related: dolthub/dolt#8592
  • 382: Add syntax support to allow CREATE USER statements to quote the auth plugin
    MySQL allows the auth plugin name to be quoted or unquoted, but our parser previously only supported the unquoted mode for most forms of CREATE USER. This change adds support for the following forms:
    • CREATE USER user@localhost IDENTIFIED WITH 'auth_plugin';
    • CREATE USER user@localhost IDENTIFIED WITH 'auth_plugin' BY random password;
    • CREATE USER user@localhost IDENTIFIED WITH 'auth_plugin' BY 'password';
  • 381: Add support for show slave status
    This syntax is deprecated and will be removed in future MySQL versions (SHOW REPLICA STATUS should be preferred instead). However, some tools (e.g. Dolphie, MyDumper) still rely on this deprecated syntax, so we're adding support for it to keep compatibility with those tools.
  • 379: Refactor AuthServer to support multiple authentication methods
    In preparation of supporting caching_sha2_password authentication, this change applies the refactoring from vitessio/vitess#8503 to our fork of Vitess so that we can more easily support multiple authentication methods.
    Related to: dolthub/dolt#8496
  • 378: support set names binary syntax (no quotes)
    syntax for: dolthub/dolt#8574
  • 377: Fixed CTE issue with auth
    Fixes the test introduced in:
  • 375: support multiple like tables
  • 374: USE Revisions use proper auth
  • 373: Fixed printing bug in AliasedExpr node (was calling wrong print metho…
    …d, which doesn't work with custom formatters)
  • 372: Embedded Authorization
  • 371: support quoted character set values
    This PR adds syntax support for quoted character set values.
    fix: dolthub/dolt#8455
  • 370: Collapse union types
    Replace union type with one interface type. Static type access in reducer stack become runt-time interface conversions. The compiler builder loses the ability to do type checking at build time, so type safety has to be checked with testing.
    Additional type enforcements are needed for nil-safety. Nil return values have to be typed correctly in the interface variable for casts up the stack to pass. Interface types do not have default nil values, so I've added tryCastXXX helper functions to accommodate untyped nils.
  • 369: Added schema name to show table opts
    No way to populate this field from the parser directly, must be set manually when generating the AST via other means.
  • 367: Adding AST support for setting/dropping column attributes
    AST support for altering type and not null constraint, without having to respecify the full column definition. Needed to support Postgres' more modular ALTER TABLE syntax.
  • 366: allow validate password variables
  • 365: parse vector index syntax
    Supports the following syntax:
    • create table t (v blob, vector index(v))
    • create vector index vec on t(v)
    • alter table t add vector index vec on t(v)
  • 363: support syntax for get_format
    MySQL Docs:
  • 362: parse SET statements for LOAD INFILE
    syntax for dolthub/dolt#8307
  • 361: adding instant as non-reserved keyword
    The INSTANT keyword isn't in the MySQL docs, but it is a non reserved keyword.
    MySQL Docs:
    fixes: dolthub/dolt#8220
  • 360: Bug fix: Preserve sign for integers in prepared statements
    Bound integer values for prepared statements are parsed from the wire and packaged into int64 values that are then passed to the SQL engine to execute with the prepared statement. For int8, int16, int24, and int32 types those bytes from the wire weren't getting cast to the correct type first, before they were cast to int64, which meant if the signed bit was set, the value was interpreted incorrectly.
    Customer issue: dolthub/dolt#8085
  • 359: fix detection of multi-statements in ComPrepare
    Currently, preparing multi-statements is not supported; so we can't prepare a query like select ?; select ?;.
    However, the check for this condition just looked for any characters after the first ;, which meant that queries like select ?; \n would incorrectly throw an error.
    This was made apparent using the Prisma ORM, which runs the query:
    The above query ends in a newline character.
    The fix is to use SplitStatementToPieces(), which trims these white space characters, and check if there's exactly one piece; this was taken from the vitessio repo:
    fixes dolthub/dolt#8157
  • 358: Feature: parser support for PURGE BINARY LOGS syntax
  • 357: Bug fix: Send an error response when the server fails to handle COM_BINLOG_DUMP_GTID
    A MySQL primary needs to be able to send back an error response when handling the COM_BINLOG_DUMP_GTID command. Previously, when the integrator returned an error, it was logged in the primary server logs, but it was not being sent back to the replica who sent the command. This change causes an error packet to be sent to the replica, containing the details of the error the integrator returned.
    This change is difficult to test in isolation, but I have tests in dolt that will exercise this codepath.
  • 356: Bug fix: Off-by-one error when parsing multiple statements
    An off-by-one error in multistatement parsing prevents us from parsing multistatements without a space between the delimiter and the next statement. For example: "SELECT 1;SELECT 2;" would previously be parsed as "SELECT 1;S" and "ELECT 2;".
    Found while testing changes for dolthub/driver#28
  • 355: New functions to create PreviousGtids events, and to update event checksum
  • 354: support VALUES statement
    This PR add syntax support for VALUES statment as an alias for SELECT * FROM ....
    We are still missing SELECT (VALUES ...) (support for values as a select_expression).
    syntax for dolthub/dolt#8012
  • 353: allow backticks in system and user variables
    This PR allows the use of backticks in system and user variables.
