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Onlineweb apps Payment

Torrib edited this page Jun 20, 2015 · 8 revisions

Onlinewebs payment system uses Stripes custom checkout system

Short model description


The main object that contains a generic link to a content object (Event, prokom thingy, etc) This object has 3 types:

  • Instant - User have to pay before attending
  • Deadline - A deadline is set and users have to pay within the deadline
  • Delay - The payment deadline is a custom amount of days after attending.


The link between the payment and a user.
Contains an unique id, the time of purchase and a stripe_id used for refunding.


To allow a payment to have multiple prices, a PaymentPrice object contains a price and a description.


Object used to give users extra time. Given to attending users when using payment mode 3(Delay). Given to users bumped from the wait list if the payment.deadline > 2 days.
PamentDelays are deleted when the user pays.

Setting up payment for an object

The example code is from events and references to AttendanceEvent should be changed with your own object.

Add payment to request.session

The request.session should have a payment id.
This should be done in the view method that loads the template with the payment button.
The payments should be passed with the context.

 payment = Payment.objects.get(content_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(AttendanceEvent), object_id=event_id)
 request.session['payment_id'] =
except Payment.DoesNotExist:

events/ - details

Updated payment/

You need to update the following 4 methods:

  • responsible_mail() - Mail address linked to the people responsible for the payment
  • handle_payment()(Optional) - If any additional action needs to be done besides creating a payment object

Refunds (Only needed if you need to support refunds)

  • check_refund() - Do necessary checks to see if the user is eligible for a refund.
  • handle_refund()(Optional) - If any additional action needs to be done when a user refunds.


This is an example of template code supporting multiple payments

{% for payment_price in payment.prices %}
	<p class="status-text payment-price-tag">Prisen er på {{ payment_price.price }} Kr.</p>
	<button id="stripeButton{{ }}" class="btn btn-large btn-success payment-button">Betal med kort</button>
	{% if payment.prices|length > 1 %}
		<p class="help-text row-space">{{payment_price.description}}</p>
	{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if payment_delay %}
	<p class="help-text row_space">Frist: {{ payment_delay.valid_to }}</p>
{% elif payment.deadline %}
	<p class="help-text row_space">Frist: {{ payment.deadline }}</p>
{% endif %}

<script src="{{ STATIC_URL }}js/libs/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="{{ STATIC_URL }}js/payment.js"></script>

Note: You might have to change the jquery version to the newest one in the js/libs folder.

Confirmation mail is sent and the payment_relation object is created automatically on successful payments.



Not needed


Under development


The mommy job runs once a day and sends notifications when it is less than one day left of the delay.
When the delay deadline has passed the user gets a mark and the delay object is set to inactive to prevent further marks from being set.



Functional testing checklist

Note! check that the mails sent are correct


  • Instant payment
  • Payment after attendance
  • Multiple payments
  • Payment with delay
  • Refund and unattended
  • Unattend_deadline passed
  • Attend without payment
  • Untatend without payment


  • Waitlist bump (Without payment)
  • Waitlist bump (with payment, deadline over 2 days in the future)
  • Waitlist bump (with payment, deadline less than 2 days in the future) - Should create paymentdelay object.
  • Waitlist bump (with payment type 3(delay)) - Creates paymentDelay object with deadline = (now + payment.delay)


  • Not paid less than 3 days left of deadline.

  • Not paid deadline passed.

  • Not paid - Has payment delay

  • PaymentDelay - Notification sent when valid_to <= 1 day

  • PaymentDelay valid_to passed - Mark given - Unatend if unatend_deadline not passed.

  • PaymentDelay valid_to passed - Mark given - if unatend_deadline passed - Block users from future events. (Will not be done yet)