SMTKPlugin is a DREAM3D plugin that uses Kitware's [Simulation Model Toolkit (SMTK)][SMTK], an open-source, multi-platform toolkit for supporting simulation workflows by providing access to different modeling kernels, mesh databases, and simulation infomation (via its attribute system).
instructions are similar for Linux. Windows users may need to manually compile all of the dependencies.
- Download at
- Un-tar the tar.gz file and use Terminal to navigate to the resulting gdal source folder
- Execute command ./configure --prefix=[PATH_TO_GDAL_INSTALL_FOLDER]
- Execute command make
- Execute command make install
- Download at
- Un-tar the tar.gz file and use Terminal and run CMake on the resulting VTK source folder
- Run CMake using the following command:
- Execute command ninja
Use git to clone from
[user]$ git clone ssh://[email protected]/nlohmann/json nlohmann_json [user]$ cd nlohmann_json [user]$ git fetch --all --tags [user]$ git checkout v3.0.1 [user]$ mkdir Debug [user]$ cd Debug [user]$ cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Users/Shared/DREAM3D_SDK/NLohmanJson -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF ../ [user]$ ninja install
Download at
Un-tar the tar.gz file and use Terminal to navigate to the resulting Boost source folder
Execute command
Execute command
./b2 install
Clone SMTK from Use the --recursive flag.
Navigate to the repo directory that was just cloned and open smtk/extension/CMakeLists.txt. Add vtkIOGeometry and vtkIOPLY to the required VTK modules section. This should be around lines 31-46.
Run CMake on SMTK using the following command:
cmake -G Ninja -DVTK_DIR=/Users/Shared/DREAM3D_SDK/VTK-8.1.0-Debug -DBOOST_ROOT=/Users/Shared/DREAM3D_SDK/boost-1.66.0 -DGDAL_INCLUDE_DIR=/Users/Shared/DREAM3D_SDK/gdal-2.2.3/include -DGDAL_LIBRARY=/Users/Shared/DREAM3D_SDK/gdal-2.2.3/lib/libgdal.dylib -DSMTK_ENABLE_TESTING=OFF -DSMTK_ENABLE_QT_SUPPORT=ON -DENABLE_HDF5=ON -DHDF5_DIR=/Users/Shared/DREAM3D_SDK/hdf5-1.8.19-Debug/share/cmake -Dnlohmann_json_DIR=/Users/Shared/DREAM3D_SDK/NLohmanJson/lib/cmake/nlohmann_json -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Users/Shared/DREAM3D_SDK/SMTK-Debug ../
Execute command