Space-Invader game written in C, for getting to know the ncurses and p-thread library.
The final project in Operating System course at the 2nd year of Computer Science at the University of Cagliari, centred on getting a better understanding of the mechanisms around an operating system ways to interrupt the code flow inside a software, both at low and high level of abstraction.
Clone repo then run commands:
sudo apt install -y libpthread-stubs0-dev libncurses5-dev build-essential
chmod +x
Commands | Cheats |
Space - Select / Shoot | P - Increase Life +1 |
W - Up | L - Decrease Life -1 |
A - Left | K - Increase Missile +1 |
S - Down | U - Get EMP |
S - Right | J - Get Shield |
Q - Up Left | I - Decrease (All) enemies life -1 |
E - Up Right | |
F - Activate EMP | |
M - Shoot Missile |