To run the following sub-projects
- install pnpm
- go into any subproject
pnpm install
pnpm run dev
- SolidJs site with tailwind
- Signals
- Context
- Routing
- Tailwind
- xState claim processing
- Welcome
- Gather contact info
- Gather accident report
- Processing screen
- Error screen
- Thank you screen
- SolidJs site with tailwind
- Added a server side RPC engine
- Added a fakePrisma
- watch the server vs client console.logs from these RPCs
- Types are shared between client and server
- No need for graphql or rest
- REST vs GraphQl vs Rpc
- What are these and an architectural comparison
- tRpc is available for other frameworks like ReactJs
- NodeJs project for backend
- Added a BaseLayout component using the solidjs
- xState
- Does not use the contexts setClaimWorkflowStatus!
- It now has a defined state machine and onClicks send messags to the machine
- The machine reacts to the messages and updates it's state
- The UI runs off of the machine state!
- State machines are independent of code base
- The same machine can be copied to other code bases
- designers adn product people can define requirements and flow graphically
- programmers can just write the UIs to react to those states
- Visual editor in vsCode
- same projects with
- React
- Graphql
- Graphql Yoga
- TypeGraphql
- Prisma server side
- Solid-Start project setup
- xState
- docs - our first machine
- The initial graph from the AI generation of schema
- xState vs code extension for graphical editing of state in IDE