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DSS (Doryan Simple Slider)


Slider on native javascript and contains nothing extra.

This is a very simple to use slider.

How to use?

  1. Create a construction in the <body>...</body> that looks like this:
<div class="YourSliderName">


In case of using two or more sliders, please don't use the same name for all the sliders on the site or you will end up with a semi-non-working slider

To avoid the problem described above, do as indicated in the code below:

        <div class="YourSliderName_1">

        <div class="YourSliderName_2">

            exampleSettings = {

                autoPlaySlider:         false,
                arrows:                 true,
                prewArrow:              "a_left",
                nextArrow:              "a_right",
                bullets:                true,
                bulletsEffect:          "bullet-pull",
                endlessSlider:          true,
                autoSetterMargins:      false,
                presentationMode:       true,
                thumbSlidesClassName:   "slide-thumb",
                speedAnimation:         400,
                transition:             "ease-in-out",
                swipeScroll:            false,

            exampleSettings = {

                autoPlaySlider:         true,
                autoPlayDelay:          1000,
                autoPlayDirrection:     "right",
                arrows:                 false,
                bullets:                false,
                bulletsEffect:          "bullet-pull",
                endlessSlider:          false,
                autoSetterMargins:      false,
                presentationMode:       true,
                thumbSlidesClassName:   "slide-thumb",
                speedAnimation:         400,
                transition:             "ease-in-out",
                swipeScroll:            true,


You can not configure the slider, but just call the function where you passed the slider class name:

  1. Insert the line with the JavaScript file in the <head>...</head> tags:
<script type="text/javascript" src="ds_slider/ds_slider.js"></script>

as shown in the code:

        <script type="text/javascript" src="ds_slider/ds_slider.js"></script>
        <div class="YourSliderName">

and only then after </body> tag insert the <script> tag, where you call the function to run the slider, like in the example above.

  1. Configure the slider in the SASS files:
$width-container: 800px     //default width of main visible slider part 
$width: 1600px              //default width
$height: 300px              //default height
$dots-size: 15px            //default size a dots
  1. Configure the slider to your liking:
settings = {

    autoPlaySlider: true,                   // Auto play toggle
    autoPlayDelay: 1000,                    // Auto play delay
    autoPlayDirrection: "left",             // Auto play dirrection
    arrows: true,                           // Arrows toggle
    prewArrow:              "a_left",       // Class name for left arrow
    nextArrow:              "a_right",      // Class name for right arrow
    bullets:                true,           // Bullets (dots), which are responsible for the indication of the active slide
    bulletsEffect:          "bullet-pull",  // Appearance of bullets (dots)
    endlessSlider:          true,           // Endless slider toggle (infinity slider)
    autoSetterMargins:      false,          // Auto setter margins for slides
    presentationMode:       true,           // Slider with thumbtrack under gallery
    thumbSlidesClassName:   "slide-thumb",  // Class name for thumbnails
    speedAnimation:         500,            // Speed of scrolling animation
    transition:             "ease",         // Animation type for the slider scrolling
    swipeScroll:            true,           // Scrolling with swipes (working on PC and smartphones)


Then enter all the settings into the slider function, as shown in the example below:

            exampleSettings = {

                autoPlaySlider:         false,
                autoPlayDelay:          1000,
                autoPlayDirrection:     "left",
                arrows:                 false,
                prewArrow:              "a_left",
                nextArrow:              "a_right",
                bullets:                false,
                bulletsEffect:          "bullet-pull",
                endlessSlider:          true,
                autoSetterMargins:      false,
                presentationMode:       true,
                thumbSlidesClassName:   "slide-thumb",
                speedAnimation:         400,
                transition:             "ease-in-out",
                swipeScroll:            false,
  1. All ready to go

At the moment the slider is built into my website and works great (v0.2.0 BETA):


What on stady "work in progress"?

  • Dots navigation
  • Swipes on smartphones
  • Events controller
  • Slider based on OOP (done, check experimental branch)
  • Methods for control events from secondary JS file
  • Adaptive slider (semi-done)

Did you find the bug? Make sure to leave an issue in case of any problems.

If you want help to the project, please, test experimental branch and report any bugs to issue

Check out @tfk004 on Telegram.