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Tracks popularity using Spotify for Developers API


Make sure docker, docker-compose are installed

To run

Fill in your Spotify Client ID and Client Secret in app/id_secret.json file and run:

docker-compose up --build

It starts 3 containers, the script itself, a mysql database and a simple database admin tool to be able to inspect the database in a browser.

The script fetches data about the tracks like name and popularity and exits. The database and admin tool keeps running. To quit, press ctrl-c.

The next day when you run docker-compose up --build it will fetch the latest popularity and add it to the database, so that you can track popularity over time.

To view mysql tables

http://localhost:8080/ in the browser

Specify the following to login
System: Mysql
Server: db
Username: user
Password: 123
Database: test

Click "Select data" to view tracks and track_popularity tables in test db

Example data screenshots

tracks table

track_popularity table

To run the tests

Make sure tox is installed

tox -p auto

If format is wrong, run

tox -e format

Extend the data model to support playlist and tracks relation.

ER Diagram

Extend the data model to include another table called playlist_tracks. It has three columns, fetch_date, playlist_uri and track_uri. It assumes that the tracks in a playlist change only once per day. And the application should store playlist_uri and track_uri daily into database using Spotify playlist web-api to support the two requirements asked in the 2nd task.


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