    We are more lenient than MySQL when it comes to backticks in set statements.
    For example, we allow set @abc.def = 10, while MySQL throws an error.
    This is because we treat this as a qualified column identifer and automatically strip the backticks.
    test bump #2548
    fixes dolthub/dolt#8010
  • 352: Add support for the CONSTRAINT keyword when adding a foreign key without a constraint name
    Customer issue: dolthub/dolt#8008
  • 351: Add ConnectionAborted() callback to Handler interface
    In order to support the Aborted_connects status variable, GMS needs to be notified when a connection attempt is aborted in the Vitess layer. This change adds a ConnectionAborted() callback method to Vitess' Handler interface and calls it whenever a connection attempt errors out before it's fully established.
    Coordinated with #2546
  • 350: Refactoring BinlogStream type into BinlogMetadata
    The mysql.BinlogStream type from Vitess was a little awkward to use, and seems to have been mostly intended as test code. This gives it a more descriptive name and makes it a little easier to pass around struct copies without concurrency issues from a shared instance.
  • 349: Fixed timestamp bindvar formatting to match MySQL string expectation
  • 348: Allowing caching plugin to be specified in string quotes
    The CREATE USER ... IDENTIFIED WITH syntax (MySQL ref) allows the caching plugin to be specified in string quotes, but our parser only supported identifier quotes.
    This came up as part of binlog replication testing – MySQL was sending a CREATE USER statement from the primary to a Dolt replica, but Dolt wasn't able to parse the statement because of the use of string quotes around the caching plugin name.
  • 347: Added InjectedStatement
    This is the same as InjectedExpr, except for statements instead of expressions.
  • 346: support DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP literal parsing
    The SQL standard has special syntax for parsing date, time, and timestring literals.
    This PR adds support for that.
    Code was mostly taken from vitessio.
    The types are still left as string types, as type conversion later on handles it just fine.
  • 345: parse type aliases in cast
    add support for statements like:
    • select cast(<str> as character)
    • select cast(<str> as double precision)
    • select cast(<str> as read)
  • 344: make row optional in VALUES constructor and insert statement
    This PR adds additional syntax support for VALUE constructor.
    fixes dolthub/dolt#6849
    fixes dolthub/dolt#7853
  • 343: Exposing binary JSON encoding to SQL expression logic for testing
    Exposing logic in Vitess that decodes MySQL's internal, binary JSON serialization encoding, so that we can use it to test JSON serialization.
  • 342: refactor and fully implement alter table syntax
    MySQL Docs;
    fixes: #2472
  • 340: improving partition parsing
    partially addresses: #2472
  • 339: capture select expressions that are sub statements within other expressions
  • 338: Add a schema qualifier to table names
  • 337: Consistently using pointer to AliasedValues in InsertRows interface, never values.
    Once again, golang reminds me that a value type implementing an interface forces the pointer type to also implement the interface, and mixing the two messes up our runtime type reflection.
    I changed all uses of the AliasedValues in InsertRows interface to be pointers so that we can interact with them consistently on the GMS side.
  • 336: Adding support for subtracting GTIDSets
    Needed to support the gtid_subtract() built-in function. Also exposes the ParseMysql56GTIDSet function so that we can parse GTIDSet strings from GMS.
    Related GMS PR: #2455
  • 334: Parser support for FLUSH TABLES statement
    Adds parser support for the FLUSH TABLES <tablename_list> [WITH READ LOCK] statement.
    Also adds SHOW MASTER STATUS as an alias for SHOW BINARY LOG STATUS for compatibility with clients that use the older syntax (e.g. Debezium).
  • 333: Add support for parsing row and column aliases on insert statements.
    Related to dolthub/dolt#7638
    This allows us to parse statements of the form:
    INSERT INTO t VALUES (?, ?, ?) AS new ON DUPLICATE KEY v = new.v;
  • 332: add SubStatementStr for DDL struct
  • 331: add check option to create view
    This PR adds optional WITH CHECK OPTION support for CREATE VIEW
  • 330: support rename constraint syntax
    This PR adds syntax support for ALTER TABLE ... RENAME CONSTRAINT [FOREIGN KEY / CHECK]... for foreign key constraints.
  • 329: Changes to binlog event creation functions
    • Exposing the Length() function in the BinlogEvent interface so calling code can access the event size present in a binlog event's header. Needed for calculating binlog file position.
    • Renaming FakeBinlogStreamBinlogStream so calling code can use it when serializing binlog events.

Closed Issues

  • 2740: Anomaly of account replication from MySQL instance
  • 2701: lowercase sql mode values are not supported
  • 2671: setting two foreign keys to associate with the same field, deleting data is normal but does not take effect
  • 2666: STR_TO_DATE cannot parse "%Y%m%d" format
  • 2501: Problems with MySQL Connector/NET (Mysql.Data) and go-mysql-server
  • 2503: "ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" not come into effect
  • 2472: Parser support for PARTITION BY
  • 2447: Any Benchmarks available
  • 2364: Panic when executing sql statements from external command line tool after startup