Slider on native javascript and contains nothing extra.
- Create a construction in the
that looks like this:
<div class="YourSliderName">
In case of using two or more sliders, please don't use the same name for all the sliders on the site or you will end up with a semi-non-working slider
To avoid the problem described above, do as indicated in the code below:
<div class="YourSliderName_1">
<div class="YourSliderName_2">
exampleSettings = {
autoPlaySlider: false,
arrows: true,
prewArrow: "a_left",
nextArrow: "a_right",
bullets: true,
bulletsEffect: "bullet-pull",
endlessSlider: true,
autoSetterMargins: false,
presentationMode: true,
thumbSlidesClassName: "slide-thumb",
speedAnimation: 400,
transition: "ease-in-out",
swipeScroll: false,
exampleSettings = {
autoPlaySlider: true,
autoPlayDelay: 1000,
autoPlayDirrection: "right",
arrows: false,
bullets: false,
bulletsEffect: "bullet-pull",
endlessSlider: false,
autoSetterMargins: false,
presentationMode: true,
thumbSlidesClassName: "slide-thumb",
speedAnimation: 400,
transition: "ease-in-out",
swipeScroll: true,
You can not configure the slider, but just call the function where you passed the slider class name:
- Insert the line with the JavaScript file in the
<script type="text/javascript" src="ds_slider/ds_slider.js"></script>
as shown in the code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="ds_slider/ds_slider.js"></script>
<div class="YourSliderName">
and only then after </body>
tag insert the <script>
tag, where you call the function to run the slider, like in the example above.
- Configure the slider in the SASS files:
$width-container: 800px //default width of main visible slider part
$width: 1600px //default width
$height: 300px //default height
$dots-size: 15px //default size a dots
- Configure the slider to your liking:
settings = {
autoPlaySlider: true, // Auto play toggle
autoPlayDelay: 1000, // Auto play delay
autoPlayDirrection: "left", // Auto play dirrection
arrows: true, // Arrows toggle
prewArrow: "a_left", // Class name for left arrow
nextArrow: "a_right", // Class name for right arrow
bullets: true, // Bullets (dots), which are responsible for the indication of the active slide
bulletsEffect: "bullet-pull", // Appearance of bullets (dots)
endlessSlider: true, // Endless slider toggle (infinity slider)
autoSetterMargins: false, // Auto setter margins for slides
presentationMode: true, // Slider with thumbtrack under gallery
thumbSlidesClassName: "slide-thumb", // Class name for thumbnails
speedAnimation: 500, // Speed of scrolling animation
transition: "ease", // Animation type for the slider scrolling
swipeScroll: true, // Scrolling with swipes (working on PC and smartphones)
Then enter all the settings into the slider function, as shown in the example below:
exampleSettings = {
autoPlaySlider: false,
autoPlayDelay: 1000,
autoPlayDirrection: "left",
arrows: false,
prewArrow: "a_left",
nextArrow: "a_right",
bullets: false,
bulletsEffect: "bullet-pull",
endlessSlider: true,
autoSetterMargins: false,
presentationMode: true,
thumbSlidesClassName: "slide-thumb",
speedAnimation: 400,
transition: "ease-in-out",
swipeScroll: false,
- All ready to go
- Dots navigation
- Swipes on smartphones
- Events controller
- Slider based on OOP (done, check experimental branch)
- Methods for control events from secondary JS file
- Adaptive slider (semi-done)